Tomorrow, with all of its uncertainties. Tomorrow, with its ominous threats. Tomorrow, with its seemingly bleak forecast. Tomorrow, with its pandemics and politics. I can face it all because He lives! I can face it all because tomorrow, He will never leave me nor forsake me. Tomorrow, He will supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory. I am in His hands, and since He is for me, who or what can be against me? He is the same yesterday, today and forever! I can face tomorrow with courage, faith and optimism, and offer hope to a hopeless world.

Fear, that crippling emotion that causes us to flee, freeze or fight. Fear, that robs us of our peace and limits our potential. Fear, that neutralizes our faith and makes it harder to please God. Fear, that makes us vulnerable and easier to control. Our adversary the Devil is as a roaring lion; but Jesus is the lion of the tribe of Judah. His roar is real, and because He lives all my fear is gone.

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Because I live, you shall live also. That which grieved them was, that their Master was dying, and they counted upon nothing else but to die with him. No, saith Christ, (1.) I live; this the great God glories in, I live, saith the Lord, and Christ saith the same; not only, I shall live, as he saith of them, but, I do live; for he has life in himself, and lives for evermore. We are not comfortless, while we know that our Redeemer lives. (2.) Therefore you shall live also. Note, The life of Christians is bound up in the life of Christ; as sure and as long as he lives, those that by faith are united to him shall live also; they shall live spiritually, a divine life in communion with God. This life is hid with Christ; if the head and root live, the members and branches live also. They shall live eternally; their bodies shall rise in the virtue of Christ's resurrection; it will be well with them in the world to come. It cannot but be well with all that are his, Isa. 26:19. - Matthew Henry

Taking education courses, talking about access, and understanding the problems facing schools showed me one very clear thing: Our children deserve the best teachers because teachers change lives. So I chose to pursue teaching.

It is difficult to describe the feelings I feel every time I play this music. It truly sings to my soul and has me in tears. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your beautiful music. You are so gifted in word and music and are blessing many lives.

Dear Sally,

This morning I heard Becouse He lives on a Duet at my Church, it is beautiful, using your music, when I went to Thanks them for the beautiful they sang,and the great talent God has giving them, I ask when they they get the music and there where they mentioned our name, I never thought that could be a great musition that could share their music, when I got home I went to the computer and start looking for the beautiful song and Thanks God, for you, what a great talent he has giving you, and your big heart, your generosity, your heart full of humbleness, I know the more you give the more you recieve. I love music so much, I like to sing and I like to play, butit is heard sometimes to find the music, but THNAK YOU FOR BEING SO OPEN TO the hold world.

I wish I could live close from you so, I could take some classes and become a great musition for Parise God, and be a great pianist or organist at church with your music nad sing also.

May God continue giving you strenght, health, and more wisdom with talent in your music. May Our Great God always BLESS YOU.

Rose Argumedo

During the pandemic, a tight labor market allowed employees to use job mobility to feel greater control over their lives. Additionally, the freedoms afforded by remote work offset some of the losses of control caused by the pandemic. But the reality is that while changing jobs leads to a short-term boost in job satisfaction, that feeling is usually only temporary.

From Uvalde, Texas to Highland Park, Illinois, this summer we have continued as a nation to face the devastation and heartbreak that comes in the wake of gun violence. What we know, however, is that these shootings are not inevitable. They are preventable. Lives are being saved because of you.

Because of your support of our Know the Signs programs, including the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, our focus is more clear. Your voices matter and speaking up saves lives. Our SAVE Promise Clubs are led by dedicated students and advised by outstanding educators. They help keep our mission laser-focused toward a true cultural shift in school shooting and violence prevention. Promise Leaders, the heart-minded core of Sandy Hook Promise. They volunteer with vigor to uncover how you can best lend time, attention, and service to ending gun violence and making schools safer.

For some common cancer types, such as cervical, colorectal, lung, and breast cancer, clinical trials have shown that screening does save lives. However, the amount of benefit is largely misunderstood. For mammography in women aged 50 to 59, for example, more than 1,300 women need to be screened to save one life. Such calculations also do not take into account the potential harms of screening, such as unnecessary and invasive follow-up screening tests or anxiety caused by false-positive results.

Lead-time bias occurs when screening finds a cancer earlier than that cancer would have been diagnosed because of symptoms but the earlier diagnosis does nothing to change the course of the disease. (See the graphic for further explanation.)

The extreme example of length bias is overdiagnosis, in which a slow-growing cancer found by screening never would have caused harm or required treatment during a patient's lifetime. Because of overdiagnosis, the number of cancers found at an earlier stage is also an inaccurate measure of whether a screening test can save lives. (See the graphic for further explanation.)

About half of the doctors erroneously thought that simply finding more cases of cancer in a group of people who underwent screening compared with an unscreened group showed that the test saved lives. (In fact, a screening test can save lives only if it advances the time of diagnosis and earlier treatment is more effective than later treatment.) And 68% of the doctors surveyed said they were even more likely to recommend the test if evidence showed that it detected more cancers at an early stage.

Those words, "I'll fight life's final war with pain," are ones that resonate with believers as we get older. Through all of life, from the time we pushed our way through the birth canal until our body slowly and inevitably falls apart, we face pain. The pain can be emotional, physical, spiritual, relational, etc. There is probably no part of our lives that has been exempt from pain.

But the good news is that, after verse 3, comes the reminder in the chorus that "life is worth the living, just because he lives." What does that mean? It means that Jesus rose from the dead as the firstfruits of those who put their trust in him. Believers will also be raised one day, to eternal life! Death is only a graduation into the presence of the Lord. We do not "lose" loved ones; we only send them on ahead so they can greet us when we arrive at our eternal resting place. The separation is temporary for those who love Jesus. So...we continue to live. And, as we live, we live for him.

Potentially, larger numbers of deaths can occur by including the possibility that a Katrina-scale hurricane will cause protection failure. Calculations based on the weighted mortality rate result in estimated fatalities by 2100 that are 3.4 times higher than in the scenario of only normal years. For example, 466 deaths may occur for the higher-end scenario (see Table 1 for further values). However, there is large uncertainty in the numbers calculated for this less idealized scenario for a number of reasons. First, the mortality rate for a nonnormal year was calculated based on one pair of values for the year 2005. Second, the number of deaths that occurred because of Katrina is uncertain. Third, improved protection systems and/or changes in coastal populations can greatly affect whether a Katrina-scale hurricane will cause protection failure, and if it does, how many lives it might take. This sensitivity analysis suggests that accounting for the unquantified possibility that a Katrina-scale hurricane in the future causes the same kind of destruction that was experienced in 2005 will cause significantly more fatalities than those calculated for the idealized scenario of only normal years. A rigorous quantification beyond this qualitative conclusion is not conducted given the limitations of this study and the challenges involved.

Paul was brought up in a Christian home and saved early in life. He spent seven years in civil engineering before leaving it to be engaged full time in the spread of the gospel. He lives in Belfast with his wife, Karen, and four sons, Luke, Zach, Jacob and Levi.

"But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life." ~ Titus 3:4-7

In addition to their different assessments of the current state of race relations and racial inequality in the United States, Americans across racial and ethnic groups also see race and ethnicity playing out differently in their personal lives. On balance, blacks are more likely to say their race has hurt, rather than helped, their ability to get ahead. Among whites, Hispanics and Asians, more say their race or ethnicity has been an advantage than an impediment.

This chapter also looks at personal experiences with discrimination and the extent to which people of different backgrounds say their family talked to them about challenges or advantages they might face because of their race and ethnicity when they were growing up. 2351a5e196

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