
Sample planning schedule of a joint learning experience

While the following list might seem to be wishful thinking, we recommend that you compare this list with a list that could happen in your school with your faculty.

  1. The Classroom Teacher (CT) and the Teacher Librarian (TL) decide to partner on a learning experience.
  2. The CT presents a general idea of the content objectives and the TL sets up a digital collaborative workspace known as a Knowledge Building Center (KBC).
  3. The TL, using the LIIITE Model to gather ideas about what to embed into what the CT's content objectives are.
  4. In a concentrated planning session, both teachers make major decisions about:
    • Goals and objectives
    • Assessments - both formative and summative
    • Instructional design and learning activities
    • The Culminating Activity and the Big Think activity
    • Space needs for technology, activities, schedules
  5. CT and TL build the KBC digital space that both they and the learners will use during the learning experience.
  6. The activities of the learning experience happen and both adults participate jointly as often as possible.
  7. The Culminating Activity and final assessments are made including the percentage of learners who met or exceeded both adults expectations.
  8. The Big Think with the learners occurs. The "So What?" and "What Next?" are recorded for future use.
  9. The adults archive the learning experience for future reporting and use if they expect to do the same learning experience again.

Terms Mentioned in the Above Planning Guide

  • The LIIITE Model
  • Knowledge Building Center:
    • Classic Google Site template that can be pulled down, renamed, and can be used for your individual learning experience
    • New Google Sites template. At this writing, you will need to create each page of your own KBC by using this one as an example. Google does not allow it to be a standard template like the classic version
    • Assessment:
    • The researcher encourages participants to use local assessment practices. Click on the Assessment page for additional information.
    • The Big Think is a meta cognitive reflection session after the learning experience is over to determine what was learned, how it was learned, and what could be done better the next time this type of learning activity happens.