DOLAP 2023: 25th International Workshop on Design, Optimization, Languages and Analytical Processing of Big Data

Co-located with EDBT 2023, Ioannina, Greece

March 28, 2023


Twentyfour DOLAP workshops have been held in the past with great success. During these years, DOLAP has been established as one of the reference places for researchers to publish their work in the broad area of data decision support systems. DOLAP maintains a high quality of accepted papers, as attested by its ranking as "very good event" in the last edition of the GII-GRIN-SCIE Conference Ranking. It features a 2 rounds reviewing process, is associated with special issues of highly reputed international journals (like IS or DKE), invites keynotes from reputed speakers, includes a best paper award since 2020, and uses open proceedings since 2017.

Research in data warehousing and OLAP has produced important technologies for the design, management, and use of information systems for decision support. Nowadays, due to the advent of Big Data, Decision Support Systems (DSS) include a wider range of systems, in which novel solutions combine advanced data management and data analytics, (semi-)automating the data lifecycle (from ingestion to visualization). Yet, the DSS principles remain the same: these systems acknowledge the relevance of managing data in an efficient way (by means of data modeling and optimized data processing) to serve innovative data analysis bringing added value to organizations.

DSS of the future will consequently be significantly different than what the current state-of-the-practice supports. The trend is to move from current systems that are "data presenting" to more dynamic systems that allow the semi-automation of the decision making process (including both data management and data analysis tasks). This means that systems partially guide their users towards data discovery, management and system-aided decision making via intelligent techniques (beyond OLAP) and visualization. In the backstage, the advent of the big data era requires that new methods, models, techniques and architectures are developed to cope with the increasing demand in capacity, data type diversity, schema and data variability and responsiveness. And of course, this does not necessarily mean to re-invent the wheel, but rather, complementing the wealth of research in DSS with other approaches. We envision DOLAP 2023 as a forum to discuss, foster and nurture novel ideas around these new landscapes of decision support systems in the era of big data in order to produce new exciting results, within a strong, vibrant community around these areas.

Like previous DOLAP workshops, DOLAP 2023 aims at synergistically connecting the research community and industry practitioners and provides an international forum where both researchers and practitioners can share their findings in theoretical foundations, current methodologies, and practical experiences, and where industry technology developers can describe technical details about their products and companies exploiting BI and Big Data technology can discuss case studies and experiences.

Special Theme: Multi-Model Analytics. The success of Big Data and NoSQL solutions has led to a de-escalation of the one-size-fits-all principle. The opportunity to build upon the distinctive strengths of different data models has pushed researchers and practitioners to the development of operational and analytical systems that rely on multiple persistence layers (e.g., polystore, multi-model systems). However, this trend has also opened several research issues, including the discovery, management, and integration of data on separate DBMSs, the study of data modeling best practices, and the capability of running efficient cross-DBMS analytical queries. DOLAP 2023 will devote a special session to Multi-Model Analytics to promote novel contributions in these directions. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Multistore and polystore solutions

  • Multi-model data warehouse and OLAP

  • Heterogenous data discovery, integration, and cleaning

  • Data modeling in multi-model systems

  • Query evaluation and optimization in multi-DBMS systems

Test-of-time award. To celebrate the 25th edition of DOLAP and its long-lasting establishment as a well-renowned workshop, a Test-of-time award will be presented at DOLAP 2023. Eligible papers are all the regular papers accepted in the first 10 editions of DOLAP. A nomination committee appointed by the DOLAP steering committee will judge eligible papers and select one that is notable for its significant impact and influence within the OLAP community.