I am an Assistant Professor at the New Economic School, and hold a Ph.D. from UC Davis in Economics. Lately, I have become worried that academic economics is often not about seeking truth, but rather about sneaking research through peer review to earn rents on undergraduate tuition dollars. I am a member of the Replication Network, committed to making replication and robustness a norm in academia, and I also work closely with the Institute for Replication. I am a big fan of academic prediction markets, which are, in my view, about seeking truth, and founded Insight Prediction

E-mail: dolcampb at gmail dot com ; Twitter: @TradeandMoney ; Blog: http://douglaslcampbell.blogspot.ru/ 

Research Interests: International Trade, Open-Economy Macroeconomics, Macroeconomic Growth and Development, Economic History, Applied Micro, Prediction Markets

Working Papers

Robust or Bust? Robustness Reproducibility of the American Economic Review, with Abel Brodeur, Douglas Campbell, Anna Dreber, Magnus Johannesson, Joseph Kopecky, Lester Lusher, and Nikita Tsoy (2024).

Robustness Report: Commercial Imperialism? Political Influence and Trade during the Cold War (2023)

Robustness Report: Coercive Contract Enforcement: Law and the Labor Market in Nineteenth Century Industrial Britain (2023)

Robustness Report: The 'Out of Africa' Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development" (2023)

Robustness Report: The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior: Evidence from Savings Rates, Health Behaviors, and Retirement Assets (2023),  code, data (here, here, and here)

Robustness Report: Going to a Better School: Effects and Behavioral Responses (2023)

Robustness Report: Innovation and Institutional Ownership (2023)

Robustness Report: Technological Change and the Consequences of Job Loss (2023)

Robustness Report: Vulnerability and Clientelism (2023)

Robustness Report: Convex Supply Curves (2023)

Robustness Report: Retail Pharmacies and Drug Diversion during the Opioid Epidemic (2023)

Robustness Report: Partisanship and Fiscal Policy (2023)

Robustness Report: Persuastion Through Slanted Language (2023)

Robustness Report: Interaction, Stereotypes, and Performance: Evidence from South Africa (2023)

Robustness Report: How Merchant Towns Shaped Parliaments: From the Norman Conquest of England to the Great Reform Act (2024)

       Robustness Report: Religious Festivals and Economic Development: Evidence from the Timing of Mexican Saint Day Festivals (2024)

Mass Reproducibility and Replicability: A New Hope (2024) with Abel Brodeur et al. (See long author list.)

History, Culture, and Trade: A Dynamic Gravity Approach. August 2010. 

Published Research

Breaking Badly:  The Currency Union Effect on Trade with Aleksandr Chentsov Dec. 2022, June 2017 version. Forthcoming, Journal of International Money and   FinanceAdditional Appendix: Previous Referee Reports  

Trade Induced Technological Change: Did Chinese Competition Increase Innovation in Europe? with Karsten Mau, July, 2021, Review of Economic Studies.  

Relative Prices, Hysteresis, and the Decline of American Manufacturing, October, 2020, European Economic Review. Published ungated version. Official Link

TAs Like Me: Racial Interactions between Graduate Teaching Assistants and Undergraduates, with Lester Lusher and Scott Carrell. Journal of Public Economics. Mar., 2018  

The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Shocks on Manufacturing Workers: An Autopsy from the MORG with Lester Lusher2019, Journal of International Money and Finance

Measurement Matters: Productivity-Adjusted Weighted Average Relative Price Indices Journal of International Money and Finance, 2016 vol. 61(C), pages 45-81. 

The Diffusion of Development: Along Genetic or Geographic Lines? 2015, Journal of International Development. (Gated version.) With Ju Hyun Pyun 

Estimating the Impact of Currency Unions on Trade: Solving the Glick and Rose Puzzle. World Economy, 2013, 36: 1278-1293. 

Full Research Coverage w/ Data and Media Links

Trade Induced Technological Change: Did Chinese Competition Increase Innovation in Europe? with Karsten Mau, July, 2021, Review of Economic StudiesNov. 2019 version.  Response to referee report. Additional response to BDvR-20's referee report. Data and code responding to an old referee report and more. 

Relative Prices, Hysteresis, and the Decline of American Manufacturing, Forthcoming, European Economic Review. Published version. (previously R&R, JIE and R&R at AEJ: Applied). Appendix: Response to Previous Referees Reports. Previous versions: Sept., 2015 ; July, 2015 ; Dec., 2014 ; April, 2014 Version. JMP version from 2013. Additional Appendix (old).

        Media: VoxEU version (link to be fixed by VoxEU, here's a word version). The Economist (Ryan Avent).                     Equitablog. Naked Capitalism. Guest post for Econbrowser, "The Cause of Secular Stagnation? Relative                   Prices, Trade, and the People’s Republic of China”. Paper also cited again in The Economist.

        Awards: This paper won the Wim Meeusen Prize, awarded annually to the best paper presented at the                     "Economics of Global Interactions" conference in Bari, Italy.

        Data: MFA/ATC Crosswalk (bridge to HS crosswalk, available here), IO NAICs to             NAICs Crosswalk

TAs Like Me: Racial Interactions between Graduate Teaching Assistants and Undergraduates, with Lester Lusher and Scott Carrell. Journal of Public Economics. Mar., 2018 version. Ungated NBER Working Paper version

        Media: Slate. Inside Higher-Ed. Washington Examiner. Diversity Inc. Daily Illini

The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Shocks on Manufacturing Workers: An Autopsy from the MORG with Lester Lusher,  Forthcoming, Journal of International Money and Finance. (This is narrower version of "Trade Shocks, Taxes, and Inequality".) Bullet Point Highlights

       Media: Econbrowser Guest Contribution. 

       A previous version was circulated as: Trade Shocks, Taxes, and Inequality with Lester Lusher, Sept.,

      2016. May 2016 version.

       Media: Short VoxEU version. Blogs: Economist's View. Naked Keynesianism. Tax Justice Network

      Data: Historical Top Marginal Tax Rates Database, In Excel form.

       New Estimates of Offshoring: Intermediate Imports.dta (ASM NAICS, 1989-2010, in Stata v14), Bilateral                  Version.dta (ASM NAICS X ASM NAICS, Stata 14), Raw Data. SIC version (1972-2003). Bilateral SIC Version.          Intermediate Input Data Appendix. Read Me

       CPS MORG Data: (email me -- large file).

       ASM Data: Here.

       Crosswalk Data: Master Crosswalk File (all 23 crosswalks for this project).

Measurement Matters: Productivity-Adjusted Weighted Average Relative Price Indices Journal of International Money and Finance, 2016 vol. 61(C), pages 45-81. (Online published version, accessible until Feb. 6, 2015). Bullet point highlightsPrevious version, circulated as: "Through the Looking Glass: A WARPed View of Real Exchange Rate History" from August 2015.  Appendix: Old Referee Reports. Version from November, 2014.   Even older Version. 

       MediaVoxEU synopsis. Blog post by Ryan Avent in The Economist. Equitablog. Naked Capitalism

       Data: WAR RER Indices, v2.1a (154 countries, using PWT v8.1, July 2015; Excel format v2.1a). v2.1a                        Description. .do file for computing trade weights from IMF DOTS (DOTS data).  

       RER Indices, v2.0 (157 countries, using PWT v8.1, July 2015). v2.0 Description

       RER Indices, v1.0 (based on PWT v8.0, 2014) (stata 11 format, excel 2010 format).

       Comments on Related Research:Comment on Synthetic International Indexed Unit of Account.

Estimating the Impact of Currency Unions on Trade: Solving the Glick and Rose Puzzle. World Economy, 36: 1278-1293, 2013.

       The line: The early large time series estimates of currency unions on trade were driven by omitted variables                including warfare and communist takeovers, and are not robust to controlling for dynamics as per my 'Dynamic          Gravity Theory' below. Countries considering joining the Euro should not expect any large impact on                          trade. Citation in Bibtex. Previous, ungated draft, Dec. 2012.  Slides here. Short version.    Earlier                                Draft from Feb., 2012. (Note: Repec ranks World Economy 71st by citations in the past 10 years.)

       Media: Blogged at Economic Logic here.

       Data: Code here and data here.

The Diffusion of Development: Along Genetic or Geographic Lines? 2015, Journal of International Development. (Gated version.) With Ju Hyun Pyun

       The line: Climatic distance to the US predicts development, genetic distance does not. Version from August,              2014. 2013 Version. Web Appendix. Under Review. Previous Version. Dec., 2011. 

       Media: Andrew Gelman's blog. (listed as a "Must-Read" by Brad DeLong at the Washington Center for                      Equitable Growth). Blog post: Ancestry and Development: The 'Power Pose' of Economics?

       Data: Data here and code here (previous code).  

Top Blog Posts

What's Wrong with the US Economy? A Theory in one Blog Post March, 2017

Robots and Inequality: A Skeptic's Take March, 2017

Is US Manufacturing Really Great Again? May, 2017

A Quick Theory of the Industrial Revolution April, 2017

A Quick Argument why not to Raise Interest Rates March, 2017

The Saga of Currency Unions and Trade March, 2017

Ben Bernanke, in Denial? "When Growth is Not Enough"  July, 2017

Janet Yellen's Tenure, in Retrospect: Has the Economy Really Recovered? December, 2017

Reminder: Most Published Research is Probably Wrong! February, 2018

On the Uses (and Abuses) of Economath: The Malthusian Models February, 2018

Are Negative Nominal Interest Rates Expansionary? A Review of Eggertsson  et al. (2017) October, 2018

Ranking Economic Journals by Speed, Updated February, 2019

How to Respond to the Next Recession: Central Bank Fiscal Support February, 2020 

Debate over Covid Fatality April, 2020

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:

Президентские ставки: выборы 2020 года в США и риски для инвесторов, РБК,  July 5th, 2020

Guest Contribution: The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Shocks on Manufacturing Workers: An Autopsy from the MORG, Econbrowser, January 6, 2017. 

Is the AER Replicable? And is it Robust? Evidence from a Class Project, The Replication Network, December 27th, 2016. 

Driver's of Inequality: Trade Shocks vs. Top Marginal Tax Rates, VoxEU, Sep. 8, 2016.

A Replication in Economics: Does "Genetic Distance" to the US Predict Development?, Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science (Andrew Gelman's Blog), Dec. 19th, 2015. 

Правда ли, что чем южнее регионы и страны, тем они беднее и неблагополучнее? June 25th, 2015. For the webpage "The Question", I answer "Is it true that southern regions and countries are poor and undeveloped? (warning: it's in Russian/порусский).

The Cause of Secular Stagnation? Relative Prices, Trade, and the People’s Republic of China. Econbrowser Guest post, August 14th, 2014. 

Output vs. Trade Costs in the Great Depression and Today, 9/2009 written with David Jacks, Chris Meissner, and Dennis Novy on the dramatic decline in trade during the Great Recession for VoxEU. VoxEU profile here.  

Data Links

    Trade/Manufacturing Data

Tips for Writing Academic Papers

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