did you ever get this to work? I am experiencing the same thing with a BSDF with emission / alpha / color for 3 maps, if i detach the alpha it works in solid, if i attach alpha, i only can work in material preview mode,

Texture Solid mode can only support one image per material.

When you have ability to paint in Material preview mode for an EEVEE or Cycles render, that does not really make sense to take care of alpha channel in Texture Solid mode.

Download Alpha Texture

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I'm creating a cube and I apply 6 different textures to each of it's faces. Each texture is a .png file and contains transparent parts. I'm also applying a color to the cube - I want to see that color trough png transparency.

The right texture is also a png image - only that it has a transparent area (all that renders white should be pure red since it is transparent and should take the color from the cube?). How can I make that white part transparent?

If I set the draw color to FF000080 and call?SDL_RenderFillRect()?then I see a red rectangle blended into the black and white rectangles already there, as I expect. ?Next, if I make a texture, fill it with the color?FF000080, and then blend it in using?SDL_RenderCopy() over?a black and white rectangle, I expect to see a result visually identical to the first. ?Instead, I see a bright red rectangle completely wiping out the black and white ones there.

Roger, my memory is fuzzy but i believe for a given combination of source and destination surface parameters, SDL will do a straight replace of target contents on blit. you end up with the alpha channel you expect in the target buffer, just not blended with what was already there. i had a hell of a time with this over a year ago and did some trial and error to get what i wanted.

Glad it worked. [Wink]

As I understand it, the distinction is that the RenderDraw calls use the RenderDrawBlendMode and the RenderCopy calls use the TextureBlend mode to decide how to calculate the resulting pixel values. So if you draw to a texture using alpha blending and then copy that texture to another texture (the renderer texture) without alpha blending, those alpha values you used in the draw are just ignored.

I am relatively new in HLSL, I am trying to implement blur for my new dynamic shadow material project. I can input Texture Object, but not TextureSample, and getting an error, Is there is any other function for TextureSample? If not how do I get alpha from Texture Object? I am totally confused.

It seems that's because it has a alpha channel covering a ton of the texture. That's probably so it can be used in a different material or something. Regardless, how do I remove the alpha channel from this texture so it uses the entire picture?

Textures are colored images, they will paint the surface.

If the textures is RGBA, Nomad will use the A channel to modulate the painting as well (so you can say this texture also acts as an alpha for the painting).

I was just looking at some PBR materials on the net and it comes with a bunch of files (roughness, metalness, height, normal, etc) So if I wanted to do like a PBR material I would just select the height alpha from the file and discard the rest, a colour from the pallet and a coloured texture then adjust the metalness and roughness on the slider for the same effect?

Hello all

I am currently experiencing problems trying to use a recently import png as a texture for landscape alpha brush sculpting. When I drag on the image, the red, green and blue channels appear like they do in the image below - a black and white checker (the default). However, The alpha channel appears solid white.

jnoyola: You are right! BlendState.NonPremultiplied is right answer :-). Thank You.

I never saw blend state like this (maybe because I never used premultiplied alpha before) ;), so I supposed, BlendState.AlphaBlend was 100% correct.

Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.Recommended PostsDardissounetPosted July 13, 2012DardissounetResident  9Share Posted July 13, 2012 Hi guys, I'm wondering how does one go about making an alpha texture for mesh clothing (shoes especially) and create a specific alpha texture to cover the avatar's feet for example so there is no bits of skin coming through anywhere on the shoe. Any help would be duly, truly and verily appreciated :)

check out _Tutorials making an alpha layer is quite easy you need to download some avatar uv templates i use Robin (Soujourner) Wood's ones if you need reference on how to make an alpha layer pick up a free pack of -Alpha-Overlays-101311-update/2312783 if you are making shoes you might find some of those alphas take out the need to create your own. i'm in the process of trying to make my own alpha and it's a right pain as the product i'm creating the alpha for has a problem of skin poking through no matter how perfect my alpha layer is

Using the same templates that are available for free on the clothing link above. Make the template trasparent where appropriate and make everything else white. Then import into SL and apply your texture to a new alpha layer in appearance. For shoes you'll need the lower template.

I am not very talented, so it usually takes me 20 to 40 attempts to get an alpha mask just right. It is a real money saver to use a viewer that has temporary upload of textures, like Firestorm, though I guess you could also use the beta grid or Opensim.

As far as I can tell, this is a bug and not a design decision. It makes texture painting with alpha textures impossible, among other issues. Should I file a new bug report for this?

Or do I just not understand how textures work?

So, after some testing I realized that Channel Packed was not giving me correct results either.

Until I tried using my texture with two separate image nodes:

grafik.jpg539684 86.6 KB

So, I need to use the texture like this AND have Channel Packed activated in order for my texture to be displayed correctly in Eevee. It is, to my knowledge, the one and only way.

The same issue happens when generating mipmaps. A textured object may look OK closeup with the full-resolution texture, but due to the pixel mixing at the transparent edge, the mipmaps end up red-tinged on the edges, and this becomes visible when the objects are rendered small.

I'm using 2D images on cards in my scene. I've applied textures with alphas to grids. It looks right in Viewport 2.0 but not in the Arnold render, which puts black in the background instead of cutting out the shape. I'm using a surface shader. My textures are png with alpha and pluging it into the out color and out transparency. What am I doing wrong?

Hey Tony, thanks this gets me almost there. But I need a material that works like a surface shader. What Arnold shader doesn't need or react to lights? I can't figure out how to get the Ai standard surface to do this. I found Ai Flat but it doesn't seem to accept an alpha.

I made an alpha texture per the directions at -alphamaps.html. When I tried to import the texture, I used Assets/Import New Asset and navigated to my PSD file (which had an alpha channel), but after the texture was imported, it did not have an alpha channel. Am I doing something wrong in the import? Thanks.

There is some hint of transparency somewhere in your RGB layer. When this exists, then Unity will import the transparency of the file in, as an alpha channel, instead of the alpha you explicitly set in the Channels panel. I don't know of any tool to detect where this is occurring, and it's easy to have it happen in the normal process of creating a PSD. The typical thing to do, to fix your problem, is to just create a solid layer at the bottom of the stack. Personally, I use a Solid Color fill layer, because it doesn't require a whole image worth of pixels, like a regular layer would, so the file size of the PSD is not bloated.

Just to post again about this issue; If you still have trouble, use the trim option in Photoshop and then change your texture import settings to Advanced>Non Power of 2>ToNearest. Not sure why this happens, but that should fix it if you tried everything else.

When I attach the texture to the guiNode, all the areas where nothing was rendered to is BLACK, instead of blank so that area can be transparent.

What am I missing to render to a texture so that the background is not black, it is blank.

When your textures are interpolated (and they usually are, to get them looking smooth), not only the alphas of the pixels are interpolated but their colours as well.

So you might be getting a soft edge from your semitransparent textures because the pixel alphas are being interpolated, like for that foliage texture. But the colours of the edge pixels will also be interpolated with any adjacent pixels, including the fully transparent ones. Those transparent pixels might have some crazy colour like pure white, black, grey etc. giving that fringe.

To solve this problem you need to bleed all the edge pixels of your semitransparent textures. You can do this in several ways, the most easy being to open the texture in an image editor, duplicate the layer several times, put those copies below it and blur those copies, then merge everything back together (remember to keep one layer copy untouched so you can use it as a selection mask to restore the transparency to what it should be).

Alpha mapping is used when the given object's transparency is not consistent: when the transparency amount is not the same for the entire object and/or when the object is not entirely transparent. If the object has the same level of transparency everywhere, one can either use a solid-color alpha texture or an integer value.

Personally, I think the better way, for now, is to paint the texture the usual way and then use GIMP to add this texture to the Alpha channel of some other texture. Blender does not really seem streamlined yet for working with and packing multiple images together in a convenient way. Maybe I'm just missing something and it's all there nicely workable already, blender can do lots of things that are not well documented :) 2351a5e196

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