You may have received more than one charge on your Arizona Traffic Ticket and Complaint Form. If you qualify for the defensive driving program option, it may be applied to only one eligible traffic charge. You must appear in court or pay the fines for any additional charges.

You must register and complete the class at least 7 days prior to the court appearance date on the complaint or extension notice. It can take several days for processing of registrations and completions to be completed, so please allow sufficient time for this processing to occur.

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Failure to complete the defensive driving class at least seven days prior to your court appearance date may result in the entry of a default judgment and/or your driver license suspension with additional monetary penalties being imposed.

Red Light Violations: Persons found responsible or entering a plea of responsible for red light traffic control signals, including flashing stop signal violations, will be ordered by the Motor Vehicle Division to attend and successfully complete Traffic Survival School or suffer suspension of your driving privileges.

Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving is recommended for drivers age 25 and older with multiple traffic violations and those with poor driving behaviors who need a catalyst for positive change. The course is designed for court referrals and drivers who exhibit continuing patterns of risky and overly aggressive driving behaviors.

4) You will be given a registration form with the date, time, and location of the class. Bring this form and your photo ID with you on the day of the class. [PLEASE NOTE - These classes will not be held in person, this class will be conducted Via ZOOM until further notice.]

This class is designed for a variety of relatively minor theft offenses. Participants are encouraged to develop a personal commitment plan to avoid future theft-related problems and/or arrest. This 4 hour online course is offered in both English & Spanish. An in-person class is available and limited to those who are unable to take the course online.

This 8-hour parenting skills class is an online course designed to enhance parenting techniques to better meet the developmental needs of children as they grow. This course is offered in both Spanish and English. Topics covered include; raising the next generation, parenting basics, what children need, role modeling, child neglect and abuse, and what children deserve.

Alive at 25 is a FREE defensive driving class designed by the National Safety Council and taught by law enforcement officers with the goal of lowering teen/young adult automobile crashes. It is a 4-hour class for drivers between the ages of 15 and 24. It takes place in a classroom setting and includes instructional videos, a workbook, and class discussion.

If you have received a traffic ticket/citation by a police officer and meet the age requirements, you have the POSSIBILITY of receiving a reduction or dismissal of your charge upon successful completion of the class

We reserve the right to cancel a course due to low enrollment, weather, or unforeseen emergencies. If your course is cancelled you will be notified by the instructor via email and/or text message. You will have the opportunity to enroll in another class.

The NYSDMV has approved the sponsoring agencies listed below to provide accident prevention courses that reduce points and insurance premiums. The courses include traditional classroom courses and courses delivered through the Internet or another alternate delivery method. Contact any of these course providers to get information about a course in your area and to determine the course fee.

If you have been charged with a traffic violation in the 36th Judicial District, which consist of Burke, Caldwell or Catawba counties or any other county that participates with the Defensive Driving program, you may elect to have it reduced by completing one of the following classes:

Note: You must be pre-registered no later than the day before to the designated class you want. Please be signed up by 8:00 PM for a weekday class and by 3:00 PM for a Saturday class!

CVCC will accept Defensive Driving and Alive @ 25 registrations at the East Campus Monday-Thursday from 8:00 AM-8:00 PM, and Saturday's from 8:00 AM-1:00 PM. You must be signed up no later than Wednesday for a Thursday night class and be registered no later than Thursday for a Saturday morning class. Please be sure to bring your ticket, your driver's license and $60 when you come to register. If you have any questions please contact or (828) 327-7037.

The Alive @ 25 Program is held on Saturdays from 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Students must be registered no later than the Thursday prior to the Saturday class. The Alive @ 25 Program is for any students between the ages of 16-21 years of age who received a citation in Catawba, Caldwell, or Burke (or any other county which participates with the Alive @ 25 program). Student's who go to a high school EXCEPT Alexander County, Catawba County, Newton-Conover City Schools or Hickory City Schools must present a high school permission form when they register.

Note: Please note that the courthouse accepts only cash, certified check or money order when paying for the ticket.

Once you take the driving class, a certificate is issued at the end of the class showing completion of the program. Present this paperwork to the courthouse at least 5 working days before your court date. In addition to the paperwork you will still be responsible for paying the ticket. This amount does not include the registration fee for the class. For the price of the citation, call the Clerk of Courts Office in the county in which the ticket was received.

Out-of-town students may take the Defensive Driving class in any participating county in North Carolina. For a list of participating counties and facilities you can visit the Safety and Health Council of NC website at Out of town students who wish to take the class at CVCC may mail the required information to CVCC, Attn: Cheri Toney, 2550 Hwy. 70 SE, Hickory NC 28602.

The purpose of the Victim Impact Panel (VIP) program is to help drunk and drugged driving offenders to recognize and internalize the lasting and long-term effects of substance-impaired driving. The classes seek to create an empathy and understanding of the tragedy, leave a permanent impression that leads to changes in thinking and behavior and prevents future offenses.

At a VIP, victims, survivors and others impacted by substance-impaired driving crashes speak briefly about the crash in which they were injured and/or a loved one was killed or injured. They share a first-person account of how the crash impacts their lives.

MADD Victim Impact Panels not only put offenders face-to face with the victims of drunk and drugged driving the program also provides much needed mission funds that MADD invests right back into the community to prevent these crimes from happening again.

The intent of Delaware's aggressive driving law is to identify aggressive drivers and change their high-risk driving habits by requiring their attendance in a specific training program. The ultimate goal is crash prevention. Aggressive driving is defined in terms of existing Title 21 offenses such as failure to yield, unsafe lane change, disregard of a traffic control device, failure to stop at the command of a police officer, following too closely, passing on a shoulder, and speeding. Individuals convicted of 3 or more of these offenses as a result of continuous conduct are guilty of aggressive driving and are subject to increased penalties. Offenders are required to complete a behavioral modification/attitudinal-driving course within 90 days after the conviction for aggressive driving. Failure to attend the course may result in suspension of the individuals driving privilege.

The Secretary of Transportation has approved the following agencies to provide the behavioral modification/attitudinal-driving course. The course is a minimum of 8 hours long and is offered in all three counties. The fee for the course is $100.00 and is payable to the course provider. When you complete the behavior modification course, the provider will send the notification of completion electronically to DMV within 48 hours.

The easiest way to take advantage of this discount is through an online defensive driving course offered by either Defensive Driving by IMPROV, the National Safety Council or the American Safety Council. Completing one of these online courses offers eligible policyholders the following benefits:

The easiest way to take advantage of this discount is through an online defensive driving course offered by Defensive Driving by IMPROV, the National Safety Council or the American Safety Council. Completing one of these online courses offers eligible policyholders the following benefits:

The easiest way to take advantage of this discount is through an online defensive driving course offered by either Defensive Driving by IMPROV or the National Safety Council. Completing one of these online courses offers eligible policyholders the following benefits: 2351a5e196

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