DOLAP 2023: 25th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data

Co-located with EDBT 2023, Ioannina, Greece

March 28, 2023

Call for Papers

DOLAP accepts short and long paper submissions. The page limit is 10 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers (in ACM format). Each submission will be reviewed by 3 members of the program committee. The best papers presented at DOLAP will be invited to a special issue of Information Systems

Long papers include novel and mature research, industrial or survey work. Long papers of good quality but not mature enough might be accepted to the workshop as short papers. Short papers include:

Special Theme: Multi-Model Analytics. The success of Big Data and NoSQL solutions has led to a de-escalation of the one-size-fits-all principle. The opportunity to build upon the distinctive strengths of different data models has pushed researchers and practitioners to the development of operational and analytical systems that rely on multiple persistence layers (e.g., polystore, multi-model systems). However, this trend has also opened several research issues, including the discovery, management, and integration of data on separate DBMSs, the study of data modeling best practices, and the capability of running efficient cross-DBMS analytical queries. DOLAP 2023 will devote a special session to Multi-Model Analytics to promote novel contributions in these directions. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to: 

Additional research topics include, but are not limited to:

Design and Language


Analytical Processing and Applications

Submission Website: 

EDBT/ICDT Workshop papers must follow the ACM Proceedings Format slightly modified. Please use the modified ACM LaTeX2e style files based on the EDBT/ICDT template and containing the right copyright information for DOLAP (link updated on December 09, 2022):

Long papers cannot exceed 10 pages in length and short papers cannot exceed 5 pages in length. Submissions will be accepted only through the submission site CMT at: 

The proceedings of the workshop will be published online as a volume of the CEUR Workshop Proceedings, a well-known website for publishing workshop proceedings. It is indexed by the major publication portals, such as DBLP, Citeseer, and Google Scholar.

Important Dates: 

Paper submission:  December 14, 2022 January 18, 2023, 11:59pm PST

Authors notification: January 22, 2023 February 15, 2023

Camera-ready: February 22, 2023

Workshop date: March 28, 2023