Drawing Board

Drawing Board is all about exploring ideas that were just born, or have been simmering on the back burner for years.  Maybe they turn into something tangible, or maybe they don't.  But getting them out of your head, and at least onto a piece of paper, is a good start.

Below are just some of the ideas I've had.  And as a good friend with a dark outlook on life said, "You won't do 90% of them before you die," to which I smiled and said, "So?"  

Since I first had the thought, some of these things have been done as technology has advanced.*  But maybe not.  Double asterick (**) means I completed it. But if you find one of them already done somewhere, send me the link and I can cross it off the list, which I'll be updating.  

What does your list look like? 

     Ideas weird, done or undoable*       Ideas that might go somewhere**

Woodwalkers - Adjustable goggles for hikers against sun, wind & bugs. Quandaries - Morals & ethics game. **

Book about Public Radio **

Play based on book

Musical based on play

You Are Here - Book of spatial, corporeal, temporal, metaphysical, etc. maps. Return Fire - App that attacks hackers.

How'd They Die, Again? - Causes, frequencies, mitigations, physiological effects, etc. Marry Me - An board game of getting, being and   of how, when, where & why people die.   ending being married.

Shore Line - A harpoon gun like device that fires life-preservers for drowning people. T-shirt sayings - "No Further Warning ..."      

 "All True Man"

 "Force of Nature" 

"Politicians talking about morality is a lot like capitalists talking about charity"

   Nighty-Nite - A 800 number that reads bedtime stories   Internship Clearing House - Annually updated     for students looking for one source for practicums &     internships.

   Outline - A service that takes notes for students.    By The Water - A Dept. of Interior guide to U.S. inland     lakes.

   Black Box - A company that makes a house surveillance proof i.e., no thermal imaging, no monitoring of utilities, soundproof, etc.   The Seller - A picture book that shows the hard,     rewarding, nomadic and sometimes solitary life of     salespeople.

   A broker of discount school supplies for teachers, schools and districts.   Beyond Valor - A directory of fallen Highway Patrol     Officers nationwide. 

   When ring notebooks fill apart, keep the rings and switch out the covers.   A Lazy Susan specifically for 3-ring binders.

   And Baby Makes Two - A doll representing a full sized baby, that can   Secular podcasts about the departures and returns of randomly fidget, cry, play, take or refuse to take a bottle, poop/pee and Mormon missionaries to/from their missions. laugh. Could be a teaching aid in health & sex-education classes.

   A word processing program that sends specific messages to specific   A teleplay/made for TV movie about China Airlines recipients in a letter or an email.     flight 006, which in 1985, suffered an engine failure at 41,000 feet, causing it to fall 30,000 feet without    An all-in-one magazine/website for flea markets, pawn shops, consignment, power before captain and crew were able to restart   stores, thrift stores and garage sales. it and divert to San Francisco. 

Two electrical outlets, their connections affixed with magnets, attached to A service that picks up food from PDX restaurants,              each other through a sheet of glass. (The last paragraph in the link explains freeze dries it and delivers it to food banks like            why this idea wouldn't work. I didn't know it back then, though).       Las Vegas does in this program

   Letting PDX artists and taggers cover soon-to-be                            demolished  buildings, as Salt Lake Ciity did                           here?       

Drawing Board, as part of Don Merrill Associates, offers consultation with rates based on the Pay What You Can model.  To schedule a consultation, go to DMACalendar. For more information, email dma.drawingboard@gmail.com or call 971-363-7355.
