
金曜4限, 2021年前期

"Language and Our World"

Shawn M. Clankie, Toshihiko Kobayashi

Unit 1: Language Development

The Dawn of Language

Do Animals Have Language?

The Rosetta Stone

Unit 2: Language Development

Chomsky and Universal Grammar

Younger Is Better

Misunderstandings about Bilingualism

Unit 3: Men's and Women's Speech

Are Men's and Women's Speech Really Different?


PC (Politically-Correct) Speech

Unit 4: Language Learning

What Makes a Good Language Learner?

Individual and Societal Multilingualism

The Role of Teaching Methods in Language Learning


授業に関する質問は、井上拓也 [sk321149@mail.doshisha.ac.jp] までご連絡ください。