Participant Information

Details for Participants

Eligible Participants:

    • Professional classroom teachers
    • Professional teacher librarians with appropriate state recognition. Can be full or part time in a particular school or district
    • Professional Instructional Technology coaches

Definition of a partnered or co-taught learning experience:

    • A learning experience where classroom teachers jointly plan, teach, and assess a learning experience/unit with a group of learners, K-12.
    • Learning experience can be from any discipline where such a learning experience would be immersed in the rich information and technology of the library or library learning commons. Topics might include science, social studies, literature, mathematics, STEM or STEAM, cross-disciplinary studies, global studies, etc. The experience might be across schools or across grade levels. In such cases, all the adults would be asked to complete the research questionnaire.

Data Collected at the conclusion of a joint learning experience:

    • Name and Position: Classroom Teacher, Teacher Librarian, Instructional Technology Coach
    • Email
    • School name
    • School zip code
    • Title of learning experience unit
    • A one or two sentence description of the learning experience
    • Grade level
    • Number of learners in the experience
    • Using the normal assessments given, how many learners met or exceeded both adults expectations?
    • Comments about the joint learning experience
    • Anticipated time to participate: 15 minutes or less


    • Reports will not contain any participant names or school names. However, you will be able to compare your results with others in the research for your own local use and benefit.
    • Paraprofessional personnel or professionals not receiving a professional salary are not invited to be a part of this research study.
    • The data will be collected via a Google Form and the final question set may vary slightly from the list above.
    • Participants may submit more than one learning experience to the researcher. Submit one questionnaire for each experience.
    • This website contains a "So What? What's Next" page where suggestions for using this measure on the local level are recommended.

Other helpful information:

  • Participation runs throughout the 2017 school year.
  • A preliminary report will be done for the AASL national conference for learning experiences completed by November 1, 2017. A final report will be completed after June 1, 2018.