Malwarebytes AdwCleaner is a free tool you can use to scan and remove adware, spyware, PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs), browser hijackers, unwanted browser toolbars, and any other hard to remove software that came preinstalled on your Windows PC.

Adware is software that displays or downloads advertising content to a computer or mobile device. It can come in the form of pop-up ads, banners, or in-text ads. Adware is typically bundled with other software, and users may unknowingly install it when they download and install other programs. Some adware can be harmless, but some can be more malicious and collect personal information or track browsing activity without the user's knowledge or consent.

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A PUP, or potentially unwanted program, is software that may be unwanted or harmful to a computer or mobile device. PUPs can include things like adware, spyware, or other types of malware that can collect personal information, track browsing activity, or cause unwanted pop-up ads or other forms of advertising to be displayed. PUPs are often bundled with other software and can be installed without the user's knowledge or consent. Some examples of PUPs include toolbars, browser extensions, and optimization software that may not be necessary for the computer or mobile device to function properly.

Use an anti-malware or anti-virus program like AdwCleaner: Many security software programs can detect and remove adware, so it is important to keep your anti-malware software up to date and run regular scans to check for any unwanted programs.

Remove unwanted browser extensions: Many adware programs are delivered through browser extensions, so go to your browser's settings and remove any extensions that you don't recognize or that you suspect may be related to the adware.

The types of programs that AdwCleaner targets are typically bundled with free programs that you download from the web. In many cases when you download and install a program, the install will state that these programs will be installed along with the program you downloaded. Unless you perform a Custom install, these unwanted programs will automatically be installed on your computer leaving you with extra browser toolbars, adware, and other unwanted programs. AdwCleaner is designed to search for and remove these types of programs.

Using AdwCleaner is very simple. Simply download the program and run it. You will then be presented with a screen that contains a Scan and Clean button. The Scan button will cause AdwCleaner to search your computer for unwanted programs and then display all the files, folders, and registry entries found on your computer that are used by adware programs.

When the scan has finished, look through the scan results and uncheck any entries that you do not wish to remove. When you are satisfied with the selection, simply click on the Clean button, which will cause AdwCleaner to reboot your computer and remove the files and registry entries associated with the various adware that you are removing. On reboot, AdwCleaner will display a log showing the files, folders, and registry entries that were removed.

It is also important to note that certain adware programs such as Babylon and Delta Search include a program that alerts you when a program is trying to change your browser's search or home page settings. When running AdwCleaner it will reset your search settings to the default Microsoft one if it detects it has been changed by an adware. If you see the warning that states AdwCleaner is trying to change your browser settings, please allow it to do so.

The 2003 Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security and some other sources use the term "adware" differently: "any software that installs itself on your system without your knowledge and displays advertisements when the user browses the Internet",[2] i.e., a form of malware.

In 2012, Microsoft and its advertising division, Microsoft Advertising,[b] announced that Windows 8, the major release of the Microsoft Windows operating system, would provide built-in methods for software authors to use advertising support as a business model.[13][14] The idea had been considered since as early as 2005.[15] Most editions of Windows 10 include adware by default.[16]

The term adware is frequently used to describe a form of malware (malicious software)[23][24] which presents unwanted advertisements to the user of a computer.[25][26] The advertisements produced by adware are sometimes in the form of a pop-up, sometimes in an "unclosable window", and sometimes injected into web pages.[27][28]

When the term is used in this way, the severity of its implication varies. While some sources rate adware only as an "irritant",[29] others classify it as an "online threat"[30] or even rate it as seriously as computer viruses and trojans.[31] The precise definition of the term in this context also varies.[c] Adware that observes the computer user's activities without their consent and reports it to the software's author is called spyware.[33] Adwares may collect the personal information of the user, causing privacy concerns.[34] However, most adware operates legally and some adware manufacturers have even sued antivirus companies for blocking adware.[35]

Adware has also been discovered in certain low-cost Android devices, particularly those made by small Chinese firms running on Allwinner systems-on-chip. There are even cases where adware code is embedded deep into files stored on the system and boot partitions, to which removal involves extensive (and complex) modifications to the firmware.[37]

That is wrong answer. You gave image of chrome notification that is chrome notification.But question is about virus.That is a virus if antivirus show it as such. Where you got this windows installation?

The answer you accepted just answers about where is comming from this popup, or as so identifies windows hijacked popup manager, that could inform that virus is making popups from chrome or its from windows making false info that its from chrome.

So I canceled the scan out of frustration and decided to wipe out my SSD and HDD to perform a clean install of windows 10. but after finishing installing, the malware bytes (trial version) and Anti malware Service Executable (Windows defender) even after disabling periodically scanning, both of them are together slowing down my laptop again. boot time which use to be 2.2 sec is now 4-5 sec and now today after running the "Microsoft Support Emergency response tool" I found 63 infected files. I honestly don't what to do next.

- High CPU task from both windows defender and malware bytes (refer to the screenshot)

- Microsoft Support Emergency response tool detected infected files and something called VirTool:Win32/DefenderTamperingRestore

I forgot to mention that, in the notification section of malware bytes I had got RTP detection after reinstalling windows 10. from qbittorrent (I was using it to download raspberry pi iso image) and softether VPN (refer to the screenshot)

BIOS time was 2.2 seconds and was fast at startup

Now with the same programs, it is 4-5 seconds and if I open taskbar manager there is a high CPU task from both windows defender and malware bytes

Belarc Advisor( i disable windows 10 updates and use this software to manually install security updates only)

Playing this game you will sooner or later probably be back here with an infected computer or fixing it on your own.

It's your choice and yes Microsoft can sometimes break things but delaying an update until you research it is better than trying to think you're staying on top of things. Sooner or later things always come up and we forget. Then some new exploit comes in and takes over your system and you're back to square one.

YES, it is on Fresh start-up-up of windows. after my laptop starts up and If I open the taskbar manager it starts by not responding followed by a blank screen then a red color will appear on the CPU And Disk and by the time I open the snipping tool, 5 to 10 seconds and will be gone

Surprisingly, after u told me to get the report of Kaspersky, I had to deactivate Malware bytes premium. After a full scan, I restarted the laptop, then the windows defender doesn't load at all! (it's like it is not Defender is not on my laptop anymore) But if I disable Kaspersky I think It will start running again ( i have attached the screenshot)

Honesty this is the first time i was infected my a malware being a computer user for 8 years, between 2018 and 2020 updates from Microsoft Updates was very bad and that is why how i learnt how to perform reinstall of windows 10 from USB. It saved me from going to service center back to back.


YES, it is on Fresh start-up-up of windows.

Exactly, quite normal for all computers. Can and should be ignored. Go grab a drink or something while Windows is starting if that short time period really bothers you.

Has your browser homepage changed recently? Do you find yourself being redirected to dubious websites when you browse online? Have you noticed more pop-ups than usual? If so, your computer may be infected with adware. Find out how to remove adware from your PC and how to avoid adware.

Adware is a form of potentially unwanted software that displays advertisements and collects information about users' behavior. By displaying ads online, adware generates revenue for its creators. However, unlike legitimate online advertising, users download adware unknowingly. In addition to displaying ads, some adware collects user data and sells it to third parties to create more targeted ads.

Adware may change your homepage to another page designed to install more adware or even sometimes malware. You may also notice unexpected browser extensions, software applications, plug-ins, or toolbars.

If you have antivirus security software like Kaspersky, you already have one of the best solutions to protect against adware. Security software actively guards against malicious or PUP downloads, scans attachments and links, and blocks pop-ups. Your behavior in the digital world is your first line of defense. However, cybersecurity programs are essential when it comes to protecting yourself against adware threats. e24fc04721

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