Currently, I have a 20-core server, and I am planning to buy a license for a Windows Server from a retail store. They advised me that it is very difficult to understand. Can you help me with how to calculate and choose a license for a server with 16 cores?

It isn't difficult at all really. For a server with 16 cores a 16-core license will suffice. For a 20-core server you'll need to purchase the 16-core plus 2 additional 2-core packs to cover the total of 20 cores.

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Hope every one is doing well, I'm new to windows server licensing, and I have a question how many license do I need if I have a Dell server with 2 Physical CPUs and have 8 cores per CPU, but I use as a virtualisation solution vSphere v5 on it, and I need one VM with Windows server 2016 standard.

In Windows 10, Microsoft ditched the good old calculator app and replaced it with a new Modern app, which we wrote about recently here: Run Calculator in Windows 10 directly. Many people are not happy with this change because the old Calc.exe loaded faster, and was more usable for mouse/keyboard users. If you would like to get the classic Calculator app back in Windows 10, it is possible. In this article, we will take a look at the Old Calculator for Windows 10 program which will allow you to get Calculator from Windows 8 and Windows 7 in Windows 10.

Update: a new version of Old Calculator is available. In this version, I made it possible for the old calculator to "survive" after sfc /scannow, Windows Update and so on. No system files will be replaced any more.

You are done. The Calculator app will be revived completely, e.g. you will be able to launch it as "calc.exe" from the Run dialog or from the taskbar search box or from Cortana. It will have the same interface language as your operating system. If you will decide to revert to the Modern Calculator app, just uninstall the Old Calculator from the Settings app\Uninstall a program, see the following screenshot:

Your program worked on my laptop but not on desktop (which has been giving problems since recent big Windows 10 update) Is there a way to uninstall Winaero so that I can try instllation again? Thank you.

Hello, thank you for the excellent work. Maybe you can help me with a quick issue. In prior versions of windows, if you used executed the program using your keyboard short cut you could immediately start typing in the calculator. Now in windows 10 if you execute the calculator you then have to click on the open calculator before you can type. Huge drag as though does not sound time consuming, when you need to use the calculator often it is a hassle, especially trying to break the habit of executing the calculator and trying to immediately use it only to be throwing out blanks lol. Thanks!1

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hate the abomination that is Windows 10 calculator. It looks like a kindergarten class designed it with the added bonus of 1 out of 10 times I use it I can actually type in numbers from my keyboard :( You sir, are a godsend!

In command prompt, there is no way to bind calc1 to calc unless you will use aliases as mentioned here:


 I suggest you just to type calc1 instead.

 I will look if Image File Execution Options\Debugger is suitable for calc. Thanks for the idea.

Thank you for the great work! Quick question: In old calculator, when I pressed the calculator shortcut on my keyboard, if it was open, it would only switch to it instead of opening a new one. Now every press results in a new copy of the calc.exe running. Is there a way to make it work like it used to?

After taking ownership of the calc.exe and replacing it with your file it would not run. I remember the old version of your calculator used to take over instead of being number 2. Is it possible to download that somewhere?

The previously mentioned problem that now every time I press the calculator shortcut on my keyboard it keeps opening a new copy of the calculator. The previous version just switched to the already opened version. I understand that the previous version overwritten some system files and that it would not make it past an upgrade but I am happy to keep reinstalling it in exchange to have it work in a way that makes a lot more sense to me. :)

What do you like about the Calculator? It is slow on even slightly older PCs, has no menu bar and most functions are hidden inside one stupid hamburger menu button. You cannot even have unit conversion next to the calculator.

At home (Pro) I have not received that update and both pinning and focus appear to work fine. I can press the calculator button and focus is correct. (OTOH, focus could be intermittent and it has just been working any time I need it)

Even if you get this file from an old win7 installation, Windows defender will try to prevent the installation of the mui for some reason. Once installed, you can reenable defender, and it will not bother anymore, even when doing a system scan, but doing an SFC can delete it.

Tip: Winaero Twaker is essential software for every Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 user. It allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the operating system in a flexible way.

Try Winaero Twaker now!

La calculadora de precios de AWS ahora es compatible con las estimaciones de costos informticos de cargas de trabajo de SQL Server y Windows Server. La estimacin para cargas de trabajo ahora tiene en cuenta las licencias de Microsoft. La calculadora para Windows Server y SQL Server en Amazon EC2 brinda una seleccin de opciones de licencias, como licencias proporcionadas por AWS con opcin de licencia incluida (LI) y licencias existentes de clientes con opcin de uso de licencia propia (BYOL), para un ahorro en costos ptimo. Adems, identifica tenencia en la nube adecuada y un modelo de precios para ahorrar en costos, en base a las entradas de infraestructura y licencias.

Gracias a la funcin Optimizar CPU de la calculadora de cargas de trabajo, los clientes ahora cuentan con la flexibilidad de especificar una cantidad personalizada de CPU virtuales para instancias nuevas, a la vez que se benefician la misma cantidad de memoria, almacenamiento y ancho de banda de una instancia de tamao completo. Esto permite a los clientes BYOL (con licencia propia) optimizar sus costos de licencias de CPU virtuales. Adems, es compatible con la capacidad para indicar nodos pasivos para cargas de trabajo de SQL Server.

Las nuevas funcionalidades, como la capacidad de indicar varias especificaciones de mquinas, recomendaciones de almacenamiento y detalles de costos, incluidas las licencias BYOL, simplifican la evaluacin autoservicio de precios para las nuevas cargas de trabajo de Windows Server y SQL Server en AWS.

Para comenzar, visite la pgina de la calculadora de precios de AWS para cargas de trabajo de Amazon EC2 en Windows Server y SQL Server. Para obtener ms informacin sobre cmo ahorrar, compartir y exportar clculos de costos, vea la Gua para el usuario de la calculadora de precios de AWS.

Windows Calculator es la aplicacin oficial de calculadora para Windows 10 y Windows 11. La app de Windows Calculator es una de las ms completas que podemos encontrar para Windows, ya que no solo ofrece varios modos de calculadora, sino que tambin cuenta con multitud de conversores.

En modos de calculadora, encontramos estndar, cientfica, programacin y grfica. Con la cientfica, contamos con opciones ms avanzadas, como la posibilidad de usar parntesis y visualizar de manera ms cmoda clculos complejos. Con la calculadora de programacin, podemos convertir fcilmente a decimal, hexadecimal o binario. Por ltimo, contamos con la calculadora grfica para representar funciones.

En cuanto a los conversores, podemos utilizar el de moneda, distancia, volumen, temperatura, peso, energa, rea, velocidad, tiempo, datos, presin o ngulos. En el caso de las monedas, el tipo de cambio se actualiza a diario para ofrecernos la informacin ms precisa posible. Por ltimo, tambin podemos utilizar el calculador de diferencia entre dos fechas.

Esta app viene incluida por defecto al instalar Windows, pero no siempre contamos con la ltima versin instalada. Al descargar el APK de Windows Calculator desde aqu, tendremos la garanta de disponer de la versin ms actualizada, con las ltimas novedades y funciones avanzadas, para sacarle el mximo partido a una de las mejores opciones del mercado.

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