So they have been warning us for a while now that the old google chat would be getting removed for some time now (I liked it on the right side and the little tab windows that would pop up at the bottom)

Now its on the left side and I need possible solutions for getting the old view back. I am unsure how google versions/rollouts work is what im asking even possible? I really wish there was "themes" or something where I could just pick one and stay with it. I dont understand why they have to mass force this for everyone. Its a terrible design strategy.

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Same for me, Load/Save/View grayed out and this is a logical feature, after I tried a chat, I would like to continue at a later time at the same point. Maybe OpenAI is surprised by the usage of the playground and thought this is not worth the effort?

As well from me, this feature Load/Save/View would be very much appreciated!

INTROThis demo uses the Dynamic Components extension by Yusuf Cihan, to create a card style listview for AppInventor 2. A background image file is used for the "card", and the image (clickable) and the button (text display) are used to activate a...

since the ais is not available, bro can you share about those 3 firebase buckets, are thier same api key and tokens? i try to copy all the blocks in the image you uploaded but, i get 2 buble chat, as sender and reciever when i send message, that suppose to be the correct, i get the first bubble chat, and get second bubble chat with responser reply, overall i see your work with this blcks a good chat history, its stored everything , nice using firebase

im working it out, so i can continue your guide for our community, im clarifying since the firebase uses same api key and token, ti can easily trigger th when data changed automaticaly coz it will call the taglist like the image fourth to check for the message you provide. It should be in another screen which create an inbox to check new messages, probably a listview component, which when its click its manually  call the messages of two user when the firebase bucket correct blocks, which you provide in the guide. A lot of things to do, i share an aia when i finish this project for guide purposes to save time for everyone

Each one-to-one and group chat in Microsoft Teams (free) has chat details, where you can find shared files, locations, calendar items, tasks, and more. To view the chat details, select the chat, then tap the chat header at the top of the screen.

Add a new simple component message into the chat view. If you do not want a user image or title or message or timestamp, then let the field empty. Make sure that the component is VISIBLE on the screen when you try to add it here. It will be then removed automatic from the screen and only visible again in the chat view.

Every chat message must be prefixed with a '' or '^' for left, right & center aligning the messages respectively. Each chat message consists of 3 parts: The header, message and the subtext. The parts are separated by a '|' character. Take a look at the example below to see how it works:

GitHub Copilot Chat is a chat interface that lets you ask and receive answers to coding-related questions directly within a supported IDE. Copilot Chat can help you with a variety of coding-related tasks, like offering you code suggestions, providing natural language descriptions of a piece of code's functionality and purpose, generating unit tests for your code, and proposing fixes for bugs in your code. For more information, see "About GitHub Copilot Chat."

To confirm that GitHub Copilot Chat has been successfully installed, in the activity bar on the left side of the Visual Studio Code window, click the GitHub Copilot Chat icon to open the GitHub Copilot Chat chat window.

Stack Overflow has a great archive of past comments, questions, answers, votes and so on. However, I can't seem to find a record of my past chat messages. Is this something that is archived? If so, then how can I access?

Note: If you like to learn about the latest GitHub Copilot experience in Visual Studio Code, go to the GitHub Copilot in VS Code topic, where you'll find details on the Copilot editor integration and Copilot Chat features such as inline Chat, the dedicated Chat view, and Quick Chat.

As the excitement around ChatGPT grew, so did the number of internal and external extensions with custom Chat views. We worried that these would not scale, it's hard to support the basics like key bindings and themes in a web view, and for those using the Monaco editor for code blocks, it is very hard to scale to hundreds of instances, not to mention there is no extension support in those editor instances. As a result, we partnered closely with the GitHub Copilot team to build a Chat view into the core of VS Code.

The most obvious value of an integrated experience over a browser-based chat is that we can provide context to the model, helping to ground the conversation and provide better answers. For example, you can't easily ask the browser-based ChatGPT to optimize code that spans multiple files. VS Code already knows a lot about the workspace as this is how you can do refactorings across files, Find All References, Go to Definition, and more. Key information can be responsibly embedded in the prompt so that the model can give more relevant answers, ultimately letting you ask Copilot to optimize or refactor code that has dependencies across multiple files.

Answers to many programming questions often include multiple steps. Think about how many blog posts walk you through a process - a Chat view is well suited for this type of interaction. A great example is debugging. If we're being honest (and we are), it isn't easy to configure launch.json and tasks.json for debugging. Instead of us writing more documentation or adding dialogs and wizardry to the editor, it turns out you can simply ask "/vscode add a launch.json and a tasks.json" which then provides instructions on how to create the files, content to add, and so on, until you are hitting breakpoints and inspecting variables like a boss.

But perhaps the most important reason for integrating chat is because having a two-way conversation helps you decide what is right and what is wrong. Large language models are not perfect, and they don't "think". They simply figure out the next best word to respond with (granted, they are pretty good at this).

Naming is hard (we should know, our product is called "Code"). However, "GitHub Copilot", is a great name. Rather than "pair programmer" or "auto pilot" or simply "chat", "Copilot" conveys multiple important concepts in a single word.

The combination of a Chat assistant, in-editor Chat, and inline completions let you leverage the power of Copilot no matter what coding "zone" you are in. Just getting started or have questions? Use the Chat view. Furiously writing code and want to do some refactoring, updating, or scaffolding? Smash Ctrl+I and ask Copilot to do it for you. Working your way through a problem step by step? Use inline completions to Tab-Tab-Tab your way to success.

The instructors would like to be able to view some of the meeting features such as the chat and participant list, but none of that stuff is available when connected via a room system. Is there any way for instructors to monitor things like the meeting's chat? The only thing I can come up with is to have them join the meeting again in a browser so they can see the chat, but this seems like a sloppy workaround and I was hoping there was a better way.

A Flutter package that allows you to integrate Chat View with highly customization options such as one on onechat, group chat, message reactions, reply messages, link preview and configurations for overall view.

Use Conversation view to quickly see the individual messages in a threaded conversation, in a format similar to the application that the messages are from. You can also view the details of the chat thread, including the number of participants, display names, number of messages in the chat thread, and more.

When you save a chat thread to your case, the file is named with the name of the chat application and the date and time stamp of the last message in the thread. For example, "Skype Chat Messages - 7_05_2016 3_09_04 PM."

I'm building a chat view for my app with MessageKit. Image messages are something that this chat view will support. I'm currently having an issue where if the last message is a picture message, the message won't be properly displayed:

To integrate your customization into the SDK, you will need to create a new CustomFactory (or any name you prefer), and provide your implementation of the method there. Afterwards, you will need to inject the newly created CustomFactory into our view hierarchy.

While the channels are loaded, a loading view is displayed, with a simple animating activity indicator. If you want to change this view, with your own custom view, you will need to implement the makeLoadingView of the ViewFactory protocol. 2351a5e196

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