The Raspberry Pi Camera Module 2 replaced the original Camera Module in April 2016. The v2 Camera Module has a Sony IMX219 8-megapixel sensor (compared to the 5-megapixel OmniVision OV5647 sensor of the original camera).

The camera works with all models of Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3 and 4. It can be accessed through the MMAL and V4L APIs, and there are numerous third-party libraries built for it, including the Picamera Python library. See the Getting Started with Picamera resource to learn how to use it.

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All models of Raspberry Pi Zero require a Raspberry Pi Zero camera cable; the standard cable supplied with the camera module is not compatible with the Raspberry Pi Zero camera connector. Suitable cables are available at low cost from many Raspberry Pi Approved Resellers, and are supplied with the Raspberry Pi Zero Case.

I'm assuming that camera is supported in the newer bullseye raspberry OS, which the Octopi 1.0.0rc4 version is based on. You will still more than likely have to install a different streaming service on the pi, like camera-streamer or go2rtc because of the IMX chipset.

I've been 2 days trying to configure this camera for Octoprint and I've been unable, both as in the stable version as in the bullseye based nightly, I've tried different ways and solutions like the camera-streamer and I can only get it to work in the terminal, but not in Octoprint, has anyone got something else?

If you get it working in terminal I wouldn't think it would be that difficult to get working in the OctoPrint interface. You will definitely have to disable the webcamd service for starts. I know Char in the OctoPrint Discord server got it working with an IMX219 camera.


is there some update about support of raspberry pi camera V3?

I saw some note in New OctoPi Release: 1.0.0 ( Please note that OctoPi 1.0.0 does not yet include support for the new Raspberry Pi Camera v3. However, we are actively working on a webcam stack swap that will allow us to support libcamera based cameras like that one and also newer Arducams. A test image built on top of OctoPi 1.0.0 via OctoPi-UpToDate with that should hopefully be available within the next two weeks!)

Do you mean the link posted by Charlie_Powell? Looks like that has been closed, but I still can't get the RPi Cam v3 to work under OctoPrint 1.9.0 (installed via OctoPi v1.0.0, a week ago). As that discussion is closed, I can't comment any further on it, so figured I'd ask here if support for the camera is now working before I submit a bug report...

I also note in the comments on that article that it is not possible to easily upgrade to the new camera stack, and it is easier to just start all over again with a fresh install of the image. So I shall do that.

Has any body been able to successfully install the needed drivers and kernel to use the ribbon cable Pi Cam as the Astroprint video camera? I really want to be able to use the camera and mount I have stuck to my Makerbot Dual Extruder already.

What did you already try to solve it?:

I have tried changing a number of different settings but none of them have resulted in an image out of the camera. The camera is plugged in the correct way and the status light lights up when the pi is powered. Most of the tutorials I've found seem to reference parts of the Octopi.txt file that no longer exist so I suspect its simply a recent change in the way cameras are handled that I don't understand how to set up. "vcgencmd get_camera" returns "supported=1 detected=1, libcamera interfaces=0"

The raspi mode does not exist anymore on the image you have installed, which is why those settings were removed from octopi.txt. The RPi cameras have worked in the usb mode for a while now, and the old driver that raspi used is no longer supported. Use usb mode and configure camera_usb_options.

So are you saying the only thing I have to do is uncomment the "camera_usb_options" line from octopi.txt and it should work?

I've just tried that line like this: camera_usb_options="-r 640x480 -f 10 -y" but it still doesn't seem to work.

Now test your camera v1.3 and see what happens. If it doesn't work, add a comment to the thread and someone should be able to help get the parameters correct. I had issues with my camera V2 and got them fixed with help from those following that topic.

I have been struggling to get a timelapse from my Octoprint using a Raspberry Pi camera v1 (ov5647). The Octoprint server says it can't find a camera feed. I believe it's the same issue as described above. My /boot/config.txt has the line dtoverlay=ov5647 so the system recognizes the camera and on the Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB command line I get a good feed ($ libcamera-hello -t 0 --rotation 180 --width 1296 --height 972). I tried changing the parameters on the /boot/octopi.txt from camera="raspi" to camera="usb" as hinted above, but nothing shows on the timelapse server.

Nope, never did work this out. I ended up just buying a cheap USB camera instead and its been working fine for me. I chucked the Pi Camera in my junk box assuming it was dead but now that I see others are having dramas too I might fish it back out and try it on its own (without octo-print) to see if it actually does work.

I decided to reinstall the whole thing from scratch, using this time the newest version of the Octopi OS with upgraded camera settings. Then, only changed the /boot/config.txt to include dtoverlay=ov5647 so that it recognizes the Raspberry Pi camera v1. Then it all worked out! I can now record timelapses and check the video feed coming from the camera inside the OctoPrint server window on the browser.

A Raspberry Pi Zero W with the companion camera module is the core of my setup. There are other ways to do this, of course. The Pi is nice for me because I knew I could log in to it remotely to change the software setup on the fly, if needed. Built-in support for the camera module is also very convenient.

Raspberry website shows high quality output = RAW12/10/8, COMP8. I am thinking that means no onboard processing. Does your Raspberry camera have the same outputs? Is your software written to process this to h.264 ?

The Raspberry Pi hardware has some conveniences for using the Raspberry Pi camera, which includes encoding the raw frames from the CSI port into a H264-encoded stream, which is presented to the other software running on the RPi as just another format supported by the camera itself.

An update for you Eliot. My Raspberry Pi 12.3 mp camera works ok on a Pi 3B+ (the only one I could find locally to substitute) although the ardu-sub program does not. Many things changed with this version. Think I need stay with USB.

I am completely new to DOCKER. Yesterday I have installed Docker on a raspberry pi 4 with portainer. I have deployed 2 Containers 1. Octoprint and 2. Home assistant. This works well so far. I can work with both. But in octoprint the raspberry pi camera is not reachable. There are many tutorials out there for USB webcams and Docker but non for the Raspberry Camera direct attached to the board. The camera worked as far as I only had the octoprint OS on the raspberry pi. In octoprint I have the failer massage that points on error ind vcdencmd I have to make sure that the camera is in the video group. This says nothing to me because I am not a Raspberry pi Pro. Is it a dockerproblem or a general Raspbian OS Problem?

And if you're interested in getting into the nitty-gritty, check out the contents of the script, and read the official picamera module documentation for a ton of useful background information.

Couple things - first, works great on a pi zero-w with the original camera. Nice. Second, your code doesn't like interval=1 because you sleep interval-2 in the code. I didn't know you coded up the wayback machine :-)

This is great for fiddling with the camera resolution, but just running 'motion' will get the job done nicely and do timelapse very efficiently on even the oldest Pi. I've been running it doing timelapse movies for a few years now on an old model-B with a USB webcam. Gonna port all this stuff over to the zero-w and my new ZeroView mounting thing from pihut (way cool - would be great for a birdbox cam)

Any more you are adding to this time lapse project? I did see about you improving focus of pi camera. Have to read it. I have the same little case for camera and Pi Zero. I can't believe why they didn't put a slit to remove the micro SD card!

Want to read about your other projects. You are quite diverse!

Take care, Don

But currently the cams are powered by a power line and I t want to replace it with a solar powered power bank .

Therefore I need a glimpse ofbzero w's power consumption while streaming camera ... and you have the cam , the zero w and the foundation cam.

Maybe you have an idea what streaming means in power consumption, what size of panel and powerbank I need for 14 hours live transmission

Thx ...

Either way, thank you again for posting this. I'm able to create a nice series of images of my 3D printer running with a Pi Zero and camera. Currently I'm just using a program on my laptop to stitch the images together.

Is there a way to combine this with other software on the pi that would allow viewing the camera live from another computer with a browser? It'd be helpful to be able to aim/focus/adjust the picture vs transferring stills. I know nothing about how all this is stitched together but know enough to recognize potential problems with conflicting tools trying to use the same hardware.

Note: The camera cable should not be used with a display, and vice versa. We have both cables available. The Raspberry Pi brand cameras and displays will still come with the old style cable until further notice.

I was tempted to join the cause, but after reading more on the subject I discovered alternative strategies for building a camera to survey the night sky. Ultimately, I decided that I wanted to capture attractive color images more than I wanted to contribute data to the Global Meteor Network, which uses black-and-white cameras because of their greater sensitivity. ff782bc1db

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