Pack Events

The Pack aims to have at least one Pack Event each month during the school year.

Here is a summary of our Past and Upcoming events for the Scouting Year.

Kickoff and Scavenger Hunt

  • Cub Scouts Scavenger Hunt

    • Oct 3. 11am - 1pm

    • Snow's Hill Trail - Pine St. Parking Lot

    • Stop by anytime 11-1 and hike at your own pace. Pickup the Scavenger Hunt Sheet from us at the trailhead and work your way up to the Scout Cabin finding clues along the way.

For those who don't know where the Snow Hill parking area is:

Google Street View

It is at about 100 Pine St and pretty easy to miss.

Lego Night (Cancelled 2021)

Lego Night is our Annual Kick Off Event and doubles as our Registration Night.

Due to Covid Considerations, we will not be holding Lego night in 2021

More details

Blue Hills Hike

Our traditional November hike is at the Blue Hills Reservation.

When: TBD

Where: Meet at Blue Hills Reservation Trailside Museum

Space Derby

Stay tuned for more details...

The Space Derby is racing event somewhat similar to the Pinewood Derby but with fewer rules and propeller driven craft instead of wheeled cars.

The space derby kit consists of a balsa wood block, propeller, rubber bands and fins. The Cubs shape the balsa block and paint or decorate it as they see fit.

On race day, the craft zip along fishing lines in a high-speed (hopefully) race to the finish.

When: TBA

Pack Olympics & Bobcat Ceremony

The Pack Olympics and Bobcat Ceremony is an outdoor event culminating in a ceremony for the cubs who have earned their Bobcat badges.

We will play outdoor games and challenges for about an hour followed by a Bobcat Badge ceremony for Cubs and Parents.

When: TBA

Where: Outside Caryl Community Center

Walker School

The Walker School supports children with emotional, behavioral and learning challenges and provides an environment that supports the whole child. The community is diverse and includes both day students and students that board at Walker year round. Many students have histories of abuse and neglect while others have struggles with mental health that have made it difficult for them to remain at home. Walker aims to equip these children with a quality education and, as needed, intensive therapy, so that they may succeed.

Each December, the Pack participates in the Walker Wishes toy drive and has a special Pack meeting at the Walker school in Needham. The Cubs bring gifts to help fulfill wish requests from the students. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community but still have a good time. Details and Wish Lists will be announced ahead of the event.

When: December (TBD)

Where: Walker School, Needham

Pinewood Derby

One of the most famous Cub Scout events, the Pinewood Derby introduces the kids to crafting and engineering, all wrapped up in an exciting and engaging day of friendly racing competition! We hold the Derby at the end of January.

When: TBA

Where: Dover Church

More details

Blue and Gold Dinner

When: TBA

Where: Dover Church

More details

Snow Hill Campout

A campout for the whole family. Come for all or part of the event.

Bring your tents and sleeping bags. There are cabin bunks available if you do not have or prefer not to sleep in a tent.

Cubs must be accompanied if staying the night.

Volunteers needed for: Evening and Breakfast food prep, Hike to the Fire Tower, Fire Ring Prep.

When: TBA

Where: Snow Hill, (Pine St. Entrance) Dover MA

Recyclable Collection

We will be collecting Recyclable deposit containers from the Transfer Station during the month of March.

The SignupGenius is here.


Movie Night and Half Sleepover

Kraft Hall (Dover Church)


This Pack meeting will be a Half-Sleepover and Movie Night. The kids should bring sleeping bags/blankets, pillows and comfortable sleep attire instead of their normal Cub Scout uniform. We won't actually be spending the night, hence the half part.

Movie: TBA

What to bring: sleeping bags; pillows; PJ's. Siblings are very welcome.


7:15 pm- Arrive; set up7:30 pm- Movie Starts?:?? - Movie ends9:30 pm - targeted end time.

Earth Day Cleanup

April 2019

Pack Overnight


Memorial Day Parade

The Cubs March in Dover's Annual Memorial Day Parade

Blast Off!

Who doesn't love making things, then blowing them up with chemical explosions??!? No-one! The Blast-Off Rocket Launch is our end of year event where all the Cubs get an Estes Viking rocket kit to make and decorate, then they bring them to Springdale Field to launch them in supervised conditions. There are many highs (literally) and lows (we have had some rockets destroy themselves on first launch) but it's always fun to blow stuff up ...

More details