Note: It's easy to find the correspondences by looking at the Mercurial repository names: repositories starting by mozilla-b2g are the release repositories for Firefox OS, and have both Firefox OS and Gecko versions in their names.

Add-on does not install if navigate directly to file:/// URL:

It appears that Firefox has disabled installing unsigned extensions by directly navigating to a file:/// link (I have not yet tested signed extensions.). Thus, using the adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW method of using an intent to cause Firefox to navigate to the file:///mnt/sdcard/extentionFile.xpi URL will only bring up the "Blocked Add-on" dialog, without the option to allow, of which you have included a screenshot in your question. This dialog is the same if you manually type in the URL.

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The last few days of the nightly cycle, before merge day (when mozilla-central is merged into the mozilla-beta repository and a new release cycle starts), is a nightly soft code freeze, meaning that developers should not land on mozilla-central code that is deemed risky for the stability and general quality of Firefox and that features that are controlled by a pref and were not activated during the nightly cycle should not be activated during this week.

3) Once you nominated a patch with approval-mozilla-beta/release: ? we will evaluate the information given in the attachment request we may either approve/deny/request more information. Once you get an approval , i.e approval-mozilla-beta/release: +, sheriffs or release managers will land it on the corresponding branch and mark status-Firefox XX flag to fixed, making sure Treeherder is green.

It runs well in every browser you can name it except the firefox android. The obstacles in this game are batched and in the firefox browser they dont appear, the particle system is totally bugged.

Logs on the firefox android Capture.PNG1344346 34.1 KB

I ran this , and the cube appears, I thought every WebGL App is bugged in firefox android, But then I played this game made in phaser -played-html5-games/endless-truck/?locale=en , and it seems to work with 60 fps.

So basically a drop of 40 FPS on the same device running the Seemore demo.

Also if I disable dynamic batching on my batched obstacles here 

The obstacles appear on my screen and if I enable dynamic batching they dont appear while the collision still happens. Still cant get above 16 fps on my android firefox, while chrome,opera giving 60 FPS consistently.

After the lastest update 25th August 2023 version 2023.8.0) the mobile app on my android phone crashes / closes after having to re-enter Master Password. This is the most recent update in Play store.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, cleared the cache in the app.

I even tried login in via the web browser and no luck. On the web browser an error appears after entering my Master Password (user key not found). But in the mobile app it just closes the app after entering Master password.

Please help!

Below is the work around provided to me by support. I used the Mozilla Firefox extension as the solution however after now trying to add this extension to anothe laptop it appear firefox extension is no longer on the older version (which didnt have the bug):

Hi all, Just thought I would chime in here on the 1Password-Samsung-Android-Firefox issue. Obviously there is something buggy with this combination. In my case, 1Pasword & Firefox work together fine when my Samsung S9 phone with Firefox and Android 10 is set up according to the 1Password instructions found here: -filling/. However...not so much on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10 (SM-T510) with android 11 and Firefox. In that case, like others, I have also found that disabling Autofill and keeping only Accessibility on enables 1Password and Firefox to play nice together. I hope this helps others who are dealing with an issue that was driving me nuts. Also, I'm curious if the 1Password team has figured out what's going on here. From what I see on the web, it appears that the issue may be most common on Samsung devices?

We've recently identified an issue with a few websites in Firefox that no longer fill as expected. So far we've found Amazon, Twitter and Reddit are effected in Firefox but not Chrome or other supported browsers. We may need to wait for a fix from Firefox but we're continuing to investigate on our end as well: ref: android-1521

"We've been so impressed with developer enthusiasm and preparation," said Firefox director of engineering Giorgio Natili. "Just a few weeks ago it looked like we might have a couple hundred Android extensions for launch, but now we can safely say AMO [] will have 400+ new Firefox for Android extensions available on December 14." 17dc91bb1f

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