Once I created an album, I used to send out the URL to others to view the photos. Worked fine. Haven't done that for a few months until today. Sent out the URL, and people that receive the link say that it asks them to create an account or sign in first. Many have never been to Flckr before, and just want to see the photos posted. Has something changed on Flickr? 

I have all photos listed as public, tried sending the "share" link that Flickr creates, etc. When someone without a Flickr account gets the link, it takes them to Flickr, but asked them to "Get Started" or "Sign In" That's a turn off for most of the people that don't want to create an account just to view the photos.

Anyone know what's going on?

Posted at 10:53AM, 3 July 2017 PST(permalink)

In general I want to keep my photos private, but I'd like to share certain albums with friends without requiring them to create a Flickr account. Is there any way to do that? I recently created an album, set privacy settings to Friends & Family, then sent a link to certain people by entering their email address and clicking the Share button. When they try to view the album, they get a prompt asking them to log into their Yahoo account. I don't want them to have to create an account -- I just want them to be able to view this particular album without any further hassle. Is that do-able?

Posted at 7:15PM, 10 January 2016 PST(permalink)

Do You Need A Flickr Account To Download Photos

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I've been working on this issue all night. All of my photos are marked safe. They were marked Friends and Family. I clicked the "share" icon and emailed the url to a handful of people. They were all prompted to log into yahoo. Only those with Flickr accounts were able to view the pictures.

I've finally given up and changed the setting to public. But I still can't figure out how to direct people to find the album. Do I still need to send them a link using the Share icon? 

This program is pretty frustrating. I spent a lot of time uploading my pictures, and now the only way I can share them is either to force people to sign up for Flickr, which I really do not want to do, or to compromise on my privacy settings and make the pictures available to everyone. That is not what I had in mind. Thanks though to everyone who has offered guidance.

Posted 97 months ago.( permalink) 

Setting the privacy to 'Friends & Family' means that you only want your photos to be seen by Flickr contacts (!) that you have marked as either 'Friend' or 'Family'. In other words: in the privacy settings, Friend or Family means a specific kind of Flickr contact, not your actual friends and family. Flickr doesn't know who your actuals friends and family are :-) so choosing that setting doesn't mean that your friends and family can suddenly, magically see photos that you have in fact set to only be visible to Flickr contacts. 

If I understand you correctly, you want people without a Flickr account to be able to see your photos, even if they're not public. That reminds of the option that Facebook has, where you can send people a link to an album, even when they're not on Facebook and even if your Facebook account is set to private, the people that you have given that link to CAN see that album, because you've specifically shared it with them. I don't know if such a thing is possible with Flickr, but I do know your solution does the exact opposite, i.e. actually limiting the access to some of your Flickr contacts.

Posted 97 months ago.( permalink) 

 Chantal van der Ende-Appel edited this topic 97 months ago.

It says "All photos - public and private." I assumed that included everything. I guess I need to change that to "Include photos marked Friends and Family"?

Posted 97 months ago.( permalink) 

Here's more information on my question: Many of the people with whom I would like to share photos are barely able to use computers. If they are required to open Flicker accounts in order to view my photos they won't do it. Will I be able to share without them getting an account?

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Yes. see The Searcher's advice above.

Me, I have most of my photos public, so it's as simple as sending the URL of a set to my non-flickr friends and family. They click on that and go to the set, and are able to browse it as one browses any public web site. If you want your photos to remain private, a guest pass is the way. It is essentially a web link that grants access.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

If your photos are public (at the moment you have no public photos) then anyone will be able to see them if they're looking at your account, and they won't need a Flickr account of their own. If your photos are private and then made available to certain groups (e.g. friends or family) then Flickr will need some way to identify would-be viewers as being in those groups. They can either do this by your viewers having their own Flickr accounts, or by you sending them a 'Guest Pass'. The details of Flickr Guest Passes are documented in the FAQ.

Posted ages ago.( permalink) 

Everytime I try create a map and import photos from my flickr account, it says "user not found". I know my username, just used it by storymap cannot find it. I am able to use google, but flickr not working. Is there something I have to enable on my flickr account first?

Note. Actually, are you sure you want to create your Shortlist by assembling the places in a web map layer first? Given that your images are all in Flickr now, you could just start the Shortlist Builder and import all those Flickr images directly into your Shortlist to create the places, and then add the text descriptions and organize the places into tabs interactively in the Shortlist Builder. This will automatically use the geotags for your photos in Flickr to locate the places (assuming in your Flickr privacy settings you are not hiding the EXIF data for pictures). It will also read in the captions in Flickr automatically and use them as text descriptions,. To import your Flickr images directly into Shortlist they have to be added into a public album. You'd then click Import > Flickr and type in EllyMaps to get the images. You can try this with my Flickr account (type in Rupert Essinger). My Flickr pics have captions and most of them have geotags too, so you can build a Shortlist really easily just by importing them. So it is easy to create a Shortlist from Flickr images without preparing any data beforehand.

I'm currently getting emails about my account being in violation of the new free account limits, but according to the Flickr photo organiser, I only have 50 non-public photos in my account. I've double-checked this using all the different privacy filter options and I'm confident I only have 50, which should be within the limits. I've seen other threads here about some technical issues, where Flickr has outdated photo counts and these are triggering incorrect violation warnings.

I need some help here: please can someone either advise me on how to find these invisible non-public photos, or check that the counts are correct so I'm no longer in violation? Am I missing something here?! I'm happy to take action but I can't find the offending photos at this point. It's frustrating that Flickr is complaining about violations but their tools say I'm within their new limits...

Many thanks,


Posted at 6:05PM, 14 May 2022 PST(permalink)

I understand how to share...I'm trying to find a way to allow visitors (who do not have a Flickr account) to see all photos that have a specific tag, or to search my photostream. But I do not want the world to be able to see my photos, as they are of family.

Posted 64 months ago.( permalink) 


I'm trying to find a way to allow visitors (who do not have a Flickr account) to see all photos that have a specific tag, or to search my photostream. But I do not want the world to be able to see my photos, as they are of family.

I described that above.

1. You need to make all of your stuff private, then issue a guest pass for your stream.

2. Guest pass recipients cannot search your stream by tag. If you want people to see only images with a specific tag, put those images in an album and then issue a guest pass for it.

Posted 64 months ago.( permalink) 

I no longer wanted my photos publicly visible so I made my account private. Unfortunately they were still displaying publicly without signing in or anything. To solve the problem I deleted the account altogether.

However, when I google my name the link still pops up in search results and when click the link I see my name and all photos publicly visible.


I emailed Help but they assumed I didn't want my images to appear within Google image results. I responded to clarify that I actually wanted to verify my account had been deleted and ensure that it is no longer publicly accessible. I still have not heard back.

Lastly, when I try to log back in to the original account it created a new account for my since the email address was no longer technically tied to an account. So it seems the page just lives on it's own which is frustrating because I am the owner and don't want those photos accessible to anyone.

Please help, and thanks!

Posted at 4:44PM, 16 January 2014 PST(permalink)


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