Final Reflection

Class & Teacher Interaction

I was present for about 97% of class, I only wasnt able to come 2-3 times during the semester. When in class, I think i am actively participating about 90% of the time, I always like to engage in conversation with others around me about what we are talking about and ask questions. There have been times during that I am on my phone.

On average outside of this class I studied about 3 hours a week on the material and on the ePortfolio. I feel like I reguarly would ask you questions on an individual level about clarification about labs and help with certain things. I also feel like my participation with the class and teacher impacted my grade in a positive way because I didnt feel shy about asking for help when I needed it or getting clafification about things. My knowledge in this class at the end has grown so much since the beginging and I feel like I know more about geology and can explain material better.

Practice Work

I got a "complete" on about 13-14 assignments and "incomplete" on two of them, but I turned them in and got them back. I attempted every practice assignment given. Out of the assignments, only 1 was submitted late.

Upon looking at these numbers, I believe that my participation with the practice work was very good and above average for the class and I think they all helped with my knowledge in the materials.


I got my url created and submitted right away and on time. Out of the 12 full lesson plans we should of had I believe in the last 3 weeks I did 7 of them and the others I already previously had done. I started doing resources for the topics right away along with the introduction part of the eportfolios.

I feel like my eportfolieo turned out very well. It is very well layed out and easily accessible and easy to get around. My lesson plans are easy to find and everything you need is in one place. The more I kept doing my full lesson plans, the more I was finding that I was adding in more informtaion that I knew.

Overall Class

When I look at the entire semester I am most proud of the things that I learned. I feel like at the end of this semester I have came out knowing more about Geology then I did going in. I feel like I can now be an active member in geology conversations without just spitting out facts that arent real facts. Overall in the class, looking back I wish I could have learned more about the rock cycle specificaly. I know it, but I wish I would have learned more in depth about it on my own.

The final grade I would give myself would be a B+, I feel like I know the overall concepts of the subjects that I learned but in depth in serveral but not all areas. I feel like the grade you would give me would be equal to that I gave myself because of the same reasons. I feel like I did well in this class, but there are others that did better then me or understand the concepts better.

Final Thoughts

I came into this class very skeptical about this ePortfolio and the idea of it and how it was going to work. But now at the end of this class and have written 13 full lesson plans for the topics of my choosing, I feel like I learned a lot writting the lessson plans out and having to inout resoucres and examples of things. This is also something that I can also go back to and use as a teacher and its online so will always be there to use and update. I can see myself using this as a tool for all the subject I would teach throughout the year and even different grades.