Holistic dog grooming 

and spa treatments

Hi, I'm Monika. Welcome to Dog-Spa Harrow. I offer holistic dog grooming and nourishing spa treatments for small and medium dogs that support their well-being. 

The services are carried out in a calm environment, on a one-to-one basis, using natural products, and prioritising dogs’ comfort. This approach works particularly well with dogs that might be anxious, shy, or elderly.  

My focus is on getting to know each dog and their reactions to the grooming process to help me meet their needs and support them through their grooming visit by adapting the techniques e.g. by taking more time with the process

I work closely with the owners to help them understand how they can help their dogs have a positive association with the grooming process. 

Get in touch if you're looking for a groomer for your dog or need support to help your dog get used to being groomed. I'd be happy to discuss your requirements and circumstances on the phone or during a free in-person Meet and Treat visit that will enable you and your pet to meet me.

You can view and book an appointment online here or by contacting me. 
