Late summer is the time of year I start hearing about good honey crops. What most non-beekeepers do not realize is how much work goes into harvesting that honey. The first big step is to remove the bees from the honey supers. Beekeepers have several good choices for doing this task.

For hobbyists with a just few honey supers it may be easiest to shake and brush the bees off each frame back into the hive. Bring an empty super with a bee tight lid to put the brushed off frames in as you go along. You probably have a bee brush and an empty box already so the cost is zero.

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Bee escapes work great if your bees are at home or you can make 2 visits to the out yard. Costs start at about $15 for a good triangle escape. For the hobbyist level beekeeper this is very reasonable, or you could even build your own. Read more about bee escapes here.

Most commercial operations blow out the bees with gas powered blowers as it is the most efficient, but blowing out bees may be a good option for hobbyists as well. Gas powered leaf blowers start at about $100. Even a less expensive electric leaf blower used with a generator or inverter can work well too, which is what I did in the video below. The more power the better though; lower powered setups will work but take much longer. If you have a lower powered blower, then a better option might be to use bee escapes in combination with your blower.

In the picture below, the nectar flow was very strong, so robbing was not a problem. This allowed the commercial beekeepers to stack up supers and blow them out very efficiently. It is not uncommon, however, for robbing to be a big problem during honey harvest. Keeping bee tight lids on your stack of blown out supers helps. Using a screened lid seems to help as they go to the top and will fly out when you add your next super to the stack.

Describe how they were blown away, how much there is, the strength of the breeze etc. Was it a gust or a gale? Did it billow out in a gently cloud or did it blanket everything nearby in choking ash and dust? What senses can be impacted (sight, taste, sound, touch etc)

Of course, telling the reader A and B in order that they should conclude C is a very common technique in all of fiction, and, indeed, all of communication. It is powerful because when the reader reaches C by themselves, they own the conclusion far more than if you simply told the C.

The reader may get tired of you forcing them to do all the work and want you to get to the point faster. You don't need them to reach every conclusion for themselves, and they don't want to either. And where does it stop? Why not decide to tell them D and E and hope they arrive at A by themselves. But if you do, why not tell them F and G and let them get to D by themselves. This has to stop somewhere, and it always stops with telling.

Which brings us to why you might not want to just tell the reader that the ash/dust was blown away. We know now what the procedure must be. If the ash and dust being blown away is C, what are statement A and B that will lead the reader to conclude that the dust is being blown away?

There are obviously a lot of things you could choose for A and B. But the real question is, what is the point. Show don't tell is most often invoked to show the character's emotional state by telling the reader what they are doing rather than what they are feeling. But that is not the issue here. The dust being blown away is already a physical action. What is gained by forcing the reader to work this out based on other physical actions that you tell them about?

If there's a particular significance to these dust and ashes, there could be a metaphor based on their absence or on fading memory (perhaps with the wind as the passing of time) that might do what you're hoping.

Like many others, I recently went to watch Joker aware of the controversy surrounding the film: is it an irresponsible portrayal of mental illness likely to incite copycat violence, or a cinematic masterpiece and powerful political statement?

Any suggestion of a strong link between mental illness with violence is, of course, inaccurate and although the Joker does commit unspeakable atrocities, these appear to be driven by his personality traits and not his mental illness. In reality, some mental illnesses can at times make people do tragic, awful things because they are scared, paranoid or desperate. But what are we going to do about it? Fund services that can help and treat them with sympathy and respect, or deprive them of assistance, discriminate against them and leave them and others to suffer the consequences?

Being a psychiatrist, I abhor negative depictions of the mentally ill but as an ardent Batman fan I was hopeful. As it happens, I was blown away. Joaquin Phoenix\\u2019s towering performance and Todd Phillips\\u2019 masterful direction undoubtedly helped, but mostly it was the way it approached mental illness.

The film poses an important question vocalised in no uncertain terms by the Joker at its climax. \\\"What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? ... You get what you f---in\\u2019 deserve,\\\" he proclaims as he murders the talk show host before him.

The Joker (or Arthur) appears to have a complex mix of diagnoses, including pseudobulbar affect \\u2013 a rare condition consisting of uncontrollable laugher or crying, and possibly a psychotic illness, evidenced by his apparent hallucinations about the subject of his affections (played by Zazie Beetz). In addition, he displays features of certain personality traits that are not technically considered to be mental illnesses \\u2013 psychopathy (he feels no empathy for the victims of his violence) and narcissism (which makes him crave attention and adulation by any means necessary).

Phillips has clearly done his research and illustrates the path to the development of these conditions elegantly. We are told Arthur suffered early life trauma \\u2013 horrific abuse as a child at the hands of his mother\\u2019s partner including head injury, which is a risk factor for serious mental illness including pseudobulbar affect. He also has a family history \\u2013 his mother has delusional disorder and narcissistic personality disorder, and he experienced abandonment as a child and the absence of a father figure, which can predispose to certain psychiatric conditions.

To those with mental illness, some aspects of the film will be immediately relatable. The loneliness, isolation, and \\\"constant negative thoughts\\\" Arthur describes are problems my patients face every day. An entry in his notebook, \\\"the worst part of having a mental illness is that people expect you to behave as if you don\\u2019t\\\", is poignant and those with a mental health issue of any description will relate. I have social anxiety \\u2013 a relatively less serious mental health condition \\u2013 but I can\\u2019t turn up to a dinner party and open with \\\"I\\u2019m freaking out right now\\\" just as someone hearing voices can\\u2019t disclose this experience to those around them.

But the major difference between the Joker and other less favourable on-screen accounts of mental illness is the attempt to explain how Arthur got to this point. This is not your typical stigmatising tale of a crazed villain who should be exterminated by the hero. Even The Dark Knight was occasionally guilty of this, with Batman\\u2019s pejorative description of the Joker as a \\\"schizophrenic clown\\\". Nor is it a film ridiculing the mentally ill like the detestable Me, Myself & Irene. We are not laughing at Arthur nor distancing ourselves from him; instead we are forced to empathise with the protagonist.

In the current political climate all over the world, public health services are shamefully underfunded and public sector health workers feel devalued. The scene where the jaded social worker interviewing Arthur tells him \\\"they don\\u2019t give a shit about people like you \\u2026 and they don\\u2019t give a shit about people like me either\\\" will resonate with the mentally ill who feel abandoned and the healthcare professionals struggling to help them.

Although concerns have been raised that this film will incite violence (perhaps intensified by the 2012 mass shooting in Colorado during a screening of The Dark Knight), the same could be said of any film featuring a violent anti-hero. Targeting Joker specifically seems unjust. Joker searingly addresses some of today\\u2019s most pressing issues \\u2013 mental illness and the disenfranchisement of the underprivileged, which should be our focus. It invites the public to try to understand mental illness and empathise with those suffering from them. It also challenges governments around the world to fund mental health services adequately and reduce inequality The question is will they take it seriously, or write it off as a bad joke?

We like hiking in the rain so we took in all the crisp beauty of Fall, bird activity and sounds of nature. We began early with the motivation of highly recommended delicacies just before entering Brackley Beach National Park. OMG was The Dunes worth the effort! We were transported to another world for a couple hours. 152ee80cbc

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