Gods of Orenos

Spring 2019


Gods of Orenos was the first of two games that I worked on for the course Twitch.TV Game Development. I worked as a game designer in a team of 5 over the course of about 5 weeks. Unfortunately, this game never reached a fully playable digital state due to the game having a much larger scope than the class allowed for. However, I still would like to present the progress made by our team to demonstrate my game design skills. Gods of Orenos is a digital card game in which your goal is to complete three out of five given quests before the last turn. If you are streaming on Twitch.TV, your twitch chat will be able to vote on different effects that hinder your progress.

Final Product

While not finished to the degree we would have liked it to be, this is the stage the game was in by the given deadline

Final UI Concept (not implemented)
Gameplay Video


Curse Art

Below is art used for the curses, which were the negative effects that the twitch chat could inflict upon the player. All curse art was done using icons from https://game-icons.net/ and effects done by me in Adobe Photoshop.


Indesign Mockup

Mockup featuring only functional information used for paper prototype and playtesting

Card Back

Card back art done by our producer, Armon Walker, because we did not have an artist

Finalized Card

Card art and design also done by our producer, Armon Walker

Game Design Document

Original concept and GDD by Matt Regan

Gods of Orenos