Forgot to post the result here - I was looking into a tree listing for a monitoring webcast, which published coverage reports. This is the solution I came up with in the end: .gitlab-ci.yml  main  Developer Evangelism at GitLab / workshops / Identify analyze action - Deep monitoring with CI  GitLab

I have experienced problems mounting a partition to /var/opt/gitlab, because then problems will occur when you attempt to delete Gitlab, since it cannot remove /var/opt/gitlab then as it will be a utilised mount point. I have had this with a test server, and thus this is why I recommend mounting to /var/opt instead. That way, when deleting in the future for example, /var/opt/gitlab will be deleted, but /var/opt as a mount point will remain.

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I have tries moving /opt/gitlab/apps/gitlab/repositories to another drive, and then creating a symlink from the original folder name to the new one. This worked as far as it allowed me to read the data in the repositories, but it failed at the point of trying to create a new repo, when trying to push to the master branch (git push -u origin master), stating that I had no permission to commit to master. When I put the folder back in place instead of the symlink, all went back to working as expected.

If you are familiar with GitLab CI, you may have made two observations: there is no script keyword for this step and the after_script keyword starts by changing the current directory (cd "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"). Why? ?

Second, let's take a look at the ${CI_COMMIT_SHA} folder and its purpose. If you have looked carefully (or searched it into the current page), you may have seen that we are cloning the Git repository in this folder, as we cannot clone it into an already cloned directory.

This folder could have been named anything, but to be sure to be unique, I chose to take this variable. I am pretty sure that no project will have a directory named something like 73d571ffcbd5adbjdb0eegfe2a88bc70df7d9326. ?

The git init command turns the Node.js project directory into a new Git repository. To confirm that the directory is now a Git repository, run the git status command. Git will generate an output for you to review.

When running Composer in a directory where there is no composer.json, if thereis one present in a directory above Composer will by default ask you whetheryou want to use that directory's composer.json instead.

A list of domain names and oauth keys. For example using {"": "oauthtoken"} as the value of this option will use oauthtoken to accessprivate repositories on gitlab. Please note: If the package is not hosted the domain names must be also specified with thegitlab-domains option.Further info can also be found here

A list of domain names and private tokens. Private token can be either simplestring, or array with username and token. For example using {"": "privatetoken"} as the value of this option will use privatetoken to accessprivate repositories on gitlab. Using {"": {"username": "gitlabuser", "token": "privatetoken"}} will use both username and token for gitlab deploytoken functionality ( _tokens/)Please note: If the package is not hosted the domain names must be also specified with thegitlab-domains option. The token must haveapi or read_api scope.Further info can also be found here

You will then need to connect this directory to your remote repository by creating a new project following the instructions above. Once you have your new project, open its homepage and scroll down to Push an existing folder. You will find a command there that starts with git remote add.

I tried to reproduce with this same pipeline on some sample gitlab repo and it worked ok for me. My guess is that either this pipeline for which you get this error is running some other pipeline definition file, or some script is injected in the pipeline execution path(but where?).

As next step I would check this project branch content and the file there.

You may connect to a self-hosted GitLab instance by providing the instance URL, for example,, and a personal access token (PAT). Choose api as the scope when creating the PAT for the connection to App Center. The instance must be reachable over the internet. When the PAT expires, any admin on the App Center app can reconnect the connection using their PAT. Edit the connection settings either in the Build service when connecting a repository or in User Settings > Developer Accounts.

In case you want to verify the key fingerprint before connecting to therepository, add the SSH host keys of the servers you are going to access inAdd host key, from the same section of the admin interface. Enterthe hostname you are going to access (e.g., and pressSubmit. Verify its fingerprint matches the server you added.

Weblate expects you to have accepted the certificate up-front (and yourcredentials if needed). It will look to insert them into the DATA_DIRdirectory. Accept the certificate by using svn once with the $HOMEenvironment variable set to the DATA_DIR:

Set the hostname of the installation to

Expose the ports 443, 80, 22, and map them to the same ports to the host machine.

Mount the volumes of the container to the host machine

It also means that when reading the documentation of GitLab, one needs to have a mental map of the locations of the configurations. For example, in the current installation, we have mapped the /etc/gitlab folder to srv/gitlab/config while the host machine. Therefore, when the GitLab configuration mentions: You can also just edit /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb... it translates to: You can also just edit /srv/gitlab/config/gitlab.rb in your host machine

Now, that we have an installation ready, we need to add "gitlab-runners" and connect them to our GitLab installation. When a GitLab pipeline is run, it searches for an configured runner which is available, and will use it to perform the build. A GitLab runner has many modes it can operate, which represent how the build will be performed. Among other modes, there is support for spawning Kubernetes pods, or Docker containers to perform builds.

We see that GitLab is saying "Use the following registration token during setup", and provides is with a registration token. This will be used by the gitlab runner to register a new runner configuration. After copying this token, let's setup our runner configuration by using the gitlab-runner configuration we just created. Let's enter the newly created gitlab-runner container via bash.

In case you haven't noticed, we provided the gitlab-runner with the full URL of our domain, although our GitLab installation was suggesting to use :4000. We did this because the gitlab-runner and the gitlab containers do not reside in the same logical network - thus when calling localhost from inside the gitlab-runner container will result in a "Connection Refused" message.

In our example, we have used image: docker:latest as the base image, as indicated by our .gitlab-ci.yml file. Our Dockerfile uses a NodeJS image, too. That means that you use Docker-In-Docker (dind). This puts a large overhead on your builds. It may not matter in some cases, but if you are limited on resources, you quickly run out of memory when building. There are two solutions to this problem:

The first one is fairly simple, and concerns rewriting your gitlab-ci.yml files so that you are using the image of your choice as the base image, and to perform the full steps there, and not inside an embedded docker. This will remove the burden of the full build from your Dockerfile, as you will probably need it only for the final stage of any build (just copy the built files, and create the image).

If you absolutely want to give your Dockerfile full control, there is another option. You can configure your runner to use the host's docker when executing the Dockerfile commands. You can do that by configuring the gitlab-runner configuration to use the host docker. In our example, the configuration is located at /srv/gitlab-runner/config/config.toml. edit the file, like this:

We have now recorded in pairs lab work we carried out for a colleagueduring the last weekend. Curious what our colleagues did for us, wenavigate back to the directory of our own repository in the shell, forexample:

After entering these commands, return to the gitlab webpage and refresh your project. You will now see that the instructions for creating a new project have gone and the commit message you just entered is shown on the top.

2020-01-06 - Documentation Changes 

We have updated the SFTP procedures for uploading content to new Group websites to better facilitate multiple content creators and make it more consistent with the model uses for webhome directory provisioning. 

If you have a pre-existing group website you would like updated to the new model, or run into problems updating your site, please contact itsupport. 2351a5e196

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