You don't need to have had a formal diagnosis to claim Attendance Allowance. For example, you might still be having tests or appointments to find out what's wrong with you. As long as you've needed help or supervision, or you've had difficulties for 6 months because of your condition you can claim Attendance Allowance.

You can call the Disability and Carers Service and ask to be sent a claim pack. The date of your phone call will be treated as your date of claim from which Attendance Allowance can be paid, as long as you send your form back within six weeks of that date.

Download Attendance Allowance Claim Form


You can collect an application form from your local Jobs and Benefits office. The date of request will be treated as your date of claim from which Attendance Allowance can be paid. This is as long as the form you receive is returned within six weeks of that date.

When claiming Attendance Allowance you may receive text messages (SMS) from the Department for Communities (DfC). They will always be clearly marked as DfC and will never ask you to give, or click a link to give, personal information or financial details by message or email.

It normally takes 30 working days to process an Attendance Allowance claim, from the day the Disability and Carers Service receives your claim form. If the claim is made under the special rules for end of life, it will be dealt with much more quickly. You do not need to contact anyone, you will be informed of a decision when one is made.

Some people who make a claim for Attendance Allowance may be asked to have a medical examination. This is usually because more information about your disability or illness is needed before a decision on your claim can be made.

Attendance Allowance is available if you've reached State Pension age and need help with personal care or your day-to-day needs. Find out whether you qualify, how to claim and what information you need to apply.

The Attendance Allowance claim form is quite long, and can be difficult to fill in because it deals with personal care issues. But it's worth taking the time to do it, because getting Attendance Allowance can increase your weekly income.

Once you've sent off the claim form, the Department for Work and Pensions (or the Disability and Carers Service in Northern Ireland) may contact your GP, specialist or Parkinson's nurse for further information, or it may send one of its doctors to your home to assess you before they approve your claim.

'I think there must be a lot of people who do not claim this benefit because they do not know about it. GPs and other local health staff should be promoting it. Councils should be sending out information when a person receives a package of care.'

You should receive a text or letter around three weeks after sending in your form telling you how long it will take to make a decision. You will then receive a letter explaining the outcome and, if the claim was successful, how much the person will receive.

The National Kidney Federation have collated a variety of financial support and benefits advice. With the cost-of-living crisis hitting everyone hard in the UK right now, costs of energy bills and the overall costs going up, we have put together some information and guidance on what patients and their carers may be eligible to claim from the government and other sources.

The SR1 form is one of the forms used for claiming benefits under the special rules for people with a terminal illness. If you're not sure which form you need, read our information about the special rules and the different forms. We also have a separate page on the BASRiS form (which is only used in Scotland).

You may need an SR1 medical report form if you're claiming certain benefits under the special rules for people with a terminal illness. Which form you need depends on which benefit you're applying for.

Here at Marie Curie we cannot provide information about your specific benefit claim. For all queries about claims, you'll need to contact the relevant government department for your benefit. A list of relevant benefits can be found on the page What benefits can I claim?

It can be easy to overlook the sorts of things that should be mentioned in a claim, especially if other ways to cope have been found. Try to provide as much information as possible, for example if mobility issues make it dangerous to cook. To help remember everything, it might be useful to think about day and night time activities and make a list of what they are and their frequency, especially if help is needed to carry them out.

When making an application for Attendance Allowance, try to gather as much evidence as possible to support the claims made in the form. Examples of the sorts of evidence that might be used could include:

Providing this information helps the claim to be assessed accurately, and for the correct rate to be given. Because the Attendance Allowance is not means tested, there is no need to include information about any income or savings. The evidence supplied with the claim can come from any source, and relate to very specific areas of need, or in more general terms.

It can take a few weeks for the application to be assessed and for a decision to be made. During the consideration process, there might be a request for an assessment to take place. This is fairly common, and is just a way to find out more information regarding the claim. Making a list of things to mention to the doctor might be useful. There will be instructions about where to go and when, for the assessment. Once the decision is made, a notification letter will be sent in the post.

The claims process is quicker for people applying in these circumstances, and an application should be considered within 8 days. Applications made under these conditions will need to include an additional form, called a DS1500, which must be filled out by a GP or consultant. In these cases, there is no need to demonstrate that the condition or illness has been experienced for 6 months or more.

The claim form is date-stamped and must be completed and returned within 6 weeks from the date of request. If a claim is successful it will be paid from the date on the form if returned within the 6 week period but, if outside the 6 week period, it will be paid from the date the completed form is received.

Attendance Allowance claims are awarded indefinitely or for fixed periods. If the award is for a fixed period, near the end of the fixed period (usually 4 months before), you will be sent a form to complete for renewal. If this form is not completed the award will stop.

You should give your national insurance number. If you do not have a national insurance number, send in the claim form anyway to save delays. You may also be asked for proof of your identity, such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence.

A claim for Attendance Allowance cannot be backdated. The date of your claim will be the date you call and ask for a claim form as long as you complete and return it within the time given. If you download a claim form, it will be the date your completed claim form is received.

You may be able to claim for financial support to help you with your personal foot care. Click HERE to access our advice for Attendance Allowance or see the link on the left. The attendance allowance form can be found HERE.

The benefits system can be tricky to navigate, especially if you have never claimed any benefits before. Your healthcare team will give you information on treatments, but when it comes to finding out about benefits, this is often something you are expected to do yourself, but there is support available to help you through this process

Attendance allowance is for you, not for a carer. You can get attendance allowance whether or not you have someone helping you. What matters is the effect the arthritis has on you and the help you need, not whether you actually get that help. You can spend your attendance allowance on anything you like.

Keeping a diary

Writing a short diary of your day-to-day needs can lend support to your claim for the disability benefit. The diary can be a reminder of the help you need, which you might otherwise forget because it is so much a part of your everyday life. It can also be important when trying to explain needs that fluctuate either during a single day or over a longer period, which is often the case with rheumatoid arthritis. The simplest form of diary would be an account of your needs over a typical day.

Once you have finished the diary, write your name and National Insurance number on it and make several copies of it. Attach a copy to the claim-form and keep a copy for yourself. You should send copies of the diary to anyone else who you have listed on the claim-form, such as your rheumatologist or your GP.

You get a claim-form by calling 0800 731 0297 (or 0800 587 0912 in Northern Ireland) or by downloading one from:

If your ability to work is limited because of the effects of rheumatoid arthritis, you may be able to claim employment and support allowance. If you are still with an employer, you will probably claim statutory sick pay from them first of all.

Universal credit provides for your basic living expenses. You can claim it to cover just your needs if you are a single person, or those of your partner and/or children if you have a family. It can be paid on its own if you have no other income, or it can top up other benefits (such as employment and support allowance) or earnings.

To make a claim over the phone or get a form sent to you, call 0800 99 1234. You can apply online if you have already claimed state pension and there are no children or young people in your claim. To apply online, go to:

Your claim can be backdated to the date of your call, rather than the date you return the completed form, if you order a claim form over the phone. You have six weeks from the date stamped on the form to complete and return it. 2351a5e196

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