About Us

Meet the Team

Caitlyn Loomis, Founder and President

Caitlyn Loomis is a Nationally Registered Paramedic with a background in cellular sales, specializing in small business. While sales was a successful venture, it quickly turned into an ethical dilemma. Pushing someone to buy something that they did not need, nor could always afford, felt wrong. After almost three years into her sales career, she began volunteering with her local fire department. Caitlyn became an EMT, began a new employment venture in the emergency department, and fell in love with the field of emergency medicine. Further education enabled Caitlyn to become a paramedic. This met many check marks as a career choice, but lacked the networking and business development skills that were once used and enjoyed. With some inspiration from members of the community, Caitlyn took the spark and lit a flame. Creating a non-profit organization allowed her to reach the goal of being charitable and developing a network, utilizing skills learned from both healthcare and sales.

Caitlyn didn't grow up in a very spiritual household, but came to find Christ after being lost in the turmoil of her teenage years. She looked for love in the wrong places, and fell into the wrong crowds. A fist-fight in her junior year biology class would ultimately change her life, when she was sent to Wildwood Hills Ranch for community service.

Serving with Wildwood opened her eyes to Christ and gave her life new meaning. Having been voted "Most Changed" her senior year of high school was something that she was incredibly proud of. Her love for helping others was developed by being shown Christ's love and she intends to pay that forward to others.

Caitlyn intends to continue working full-time as a Paramedic, while dedicating countless hours toward the growth of Do Good Des Moines.

Chance Curphy, Board Member

Chance Curphy is a member of the Des Moines Area Association of Realtors. He's spent his entire career working with people, and loves seeing others succeed. He grew up in Marshalltown IA, where he lived with his mother who was an alcoholic, and drug addict. As a teen he was primarily raised by his grandmother and two twin sisters. Moving several times/coming home to an eviction notice was normal, even being homeless for a time sleeping in a tent at the park in Marshalltown. His sisters moved away from home at the age of 15 to escape their mothers addictions. Chance eventually moved to Des Moines and lived with his teenage sisters, shortly after getting jobs in the restaurant industry.

Chance's primary focus is on at risk youth, and helping them navigate through difficult times in life. Being young is already a challenge, especially when you're dealing with parents who have an addiction. He knows first hand how hard it is to overcome a difficult home life, and still see the light at the end of the tunnel. Most children of drug addicts follow in their parents footsteps for lack of knowing anything else. He believes it's critical that these kids especially have someone to look up to, someone that knows what they're dealing with that they can relate to. Do Good provided him with that opportunity, and he's excited to help make a difference!