Is there a way to auto group cells that are the same, and add a count of them next to the parent cell? For example, I have a sheet that looks like the first screenshot (ex1), it's a list of SKUs within a program and a project. I want to group all SKUs within the same program/project and count the number of SKUs (see ex2).

How do you write a function to see if all boxes are checked on a row with multiple checkboxes? I tried using the SUMIF(Check_Box_1@Row = 1) and attempted to use a total number of checks to evaluate, but it does not like that. I tried using IF((checkbox=1 AND Checkbox2=1),"true","false) But that concept did not work either.

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Does that sound roughly reasonable or am I completely off base? Is the standard practice to upload/download in batches (nightly, at every major version update, etc.)? What kind of services/tools are available (e.g. standard cloud services like AWS/GCP or are there game-dev or godot-specific services out there)? Is there a foolproof way of preventing clients from sending up fake/junk data?

I have a box in CSS with fixed dimensions, enough to fit any of my texts. I don't want white space between the end of the text and the bottom box border. How can I fit them into the boxes? Something like expanding the line-height to fit.


Is there a way to setup something like the auto-rotate feature of EZ Cad 2? I mean on each engraving count, the engraving angle is rotated by x degrees. so for example if the angle is set to 10 degrees, on continuous engravings, the first engraving count is at 0 deg, second time around its 10 deg, third 20 deg. Have I missed something?

it works good, but i would like to put the field Ref Number when is empty it should auto generate a number with the format example PO001 and should be incrementing each time or a random unique number always that wont conflict with others purchase orders and save to the db, and also give the option if user put something like 1287312847219 to save it too or just leave the first option, to auto generate to avoid extra validations with db correct?

The bug you fixed recently is more likely to cause these pseudo forms to be ignored than a properly constructed because there are more fields from all sorts of forms on the page that can have nothing to do with sign-in operations.

Pretty much what the title says: I would like to have a checkbox in the gameplay options that I can check to make my character pickup crafting materials like she is picking up gold - just by walking over it.

How so?

Tables are handled partly like paragraphs (by the API). Illustrations are graphics hosted by shapes which in turn are anchored in one or another way inside the document. In case of images inserted into a Writer document as illustrations they are frame-hosted.

like a room with an open window, we

 were haunted:

 neither exit nor entrance,

fully: so the ghosts crossed our thresholds:

 they have all gone out, they have all gone in:

the little houses leaning into the field of grass, the water

The AI is in beginner mode, like me when I discovered WB I used to try whites to always be white; or my Sigma DP2 which I forced in settings to sunny but jumps from greenish Matrix to bluish half developed film. In the photo I prefer the golden tones in the right, it is how I would remember the scene, at the left is more about how machines can register reality.

If you are borrowing or renting any sort of truck (for example a U-Haul truck to move your belongings) please speak to your agent or your insurance company to see if you are covered. You are likely not covered if you rent or borrow a truck.

If you or someone on your behalf gives false, deceptive, misleading or incomplete information on any application and if that information increases the insurance company's risk of loss, your company may refuse to pay claims under any or all of the Optional Insurance coverages of the policy. You must state where your car is garaged most of the time, regardless of your listed address. You must also list all the licensed drivers who are likely to drive your vehicle. This includes people who live with you (family and roommates) who do not have their own auto insurance, and also people who use your car on any kind of regular basis.

Just tried with a fresh install of Fiji and the latest 3 JARs. Works great on Windows 7 and 10. I like the descriptions of the commands and automatically filling in the variables where required is helpful.

This is related to another idea submitted regarding the ability to set a minimum zoom level. The ArcGIS visual not only zooms in too close, but it doesn't provide as nice of a user experience as the mapbox visual does when navigating through records. Mapbox provides a nice Google Earth like experience by zooming out to a reasonable level, 'flying' the user to the next point, then zooming back in. here's a video of the mapbox experience: (view in My Videos)

I have a well-defined way I like to do things, and the text auto-formatting in Comments is getting in the way. Every time I try to put a "-" at the beginning of a line, it assumes I want a bulleted list, and auto-formats what I was trying to do. This slows me down, and makes it so things don't look like I expect/want them to.

Bacterial intein-like (BIL) domains are newly identified homologs of intein protein-splicing domains. The two known types of BIL domains together with inteins and hedgehog (Hog) auto-processing domains form the Hog/intein (HINT) superfamily. BIL domains are distinct from inteins and Hogs in sequence, phylogenetic distribution, and host protein type, but little is known about their biochemical activity. Here we experimentally study the auto-processing activity of four BIL domains. An A-type BIL domain from Clostridium thermocellum showed both protein-splicing and auto-cleavage activities. The splicing is notable, because this domain has a native Ala C'-flanking residue rather than a nucleophilic residue, which is absolutely necessary for intein protein splicing. B-type BIL domains from Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodobacter capsulatus cleaved their N' or C' ends. We propose an alternative protein-splicing mechanism for the A-type BIL domains. After an initial N-S acyl shift, creating a thioester bond at the N' end of the domain, the C' end of the domain is cleaved by Asn cyclization. The resulting amino end of the C'-flank attacks the thioester bond next at the N' end of the domain. This aminolysis step splices the two flanks of the domain. The B-type BIL domain cleavage activity is explained in the context of the canonical intein protein-splicing mechanism. Our results suggest that the different HINT domains have related biochemical activities of proteolytic cleavages, ligation and splicing. Yet the predominant reactions diverged in each HINT type according to their specific biological roles. We suggest that the BIL domain cleavage and splicing reactions are mechanisms for post-translationally generating protein variability, particularly in extracellular bacterial proteins.

Quoth Fox & Friends' Steve Doocey: "unfortunately you know it seems every time something bad like this happens we look at "is there a connection between video games and the shooter?" Well, take a look at some people who were described as addicted, from Columbine High School, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Virginia Tech shooter, the Arizona shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, that Norway shooter who Anders Behring [sic], I think he shot 77 people. The Aurora shooter, James Holmes, the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, they're all described as essentially being addicted to video games."

If there is truly a direct, causal link between games like Grand Theft Auto V and violent shootings, we will soon have 18 to 20 million killers on our hands, not to mention the countless millions more who have been playing violent video games for years.

There are those who almost certainly are influenced by violent media to act out violently. The Aurora shooter had an obsession with The Joker from The Dark Knight film. Would he have carried out his crimes without that film? Who knows. Probably. (Even with tighter gun laws, it seems likely he would have attempted a mass killing. His apartment was rigged with explosives.)

Games like Spec Ops: The Line attempt to critique this violence and make us think about it critically, and even if we don't agree with the conclusion at least developers and writers are attempting to have the conversation on their own turf rather than on Fox & Friends.

Your doctor will likely do a stool test to find out if you have too much yeast in your gut. This involves sending a tiny sample of a bowel movement to a lab to be tested. Another test that might be used by some doctors is the glucose challenge.

John Halls This looks like it would ensure that all new numbers are unique. So in my case I need Project Numbers and Quote Numbers. I suppose I could have a table of each that I pull from each time.


But what creates the new record in your Reference table, and what would create a new Project Number or Quote Number in my separate tables?

You can file a complaint with the FCC about suspected scam calls. In addition to being fraudulent in nature, these calls likely violate telemarketing and robocall rules. (See our guide on Stopping Unwanted Calls and Texts.)

Get the flexibility of a lease, except you actually own the car with a lease like auto loan. Choose your terms and at the end of your contract you can either finance the balance at the current rate, or sell your car to pay off the balance.

The UAW also proposed the elimination of compensation tiers and a restoration of cost-of-living adjustments, as well as other workplace protections like a reduced 32-hour workweek, a shift back to traditional pensions, improved retiree and parental leave benefits, and more.

Almost every state requires you to buy auto insurance to protect against liability. And if you're taking out a loan to buy your vehicle, it's likely the lender will require you to buy an insurance policy to protect its value. 2351a5e196

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