To do this properly, I would first create a npm module from the speckle viewer itself (the threejs parts). Right now diffing and loading logic is embedded in the vue component, and, perhaps, it should be extracted out into the module itself.

Once you have that module, you can thereafter use it in your react app - where you will still need to implement authentication to the speckle server in use, but that should be easy. You just need to open a popup to the /signin url of that server, but your app needs to be whitelisted on the server.

React Pdf Viewer Download

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At the moment, it seems that I can take a link to a speckle stream in the viewer and open it without logging in/having previous login cookies etc. But if I put the same link in an iframe I end up with a blank viewer.

I notice whenever you open the viewer it generates a token and adds it to the query string. If I copy the whole url with the token and open it in a new browser env its all good, but if I try open it in an iframe, nup.

Whats this token even for? Do I even need to worry about it? Should I be requesting one before launching the iframe and adding it to a query string in the iframe src ?

When you open the viewer for the first time, the markup extension takes some time to download and it is therefore initialized after the model has already been loaded. Because of that, the extension knows how to initialize the scale of its markups properly.

When you open the viewer for the second time, the markup extension is already available, and it is loaded and initialized before any model is available. And because of that, it cannot configure the "expected" scale.

The viewer was not designed to be intergrated within react, as the tag is not a react component (but a pseudo-html element). There is a react integration (GitHub - brianzinn/react-babylonjs: React for Babylon 3D engine) by the amazing @brianzinn, i would recommend using this one instead of the viewer, if using react.

Sorry @ccc159 I can try more later, but am really busy with work today. Codepen does work with React - you can use a script in the html or use babel as the js preprocessor. I was using code sandbox and it was clearing the body just loading the viewer. I can try with CRA tonight.

I wrote the viewer and its documentation. I am still not sure this is the best course of action for react applications, but it will work for sure. There might be a few issues when destructing the component, since some dom elements might be manipulated, and react will not like it one bit.

Yes before the 100%-react-ready babylon viewer, I would implement it like this. Or you rather think there are better practices to use the viewer in react? How would you compare GitHub - brianzinn/react-babylonjs: React for Babylon 3D engine with @brianzinn 's approach?

Hey, I wanted to find out a library in react which can display a pdf from a url. So far I have tried react-pdf from wojtekmaj, it works just fine but I wanted a free library which can provide toolbars also. Let me know if you know any library or a way to build it.

Before I go trying to install Angular modules inside a React app, can someone let me know if this is even possible? I really want to use the ngx-extended-pdf-viewer package because it's the only one I've found with Search and PageNumber capabilities. (Text highlighting I might be able to do myself with CSS)

Could not find a declaration file for module '@progress/telerik-react-report-viewer/dist/cjs/main'. 'C:/Users/dnikolov/Desktop/ReactTypesScript/my-app/node_modules/@progress/telerik-react-report-viewer/dist/cjs/main.js' implicitly has an 'any' type. Try `npm i --save-dev @types/progress__telerik-react-report-viewer` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module '@progress/telerik-react-report-viewer/dist/cjs/main';`Duplicated ItemsTypeScript definitions for the React Report ViewerAdd a CommentYour CommentAttach files(Total attached files size should be smaller than 20mb. Allowed extensions: .zip, .rar, .jpg, .png, .gif)Post Comment3 commentsADMINDimitarPosted on:10 May 2023 15:36Hi Marcus,

Though, please keep in mind that besides this, you also need to make sure that the report viewer is not used in a component wrapped by the element, otherwise, the project will be compiled but there will be errors upon rendering.

The solution presented did not solve any issues. we are unable to get the TelerikReportViewer because the error shows as 

TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module '@progress/telerik-react-report-viewer'. 'C:/Users/Marcus.Whelan/source/repos/Express.CRP/UIWeb/express-ui/node_modules/@progress/telerik-react-report-viewer/dist/cjs/main.js' implicitly has an 'any' type. Try `npm i --save-dev @types/progress__telerik-react-report-viewer` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module '@progress/telerik-react-report-viewer';`

And adding the declare statement below does nothing. Even changing the declare to match the import then the component gets an error about 'TS2607: JSX element class does not support attributes because it does not have a 'props' property.'

Currently, the only way to modify them is to re-render the viewer when the theme changes. This has some side effects, like resetting the viewport, but those can be cached and reset with canvas.viewbox() on the rerender.

I have been using a third-party react pdf viewer to render pdf files uploaded by the end-user in my volto site. Unfortunately, it was setup in a way in which it uses an external cdn. The code I used is below:

Network Viewer is a visualization tool for HAR files, which displays a list of requests in table view with many advanced filters. It is built using React and its design is inspired by Chrome DevTools network viewer.

file and isCORSEnabled query string parameters can be used to fetch any remote HAR file. URL format can be like this -viewer/?file={HAR_FILE_URL}&isCORSEnabled={true/false} UI is also available on the home page to help you with this feature.

We have deployed the web application on -viewer for you to play around with. You can set a query parameter file to load a HAR file from a URL. To enable CORS pass isCORSEnabled=true query parameter in the URL

cesium-react and HMR enable instant updating of Cesium contents. So we can update contents instantly by just modifying source codes for most properties that are available in Cesium, e.g., entity position, graphics, tiles, camera, etc.

cesium-react is a very new library, so documentation is still in process. At present it also does not support Model, ParticleSystem, and so on. I am currently developing them and will continue to update the project. Pull requests and issues in Github are welcome!

react-file-viewer is a powerful library that allows you to view files of various formats within your React app. This file viewer is a versatile tool that supports a wide array of web-supported file formats, making it an essential addition to any project that requires file-viewing capabilities.

react-file-viewer is a library that's designed to render different types of files in a React app. It's a document viewer that supports a variety of file formats, including but not limited to PDF, DOCX, XLSX, JPEG, PNG, and even WEBM audio files.

Another key feature of the React File Viewer is its customizable UI. This means that you can tailor the look and feel of the file viewer to match the rest of your app. This level of customization makes the React File Viewer a flexible tool that can seamlessly integrate into any project.

We distribute the library that contains the ActiveReportsJS React Report Viewer Component via the @grapecity/activereports-react npm package. The main @grapecity/activereports package provides the core functionality.

Take advantage of the universe of IIIF-compliant viewers (and other tools), each with different features and benefits. You can try out some of the most popular options here, or explore more on Awesome IIIF, a community-built compendium of all things IIIF managed on GitHub.

1B: There are some general image and XML configuration files that CADViewer needs during execution, please download and place in your React /public/ project folder.

Use the Github cadviewer-testapp-react-01 as reference sample. This sample illustrates initialization and loading of CADViewer as well as illustrates the functional interface for highlight and adding interactive image content to the CAD canvas.

I downloaded the file from the page " -react-layout" (green button Clone or Download and Download ZIP). Also in the directory "viewer" on the said page " -react-layout" there is no "dist" directory. 

It is all my mistake because I finally found the file in the Releases section. Thank you

Quick Plot is the only "printing" option provided by mapguide-react-layout.

If you are just after a map image that you can print from your web browser, you could setup an InvokeURL command to send a GETMAPIMAGE request to the mapagent with your desired parameters.

Thanks Jackie, that what ive been using since MGOS 2.6. My only concern is the getting the correct scale. Im still an newbie on this, so computing the correct scale for the 'setviewscale' apral is always a hit or miss on my end. I just thought that maybe there was an easier way now with react or MGOS 3.1, that gets what is the selected feature(s) and generate an image for it.

mapguide-react-layout probably will not work on maps based on arbitrary coordinate systems. mapguide-react-layout deals completely in EPSG codes. Whatever coordinate system you have must have a non-zero EPSG code. ff782bc1db

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