"Our 2020-Vision Campaign"

Working for "Our 2020-Vision Campaign," as a Vermont Gubernatorial Candidate is the Best Job Ever!

Simply stated, we improve the lives of Vermont friends, families and neighbors--everyday!

Fortunately we only have to rely on small contributions to achieve these incredible returns on investment.

Sailing on Lake Champlain with Camel's Hump Mountain in the background, photo is by Meghan from Adobe Stock Images-168125916.Honor System Practices in Vermont, photo is by Dave from Adobe Stock Images-141811992."Our 2020-Vision Campaign" banner logo, created by Doug Cavett in Wix, with 2020 Vote Pin photo by Filipe Sanchez, and The Green Mountains background photo by Vermontalm, both products of Adobe Stock Images-196819952 &94279434, respectively.This ePortfolio was created with Google Sites, by Doug Cavett, and approved by Doug Cavett for the use of "Our 2020-Vision Campaign" and Doug Cavett for VT governor in 2020. (copyright 2-25-19)