In a later post / cannon EL posted the reason fo the scene an why she had sex with Jack after they ended their engagement, Kate was still deeply in love with Jack and not sure if they would survive the return to the island and wanted one last night together. She then went to say she was pregnant with Jack's baby in S:5. Wow, I'm behind the times on that one. She later went on to say off the island she most definitely had Jack's child. I still wonder if David Sheppard in the FSW is not Jack and Kate's. I know Juliet and Jack are divorced in the FSW but the kid does have freckles. ))). Maybe it makes sense in the FSW Kate is at the party/concert sitting at the table with Claire and David Sheppard. What craziness.

My daughter was born after 14 hours of labor with no issues, in a baby-friendly hospital, and with what all of the medical professionals assured me was a perfect latch. The nurses kept telling me she would fall asleep soon, that all newborns do, but she was up for 7 hours after birth, most of the hours latched onto me. By the next morning, my nipples were already raw. I had lanolin I had brought with me that I applied as much as I could, but my daughter was literally on my breast for 5-hour stretches. Everyone assured me that she was cluster feeding, that I was doing a great thing by breastfeeding her, and we were sent home with no concerns being expressed, despite her 10 percent weight loss that I was told was normal. (This is not normal.)

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We had a weight check in later on that day with the lactation consultant. We found out she lost 17 % of her body weight. The LC told me I needed to get a pump, suggested a variety of measures to boost supply, and put me on a triple feeding schedule (breastfeed, give a bottle, pump and repeat). She said to not let her have any more than 20 ml of formula at a time or I would risk ruining my breastfeeding relationship. She also scheduled an appointment for me to come back the next day but never once told me that I should see my pediatrician for an urgent evaluation. 

On day 7 we had her one week check up and saw the NP at our pediatricians office. My daughter was still well below birth weight and she told us that we needed to immediately start giving her as much formula as she would take. She had us feed Cara in the office while she watched. She ate 4 ounces, promptly falling asleep. Our NP discussed the dangers of a baby not receiving enough breast milk or formula and gently told me that breastfeeding was not as important as feeding the baby. I still get emotional thinking about that conversation.

The Lost - His design just screams "ghost" and you unlock him by dying different ways, much like how death releases the soul from the body. He is the one who can unlock all of the "trinity" items, like The Soul, The Mind, and The Body. The fact that he can unlock Isaac's Heart implies that he is responsible for isaac's emotional struggles, much like how someone's soul is the feature that defines them to God. This connection between the Lost and God is also visible in getting the Godhead, which shows how the Lost is the key to accessing God, much like how when people die, their soul is the one to go to Heaven. Also, the fact that he dies in one hit could be Isaac understanding how fragile his soul is. Also, the item The Soul is pretty much awesome on this character, further proving the point.

Absolutely it was Expose. How about this for how to introduce Michael:

All the fans are assuming he's Ben's spy, and that Ben's spy opened the door and gave them the note saying to not trust the captain. But what if when they go see the captain, it's Michael? Suddenly, it's surprising, even though everyone knew he was coming back. And what better way for the writers to tell fans "Hey, you guys think you're so smart, but look at that--look how wrong you just were."

I was liveblogging the episode on my blog and made the same Kevin Johnson/Suns reference


I knew Jin was not long from the beginning, his dialogue couldn't have been more foreshadowing... "I will NEVER leave you"... gives her the name to use for the baby, etc

I give this episode a B- on plot but A on acting

Alan, you beat me by a few minutes. I didn't get that it was Jin's flashback until the scene at the cemetary. When Jin said he was only married a two months, I figured he must have gotten remarried. I was already expecting that throughout the show; I thought the twist would be Jin showing up at his new wife's delivery. That or the baby would have been stolen by Abaddon's people.

(It would also be an obvious obstacle for Future!Sun and Future!Jin to overcome, like Future!Jack's island homesickness, Future!Hugo's hunting by Abbadon, or Future!Sayid's working for Ben. That last was the worst telegraphed twist this season.)

Everyone's right that it's a trick that won't hold up on repeat viewings, but for the first time, it really worked.

Boy did Jin pick up English fast. Just a couple of weeks ago he knew nothing, and now, not only does he understands words like "cancer" and "murderer", but he expresses his most emotional thoughts--"Is it mine?"--in English as well.

Was that Sun's birthdate on the other side of the tombstone? I thought Sun was older than Jin. Wasn't her family concerned that she was getting too old to get married?

Interesting that the false wreckage had the correct number of bodies. When the Oceanic Six are rescued, how are the extra bodies going to be explained? And are we supposed to think the black box helped the ship find the island? I don't see how or why Ben would let that information slip.

I started bawling when suited Hurley said, "Let's go see Jin," or some such thing. What can I say? It worked for me. Michael's return did nothing for me. 1st because it wasn't a surprise and 2nd because I was tired of the character long before he left way back when.

I hear what you say about rewatching big reveals, but I've seen The Sixth Sense at least 3 times with pleasure.

I went into it thinking they were only going to show one survivor (I think the promo monkeys said "the last of the Six is revealed" or something, yes?) so I figured the Jin/panda twist exactly as it played. But still when it was confirmed I was sad.

I liked that stuff moved forward on the freighter (good point carmichael about the trustworthiness of that note if it came from Michael).

This ep was kind of odd though in that it didn't give me any new questions, like most of them do. I figure the "cabin fever" is that time distortion thing Des had, and otherwise what new mystery? I guess what is Michael up to but since we all saw that coming weeks ago it doesn't feel like a new question. Well, maybe that's good, since we still have many unanswered.

Not being a cell-phone user, those clues are always going to fly over my head. But I was making mental notes to check out when the nearest year of the dragon could have been, but the reveal at the end made that basically unnecessary. The combination of flashback/flashforward worked; caught me off-guard. (The combination Jin/Sun episodes seem to have interesting variations on that device.)

When Jin entered the toy store, my first reaction was - he'll end up buying a stuffed polar bear!

Great to see Nikki again - well, I suspected it had to be "Expose" since 'Lost' is so self-referential, but I had to wait until I saw a freeze-frame to have it confirmed.

As upset as I still am about the loss of Naomi, at least she got a lot more screen time than some of these others from the freighter! Having seen Zoe Bell's name in the credits for weeks now (because of her radio responses), I was expecting a big storyline for her. Instead she's now the Jacob Marley of the Deep.

Oh, and going back to Naomi, I'm glad to finally hear it said plainly - Locke is a murderer.

The one mistake the writers made was having Ben reveal he had a spy on the boat. If he hadn't said that one line, the Michael surprise would have been awesome. But the whole time we were anticipating who the spy could be, knew Michael was coming back, etc. We didn't need to know so early that Ben had a spy. That was a big error.

Too bad.

However, the twist at the end had be bawling for the last 5 minutes. Seriously. They got me good. And I love Sun & Jin, so to think he didn't make it and probably did something to sacrifice himself in order to save Sun and his unborn child...well, it got to me. Pretty badly.

As for Juliet being cruel by revealing Sun had an affair...Juliet is desperate to have Sun stay with her on the beach. She knows that she might be the only one who can save Sun & the baby. She doesn't want another dead mother/baby on her conscience. So, I could see her doing anything she thought would work to keep Jin from going with his wife. Cruel, but effective.

Why does everyone think Jin will now be gone from the show? Um, we still have to find out HOW he dies, people! And that could be up until the final few episodes a couple of years in the future. He might not be in any more flashforwards, but he certainly has reason to be included in the island shenanigans for awhile yet.

By the way, anyone know what "Ji Yeon" means in Korean??

Oh, and someone refresh my memory...was the button pusher before Desmond arrived part of Ben's group? Remember when he ran around with a gas mask on? That would tell me that the original button pusher was afraid of Ben and what he might to do to him/everyone on the island. As if he were either part of the original group that got killed with that first blast o' gas or was someone who got to the island and was tasked with the button pushing for one reason or another. 

I just don't remember if button pusher was ever shown in a flashback as part of the Dharma people pre-Ben killing spree or not... 17dc91bb1f

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