GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.

GatherMate will remember the location of every herb you pick or every ore you mine, so that you can easily find the positions of the herbs and mines again. Once you come into range of a recorded spot, GatherMate will show an icon representing the type of herb/ore/fish/etc. on your mini map, directly allowing you to decide if its worth checking out. Additionally, all spots are shown on the World Map, to ease navigation to certain types of nodes and making gathering more fun.

To give you a head start, GatherMate2 also offers a pre-filled data module, so you don't need to discover all herbs and mines yourself, but instead can just start gathering right away. Simply install GatherMate2_Data and hit a few buttons to import all the provided data, and you're good to go.

Please use the WowAce bug tracker to report bugs or request features.


Tracking of all gathering professions and more! HerbsMinesGas CloudsArchaeology DigsFishing PoolsTreasuresDisplay of all collected data on the World Map and the MinimapSupport for RoutesImport data via GatherMate2_Data - updated regularly from WowheadShare data in your guild with GatherMate_Sharing


Using GatherMate2 is straightforward. After installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data.

You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or Minimap, and other options, in the GatherMate2 panel in the Interface Options window, by typing /gathermate, or by right-clicking the DataBroker plugin/minimap icon.

the addon gathermate2 shows me on Elwynn Forest 180 copper ore but there are only approximately 50. Its very exhausting to delete the wrong spots on the map. Is there a way to make my own database or something that can simplify the production?

Download Addon Gathermate2 3.3 5

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Para poder configurar el addon y que nos muestre los nodos que queremos en el mini mapa debemos escribir el comando "/gathermate", esto nos abrir una pestaa con todas las configuraciones del addon (es posible que nos lleve a la pestaa de juego de la interfaz, si pasa esto simplemente cambiamos a Addons y buscamos GatherMate 2):

En la web oficial; -classic, tambien tienen una aplicacion que te la puedes instalar, y te lo hace ella la instalacion. Si te lo descargas y no te va, tendrs que borrar los datos de guardo del addon que ya tengas con las configuraciones de antes, que se encuentra en una de las carpetas dentro de la carpeta WTF. Carpeta World of Warcraft > Retail > WTF > Account > Aqui la que tenga el nombre de la cuenta del WoW que uses > SavedVariables >, y dentro de esta carpeta borras los archivos que contengan el mismo nombre del addon que quieras borras sus datos, en este caso seria Gathermate2.lua y Gathermate2.lua.bak, y si hay mas archivos del Gathermate2, los borras tambin. Una vez borrado esos archivos, luego al entrar al juego ser como si lo hubieras puesto el addon por primera vez. Si quieres, tambin puedes borrar los datos de los addons que usastes antes por si acaso. La aplicacin de la web de addons, creo recordad que tambin te poda borrar los datos, pero nose muy bien como, yo llevo aos haciendolo asi y me es mas rpido y seguro.

AddOns are an integral part of WoW Classic. Addons are developed by the community and use the WoW Client API to add or customize features to the game. In our WoW Classic AddOns Guide, you will find out what the best addons are for WoW Classic Era, Hardcore, and Season of Discovery.

The WeakAuras addon has been an integral part of WoW Retail for years. With WeakAuras you can configure almost anything you want to observe in the game: buffs, debuffs, cooldowns for individual spells, and much more. This makes scrips possible, that show which ability should be used next even for more complex rotations.

The AtlasLootClassic addon offers you a catalog of all raids and dungeons directly in the game, which you can use to look up all the boss drops. You can also use favorites, which you can use to manage your BiS items, for example.

The Questie addon adds icons on the map where you can accept and hand in quests. If you hover your mouse over a quest icon, you will see a tooltip with the quest name. You will also be shown where, for example, there are quest objectives or quest mobs that you should kill or loot from.

The GatherMate2 addon remembers all the resources you collect in the game. The points where you have collected something are marked on your in-game map. This makes it much easier to farm ores or flowers in the future.

The enchanting realm of Azeroth offers a diverse range of adventures for its explorers. But to make the most out of your journey in the World of Warcraft (WoW) Season of Discovery, incorporating the best WoW Season of Discovery addons into your gameplay can be a game-changer. These addons, created by resourceful and dedicated developers from the WoW community, can significantly augment your gaming experience, giving you a competitive edge.

In the context of Season of Discovery (SoD), a specific update phase within WoW, these addons aim to augment features, offer new functionalities, or enhance quality of life for players participating in this season. They can improve the interface, provide better inventory management, intuitive quest tracking, complex combat analysis tools, and raid assistance.

Questie is a quest helper addon that improves quest tracking. You can view all quests in the area through a special UI window and display them on your map with precise accuracy. It offers detailed information on quest locations, objectives, and rewards, allowing a more efficient questing phase.

Leatrix Plus is a quality-of-life addon offering a bunch of cool features to amp up your gameplay experience. It automates tasks, adjusts interface elements, and adds useful shortcuts, affecting various aspects of gameplay and focusing on interface customization.

You can find WoW addons for the Season of Discovery on popular addon websites such as CurseForge and WoWInterface. These platforms offer a wide range of addons tailored for different aspects of the game, including those specifically useful for the Season of Discovery. They provide safe, user-reviewed addons and often feature easy installation methods.

WoW Classic addons are a great way to address an ironic problem with the stripped back MMORPG: Everyone wants the pure 'old' WoW experience, but with the convenience of modern mechanics. Our list of WoW Classic addons does just that, making Blizzard's vanilla rerun more user-friendly, and a lot closer to what you might be used to from playing modern Warcraft.

While WoW Classic addons may not be something you'd associate with the original World of Warcraft, many authors of the currently popular WoW Classic addons have been hard at work to make sure their creations are compatible with WoW Classic.

From here you can search for new addons to install or update your existing ones. If you're logged into the game when you install or update an addon, you'll need to shut it down completely in order for changes to take effect.

Installing manually:

If you'd rather avoid the Twitch app and install your addons manually, WoWHead has a handy guide that will walk you through each step. For the 'Installing the addon' step, you'll need to locate your addon folder located in the '_classic_' folder, rather than '_retail_'.

GatherMate2 is a handy addon if you have gathering professions and plan to farm resources for crafting. Every time you mine a node or gather a herb, it will record the location with a small indicator on your map which is useful to see the exact locations for potential nodes. Unlike modern Warcraft, gathering nodes aren't shared in Classic so you'll be competing with every other gatherer for your resources.

WeakAuras is a popular addon in modern Warcraft, and much of its functionality has been translated to Classic. It can be used to track pretty much anything you can think of and is commonly used to keep track of cooldowns or to give a visual indicator of spell procs or buffs based off any number of triggers. The simple WeakAura in the example above will put an icon on my screen if my priest hasn't been buffed with Power Word: Fortitude. As this is something I often forget to do, especially as the duration is half as long as it is in modern Warcraft, it's a neat little reminder. If you don't feel confident building your own, you can import WeakAuras made by other players.

Auctioneer is the best addon for those who scout out the auctions in WoW Classic. This will do most of the heavy work for players as it scans the auction houses for the best competitive prices when buying and selling items. If you need a specific item or want the best price for selling one, using this addon will save players time that can be used to explore a bit more and find more items to sell.

This addon will increase the quality of general gameplay. Leatrix Plus will automate more common and mundane actions like accepting quests, fixing armor at blacksmiths, and selling junk items to name a few. This will create a more streamlined gameplay and leave players more time to worry about bigger things like that rare drop they want or surviving a raid boss.

WeakAuras is an addon that will let players customize alerts that are specified for their needs. It can give notifications to the player concerning just about anything including cooldowns, buffs, and debuffs. It will provide both auditory and visual cues for players for any in-game event the player wishes to focus on. Many codes for this addon are already made, making it easy for players to add different alerts.

GatherMate2 is the best addon for gathering resources and for professions such as Mining and Herbalism. It will track resources by marking them on the map and monitor locations players have already been to which will help maintain the fastest routes to gather what players need. It will certainly make any fetch quest and material hunting easier. 006ab0faaa

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