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Purpose: The purpose of this memorandum is to issue an Interim Approval for the optional use of two-stage bicycle turn boxes. Interim Approval allows interim use, pending official rulemaking, of a new traffic control device, a revision to the application or manner of use of an existing traffic control device, or a provision not specifically described in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD). State and local agencies must request and receive permission from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in accordance with the provisions of Section 1A.10 of the MUTCD before they can apply the optional device or application described in this Interim Approval.

The two-stage bicycle turn box is an area set aside for bicyclists to queue to turn at a signalized intersection outside of the traveled path of motor vehicles and other bicycles. When using a two-stage bicycle turn box to make a left turn, a bicyclist would proceed on a green signal indication to the turn box on the right-hand side of the travel lanes, and then turn left within the turn box and wait for the appropriate signal indication on the cross street to proceed. Two-stage bicycle turn boxes can also be used with a left-side bicycle facility to facilitate bicyclists turning right. In addition to mitigating conflicts inherent in merging across traffic to turn, two-stage bicycle turn boxes reduce conflicts between bicycles and pedestrians and separate queued bicyclists waiting to turn from through bicyclists moving on the green signal.

Research on Two-Stage Bicycle Turn Boxes: Agencies around the country have shown significant interest in two-stage bicycle turn boxes, with 12 experiments approved under the 2009 edition of the MUTCD for a variety of government agencies. Data and observations were collected from agencies including the cities of Charlottesville, VA; Charlotte, NC; Atlanta, GA; San Francisco, CA; Toronto, ON, Canada; and many others. Although the Toronto data were collected internationally, the design and operation of the facilities in that study were functionally identical to those featured in this Interim Approval.

FHWA Evaluation of Results: The Office of Transportation Operations has reviewed the available data and considers the experimental two-stage bicycle turn box to be successful for the applications that were tested. Positive operational effects have been documented in the experiments after the installation of two-stage bicycle turn boxes. Most significantly, two-stage bicycle turn boxes have been shown to positively influence consistency in the operations of bicyclists making two-stage turns at intersections, a maneuver which had been occurring already at many of the studied locations.

In examining the data recorded at installed locations in the field, these improvements in consistency were noted at a majority of the installed sites. Where the two-stage bicycle turn boxes were installed, bicyclists were making a two-stage turn maneuver within or mostly within the turn box. At some study locations the only reason bicyclists were not using the two-stage bicycle turn box was that it was already fully occupied by other bicyclists making the same maneuver. Most of the sites where data were collected did not include guide signing to direct or inform bicycle traffic about the location of the turn box, and the data and observations suggest that signing is not required for proper understanding and operations of two-stage bicycle turn boxes.

The available collision data did not show an adverse impact on safety due to the installation of two-stage bicycle turn boxes. Two sites showed a decrease in collisions and two sites showed an increase, although the increases were limited to one collision in a 19-month analysis period.

The design of the two-stage bicycle turn box is not patented or proprietary and may be used by any jurisdiction that requests and obtains Interim Approval from the FHWA to use two-stage bicycle turn boxes in accordance with Paragraphs 14 through 22 of Section 1A.10 of the MUTCD. The FHWA believes that the two-stage bicycle turn box as detailed in this memorandum has a low risk of safety or operational concerns and the research analyzed shows that two-stage bicycle turn boxes can provide for a more orderly and consistent flow of traffic.

This Interim Approval does not create a new mandate compelling the use of two-stage bicycle turn boxes. This Interim Approval will allow agencies to install two-stage bicycle turn boxes to facilitate bicycle operations at intersections pending official MUTCD rulemaking.

Conditions of Interim Approval: The FHWA will grant permission for the optional use of two-stage bicycle turn boxes under this Interim Approval to any jurisdiction that submits a written request to the Office of Transportation Operations. A State may request Interim Approval for all jurisdictions in that State. Jurisdictions seeking permission to use two-stage bicycle turn boxes under this Interim Approval must agree to the following:

Nearly all domestic support measures considered to distort production and trade (with some exceptions) fall into the amber box, which is defined in Article 6 of the Agriculture Agreement as all domestic supports except those in the blue and green boxes. These include measures to support prices, or subsidies directly related to production quantities.

Approximately less plastic used since the introduction of the eco-designed boxes (16, 30 and 24-piece boxes), from September 2021 until August 2023.

This is equivalent to more than 360 million 0,5 PET plastic bottles.

Estimated less plastic will be used once the implementation of the eco-designed boxes will be completed across the entire Ferrero Rocher box portfolio.

This is equivalent to more than 600 million 0.5L PET plastic bottles.

The eco-designed boxes are made from polypropylene (PP), which can be recycled in many countries. However, these recycling systems are not present in all geographies. Please check with your local municipality for how to properly dispose of the Ferrero Rocher packaging in your area.

As Ferrero Rocher eco-designed boxes are introduced in different markets at different times, starting with our most iconic formats 16-piece box, 30-piece box and 24-piece box, some previous boxes might still be found on store shelves. We aim to progressively introduce the new eco-designed boxes across the entire Ferrero Rocher portfolio.

Ferrero Rocher has embarked on a journey towards more sustainable packaging. Since September 2021, we have started to progressively introduce our Ferrero Rocher eco-designed boxes, beginning with our most iconic ones: the 16-piece and 30-piece compact boxes.

The roll-out of the eco-designed Ferrero Rocher boxes is a significant milestone, but it is not the entire journey. We are committed to designing 100% of our packaging to be recyclable, reusable, or compostable.

As we move forward, we will continue to update you on our progress.

Background and aims:  Loot boxes are items in video games that may be bought for real-world money but provide randomized rewards. Formal similarities between loot boxes and gambling have led to concerns that they may provide a 'gateway' to gambling amongst children. However, the availability of loot boxes is unclear. This study aimed to determine what proportion of top-grossing video games contained loot boxes, and how many of those games were available to children.

Findings:  A total of 58.0% of the top games on the Google Play store contained loot boxes, 59.0% of the top iPhone games contained loot boxes and 36.0% of the top games on the Steam store contained loot boxes; 93.1% of the Android games that featured loot boxes and 94.9% of the iPhone games that featured loot boxes were deemed suitable for children aged 12+. Age ratings were more conservative for desktop games. Only 38.8% of desktop games that featured loot boxes were available to children aged 12+. ff782bc1db

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