The word "manat" is derived from the Latin word "monta" and the Russian word "" ("moneta") meaning "coin".[1] It was used as the name of the Soviet currency in Azeri (Azerbaijani: ) and in Turkmen.

The Democratic Republic issued notes in denominations of 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 manats, whilst the Soviet Socialist Republic issued notes in denominations of 5, 100, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, 250,000, 1 million, and 5 million manats.

Dolar Ka Azerbaycan Manat

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On 1 January 2006, a new manat (ISO 4217 code AZN, also called the "manat (national currency)") was introduced at a ratio of 1 new manat to 5,000 old manats. From 1 October 2005, prices were indicated both in new manats and in old manats to ease the transition. Coins denominated in qpik, which had not been used from 1993 onward due to inflation, were reintroduced with the re-denomination. The former manat (ISO code 4217 AZM) remained in use through to 31 December 2006.[3]

The new manat was initially assigned the code AYM on being added to the ISO 4217 standard on 1 June 2005, with an effective date of 1 January 2006.[6] However, this was removed and replaced by AZN on 13 October 2005 as it did not comply with the ISO 4217 currency coding standardization rules (which state that currency codes must begin with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the relevant country).[7]

Solundaki kutuya dntrlecek tutar girin Azerbaycan Manat. Yapmak iin "Takas para" kullann ABD Dolar Varsaylan para birimi. Tklayn ABD dolar veya Azerbaycan manat Bu para birimi ve dier tm para birimleri arasnda dntrme.

Ketika Azerbaijan memperoleh kemerdekaan dari Uni Soviet, ia mengganti rubel Soviet dengan manat, yang juga mengalami periode inflasi tinggi pada tahun-tahun pertama, membuat mata uang menjadi usang. Manat saat ini yang beredar ada sejak denominasi pada tahun 2006, ketika 5.000 manat lama diganti dengan mata uang baru, yang memiliki kemiripan dengan euro.

AMB'den yaplan aklamada, dnya ekonomisinde yaanan kriz ve petrol fiyatlarnda yaanan d nedeniyle, Dviz piyasasnn ve manatn kurunun yeni petrol fiyatlarna uygunlatrlmasnn zorunlu hale geldii belirtildi.

Aklamada, AMB ynetim kurulunun lkede dalgal kura geilmesi ynnde karar ald bildirildi. Kararla, daha nce 1,05 manattan ilem gren dolar 1,55, 1,14 manattan ilem gren euro ise 1,68 manattan ilem grmeye balad. 2351a5e196

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