Instructors, ADDA is now proud to offer Instructor Certification at three levels of certification: Certified Instructor, Professional Instructpr and Master Instructor. Each level requires different amounts of experience and education in a specific area of design drafting instruction. Those areas of instruction are Architectural, Mechanical, General and Digital. ADDA believes that this will become more important and possibly a requirement as schools, school districts and state departments of education look for industry certification of their instructional staff. Please check our website for additional information.

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On 22 March 2020, the first day of the countrywide pandemic-induced lockdown in India, labourer Mridul Deb was enjoying a cup of tea with several others at a roadside tea-shack in Kolkata, the capital of the Indian state of West Bengal. When another local caught them on camera and asked why they were flouting the lockdown, one of them lashed out, "Amra cha khete eshechi, adda marte na, cha khawa hoegeche bari chole jachi" ("We have come here to drink tea, not to give adda, now we have finished so we are going home").

The clip went viral on social media, spawning hundreds of memes. While Deb and the others on the clip were widely ridiculed, it soon became evident that the labourers flouting lockdown were only the tip of the iceberg. By August 2020, more than 200 prosecutions were being made each day in Kolkata, most of whom were also engaging in adda.

Adda is a beloved pastime that's unique to Kolkata. Markedly different to small talk or chatting, it is best described as an informal group conversation that's long, fluid and relaxed in nature. While "adda" can loosely be translated as "hangout", this loses the nuances and oversimplifies the action.

"We are not expected to produce something out of an adda," Aditi Ghosh, head of the linguistics department at University of Calcutta, told me. "It is a kind of unplanned mental exercise where we not just talk about ourselves and our families, but we go beyond that. It is about ideas and events happening all around us."

Sometimes it is impromptu and happens right on the street (and can continue for hours right there) or it may be a regular, pre-planned meet up. An adda session can be identified by the freestyle conversation that's often intellectual, sometimes banter, and by the wild gesticulations of participants as they make their contributions heard. If things get quiet for too long, someone will broach a new subject to keep the session going. There is no restriction on the topics of these conversations, though the more controversial the subject matter and more outlandish a claim, the better.

Although the origins of adda are murky, this beloved ritual is thought to go back to colonial times. In 1757, English East India Company won the Battle of Plassey and gained control over most of Bengal. Back then, Kolkata was a cluster of humble settlements on the left bank of river Hooghly, but it quickly expanded into a city under British rule, serving as the capital of British India from 1772 to 1911. The British colonialists left indelible marks on Kolkata's cultural heritage, influencing food, language, literature, philosophy and even the art of conversation.

What is certain is that the adda is a Bengali way of life and key to the happiness of Kolkata residents. Travellers may see college students huddled around Nandan cinema complex and thronging the food joints near the bustling New Market area, engrossed in long, cerebral conversations. In the evening, after office hours, men gather around roadside tea shacks near their homes and passionately engage in adda. As latecomers arrive and others leave, the group morphs gradually; and after a few hours, all the participants may have been replaced.

With so many places for adda, privacy from the prying eyes of neighbours comes at a premium. News of young adults lighting cigarettes quickly reaches their guardians through the grapevine, returning with suitable reprimands. If a young man and woman are seen together on the streets, rumours of a brewing romance fly through the area. This blurring of boundaries has some benefits too. In case of emergencies, residents can always run to the nearest adda hotspot and be almost guaranteed of some form of help.

However hard Kolkata tries to hold on to its beloved adda, hectic jobs, the intrusion of smartphones and migration of youths from Kolkata to other Indian cities and abroad mean that addas are threatened. "The addas I used to have in Kolkata were very fulfilling. Most of my addas that I enjoyed were with people I knew since childhood; it is not possible to recreate that here," reminisced Moumita Ghorai, doctoral candidate at Western Michigan University who immigrated from Kolkata in 2016.

Covid-19 has also made physical addas irregular for now. While the privileged have the option of taking adda online through WhatsApp and Zoom, much of Kolkata's population is scrambling to adjust to this new Covid life, which means that adda sessions are currently few and far between for the majority of people.

While Mridul Deb was caught flouting Covid rules, the online ridicule he faced was short-lived and his infamous adda brought him some good tidings in the end. Cricketer Sourav Ganguly and actress and politician Mimi Chakraborty came forward and helped him with food supplies to sustain him while he couldn't work through the stringent lockdown. 17dc91bb1f

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