Even though the catdcdList command is reckognized (colored in green), I still have exactly the same error message. I tried out littles changes to my request but I keep getting the above error message. The second example from the official catdcd webpage does not work neither.

This directory is the default that is installed when you configure VMD 1.9.2. Note that you may have a different version of catdcd installed (such as catdcd4.0, which comes from the VMD website). In any case, you'll need to find the directory that corresponds to the catdcd file on your computer.

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5) You should be able to type "catdcd" in the terminal (without opening vmd) and it should now recognize the command. You should also be able to use catdcd in the tkconsole, but I find it easier to use in the terminal.

Thanks Axel. However, I was wondering if catdcd would work when the frames are not in a contiguous order. I do not see an option in catdcd where a specific sequence of frames could be explicitly specified instead of just the -first -last flags which would account for a contiguous stretch. Am I missing something?

You can tryfrom MDAnalysis import *

u = Universe(PSF, ["traj_1.dcd", "traj_2.dcd"])to load the two trajectories automagically in sequence. At the moment you will only be able to sequentially iterate through it, though. You can analyze the universe u as usual or you can write a new trajectory with (from memory...)W = Writer("full.dcd", u.atoms.numberOfAtoms())

for ts in u.trajectory:

W.write(u)Of course, you can also concatenate the dcds with VMD's catdcd tool (although one needs to keep in mind that catdcd appears to treat times as ps whereas the CHARMM format is in "AKMA" units. I can't remember what LAMMPS does.)

CatDCD project functions much like the Unix "cat" command: it concatenates DCD files into a single DCD file. You can also use catdcd to write only selected atoms to the final DCD file.

Here are some key features of "CatDCD":

 catdcd functions much like the Unix "cat" command: it concatenates DCD files into a single DCD file.

 It also allows the user to specify which atoms and which frames should be written into the output file; thus DCD's can be split as well as combined.

Sassena is a program to get scattering functions for X-Rays and Neutrons from atomistic simulations. If you want to install Sassena, and catdcd to convert gromacs trajectories to dcd NAMD format (and many others), please go to the end of that page. A good idea before starting would be to read the paper describing Sassena that must be cited if you use this software.

This script (cat trajectory) is intended to be used on NAMD 2.8 colvars trajectory files. It's usage is similar to catdcd and the default behavior is to concatenate colvar trajectory files from consecutive runs. As with catdcd it is able to skip frames and thus reduce the time resolution. The first file read will always contain one more frame then the following files because it either includes frame zero or the last step from the previous file. 006ab0faaa

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