Basic usage: Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); doSomething(); stopwatch.stop(); // optional long millis = stopwatch.elapsed(MILLISECONDS);"time: " + stopwatch); // formatted string like "12.3 ms" Stopwatch methods are not idempotent; it is an error to start or stop a stopwatch that is already in the desired state. When testing code that uses this class, use createUnstarted(Ticker) or createStarted(Ticker) to supply a fake or mock ticker. This allows you to simulate any valid behavior of the stopwatch. Note: This class is not thread-safe.Since: 10.0Author: Kevin BourrillionMethod SummaryMethods Modifier and TypeMethod and Descriptionstatic StopwatchcreateStarted()Creates (and starts) a new stopwatch using System.nanoTime() as its time source.static StopwatchcreateStarted(Ticker ticker)Creates (and starts) a new stopwatch, using the specified time source.static StopwatchcreateUnstarted()Creates (but does not start) a new stopwatch using System.nanoTime() as its time source.static StopwatchcreateUnstarted(Ticker ticker)Creates (but does not start) a new stopwatch, using the specified time source.longelapsed(TimeUnit desiredUnit)Returns the current elapsed time shown on this stopwatch, expressed in the desired time unit, with any fraction rounded down.booleanisRunning()Returns true if start() has been called on this stopwatch, and stop() has not been called since the last call to start().Stopwatchreset()Sets the elapsed time for this stopwatch to zero, and places it in a stopped state.Stopwatchstart()Starts the stopwatch.Stopwatchstop()Stops the stopwatch.StringtoString()Returns a string representation of the current elapsed time.Methods inherited from class java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, waitMethod DetailcreateUnstarted@CheckReturnValuepublic static Stopwatch createUnstarted()Creates (but does not start) a new stopwatch using System.nanoTime() as its time source.Since: 15.0createUnstarted@CheckReturnValuepublic static Stopwatch createUnstarted(Ticker ticker)Creates (but does not start) a new stopwatch, using the specified time source.Since: 15.0createStarted@CheckReturnValuepublic static Stopwatch createStarted()Creates (and starts) a new stopwatch using System.nanoTime() as its time source.Since: 15.0createStarted@CheckReturnValuepublic static Stopwatch createStarted(Ticker ticker)Creates (and starts) a new stopwatch, using the specified time source.Since: 15.0isRunning@CheckReturnValuepublic boolean isRunning()Returns true if start() has been called on this stopwatch, and stop() has not been called since the last call to start().startpublic Stopwatch start()Starts the stopwatch.Returns:this Stopwatch instanceThrows:IllegalStateException - if the stopwatch is already running.stoppublic Stopwatch stop()Stops the stopwatch. Future reads will return the fixed duration that had elapsed up to this point.Returns:this Stopwatch instanceThrows:IllegalStateException - if the stopwatch is already stopped.resetpublic Stopwatch reset()Sets the elapsed time for this stopwatch to zero, and places it in a stopped state.Returns:this Stopwatch instanceelapsed@CheckReturnValuepublic long elapsed(TimeUnit desiredUnit)Returns the current elapsed time shown on this stopwatch, expressed in the desired time unit, with any fraction rounded down. Note that the overhead of measurement can be more than a microsecond, so it is generally not useful to specify TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS precision here.Since: 14.0 (since 10.0 as elapsedTime())toString@GwtIncompatible(value="String.format()")public String toString()Returns a string representation of the current elapsed time.Overrides:toString in class ObjectOverviewPackageClassUseTreeDeprecatedIndexHelpPrev ClassNext ClassFramesNo FramesAll ClassesSummary: Nested | Field | Constr | MethodDetail: Field | Constr | MethodCopyright  2010-2015. All Rights Reserved.

As is true of many of Guava's classes, one of the endearing features of Stopwatch is its simplicity and appropriately named methods. The class features two constructors, one that takes no arguments (likely to be most commonly used) and one that accepts an customized extension of the Ticker class. Once an instance of Stopwatch is obtained, it's a simple matter of using methods with "obvious" names like start(), stop(), and reset() to control the stopwatch.

Stopwatch Java Download


Any given Stopwatch instance records elapsed time in a cumulative fashion. In other words, you can start and stop the stopwatch multiple times (just don't start an already started stopwatch and don't stop an already stopped stopwatch) and the elapsed time accumulates with each start and stop. If that's not what is wanted and a single instance of the stopwatch is to be used to measure independent events (but not concurrent events), then the reset() method is used between the last run's stop() and the next run's start().

I have already alluded to several caveats to keep in mind when using Guava's Stopwatch. First, two successive start() methods should not be invoked on a given instance of Stopwatch without first stopping it with stop() before making the second call to stop(). Stopwatch has an instance method isRunning() that is useful for detecting a running stopwatch before trying to start it again or even before trying to stop one that has already been stopped or was never started. Most of these issues such as starting the stopwatch twice without stopping it or stopping a stopwatch that is not running or was never started lead to IllegalStateExceptions being thrown. Guava developers make use of their own Preconditions class to ascertain these aberrant conditions and to the throwing of these exceptions. The further implication of this, which is spelled out in the Javadoc documentation, is that Stopwatch is not thread-safe and should be used in a single-thread environment.

The methods covered so far handle constructing instances of Stopwatch and managing the stopwatch. However, a stopwatch is almost always useful only when the timed results are available for viewing. The Stopwatch class provides two main methods for accessing elapsed time recorded by the stopwatch instance. One method, elapsedMillis(), is similar to standard Java methods that return milliseconds since epoch time. The big difference here is that Stopwatch is returning milliseconds elapsed between given points in time (start() and stop() calls) versus since an absolute epoch time.

I prefer elapsedTime(TimeUnit) for acquiring the elapsed time recorded in my stopwatch instance. This method makes use of the TimeUnit enum (see my post on TimeUnit) to specify the units that the elapsed time should be expressed in. Both of these methods for reporting elapsed time can be run while the stopwatch is running or after it has stopped.

If I comment out the lines that reset the stop watch instance, the stopwatch instance accumulates elapsed time rather than tracking it separately. This difference is shown in the next screen snapshot.

The StopWatch class in the Commons LangS library offers a handy way of timing various activities in your code. After creating a StopWatch object, you start it with a call to start(). You can pause the stopwatch with a call to suspend(), and you can start the paused stopwatch up again with a call to resume(). You can call split() to get a split time, which you can view in a readable format by calling toSplitString(). When you call split(), the stopwatch continues to run, and the regular stopwatch time can be obtained from the StopWatch object's toString() method. A call to unsplit() releases the split time so that you can call split() again. The stopwatch can be stopped with a call to stop(). If you'd like to start it again, you need to call reset(), which resets the stopwatch. At this point, you can call start() again.

We normally get the current time in milliseconds or nanoseconds before and after the event and subtract them to find the elapsed time. If you realize, this is like using a Stopwatch. But unfortunately the java library does not offer a stopwatch. Let us look at a couple of good Stopwatch implementations offered by Google Guava and Apache Commons Lang for measuring elapsed time in Java,

The above shows the usual way to measure the elapsed time or execution time in Java. But this is not flexible as using a Stopwatch. A stopwatch is a timer that gives us ability to stop, start and reset.

The methods start() and stop() must be called only once at a time. If we call back to back (consecutive) start() or stop() it throws an IllegalStateException. In other words, we cannot start a stopwatch that is already running and vice versa for stopping.

An Apache Commons Lang stopwatch has an additional method called split which is not available in the Google Guava Stopwatch. A split sets the stop time of the watch and allows us to extract the time the split was called. Calling split does not cause the start time to be affected, and the stopwatch continues as usual.

The split time is the time elapsed after the first sleep. The getTime() returns the time when the method was called. This shows that the stopwatch is still running, and it enables us to get the split time at any time afterwards.

The toString() and toSplitString() method returns the stopwatch time and the split time in ISO 8601-like format i.e., has an hour, minute, seconds and milliseconds.

If we have provided our stopwatch a name when we created it, it adds the name of the stopwatch to this message. 2351a5e196

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