Goals & Outcomes

Smart Goals

For this class (Geo. for educators)

I know that I will need to keep up on my work, specifically my in-depth topics for my eportfolio that are due every two weeks. Every two weeks I want to have two topics ready to go and I know I will have to set aside about 2-3 hours per week directly to each topic. I can use my good time managment skills to help set time away for this before hand.

For this semester

This is my last semester at RCC and I have only gotten two Bs since starting and my goal for all As this last semester might be really tough. So instead I am going to say I want to end with either As or Bs in all my class. I am going to work hard and set time aside for each class and designate certain days for certains classes. I know it is plausible for me to have this goal because I have done it before.