
Please write to: if find any bug in app.

The app optimized for iPhone screens and looks on iPad bit worse.

Here is the process of creating new exercise.

Go to settings -> plus sign -> "New Exercise" will appear, tap it. Enter new exercise name on next screen in "Name" field. "Bench press" for example.

You can set your image there tapping "Change image", and background color, tapping "Change color"

Next change if exercise will be time-based (like plank) - "Is time-based" switch on, or reps-based (like push-ups) - "Is time-based" switch off. Then tap "Schedule" to set schedule for exercise.

Enter day name to text field, whatever you like, "First day" for example.

You can create three variants of same exercise day here (or two, or just one if wish) "Easy", "Normal", and "Hard".

Tap "plus" to add set with reps and rest time after it, tap green "plus" near set, to insert next set after it.

Enter your reps number in each set, and rest time after set in seconds, tap other level and enter reps in sets and rest times for it.

Enter pop up reminders for exercise start, and exercise end, if required.

Add another exercise day with more reps in last set for example

Here what we will get:

We tapping "Start" in exercise:

If we tap "Start" on current day we'll go to exercise screen

Sharing exercise program with somebody

If you want to share your exercise program with someone, tap Settings -> "Share button":

Open exercise program on other device.

Tap on file with exercise program:
