Initial Reflection

Earth Science & Teaching

My strengths as a student is that I have learned how to get my work done in a timely way and not procrastinate too much. I like to talk to other students and get together to study and also utilize my teacher when I need more help. My weakness as a student would be that I have high expectations for myself and sometimes stress myself out too much and worry a lot.

My strength as a teacher, well I dont really know yet but I would say that being there for my students. Being able to find the right technique to use to help each student and make the most out of their learning is most important. My weakness as a teacher would be that I worry too much and would worry that my students arent learning enough from me.

When teaching Earth Science, I feel most confident about teaching things that have to do with the oceans because I love water and being arond water. However, Earthquakes are exciting to learn and teach about because of the shifting of plates and being able to have the children make structures to withstand an "earthquake."

What I feel nervous about teaching would be rocks in general. Theres so many different kinds of rocks being able to identify them by just looking at them seems difficult.

Personal Plans

If this were a regular graded class I would realisticly want an A. This time, coming back to school I am determined to finish and give my all to school, unlike the first time around. I know how to better balance my life and school and deal with hardships and stress as they come my way. Expecting an A from myself isnt unattainable for me.

Some specific steps that I will be taking to achieve this goal is to make sure that I am on top of my work and studies. Also, using office hours and my professor for help when I need it. I will set aside time to go over chapters before class and come prepared.


Upon coming into this class the first day and hearing the professor talk about her "ungrading" policy first I thought, is that even allowed then after reading about it and such I realized that this was what I have been trying to say to some of my professors for so long. I have many times directly spoke to professors and questioned thier reasoning behind so much busy work and how it was not helping us learn the material. Instead, I just wanted to make sure all the work was done to get a good grade, and not concentrating on learning the material itself. I am one that aims to get an A in every class and will put in whatever work I have to in order to reach that goal. So going into this class, I am exciting to see how much material I will get to learn without the stress of busy work.