Dong Lab

Dong Lab is working on the computational design, advanced fabrication, and intelligent control of novel functional miniature mechanism, devices, and robots, as well as the development of their wireless actuation, control, and sensing systems, aiming at resolving challenging technical and societal problems in health care, environmental exploration, and other critical areas. Theoretical aspects of our research involve mechanics-based modeling, optimal mechanism design, nonlinear dynamics and control, among other techniques.

Frontispiece of Advanced Materials Technologies

Wang, Y., Sharma, S., Maldonado, F. and Dong, X., Wirelessly Actuated Ciliary Airway Stent for Excessive Mucus Transportation. Advanced Materials Technologies, p.2301003.


Cover of Lab on a Chip

Chung, S.E.#, Dong, X.# and Sitti, M., 2015. Three-dimensional heterogeneous assembly of coded microgels using an untethered mobile microgripper. Lab on a Chip, 15(7), pp.1667-1676.


Labwiki for group members.