How does labor support fit into this picture? Can labor support create a bubble, a cocoon, around the laboring woman? Within the bubble, privacy is protected: Strangers are kept away (as much as possible), information is filtered, and questions, interruptions, and intrusions are kept to a minimum. Continuously supported, protected, and cared for, but not disturbed, the laboring woman can let go of fear even in a busy maternity hospital. However, she will be disturbed if she feels she is in a fish bowl being observed and evaluated. She will also be disturbed if she feels pressured to progress quickly because the clock is ticking. Ideally, she is surrounded by family and professionals who listen, watch, and quietly and patiently encourage her, making sure that she is not disturbed and has the privacy she needs to do the work of labor.

The Do Not Disturb feature mutes incoming calls and notifications and sends auto-replies to text messages. Users can override the feature by tapping the "do not disturb" message that appears when the phone is handled and selecting a subsequent "I'm not driving" option. Drivers still can use Apple's Siri voice assistant or make and receive hands-free calls via Bluetooth. They also can elect to always allow calls from the people in their "favorites" contact list. If using the phone for navigation, maps and directions still will appear on the lock screen.

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No human burial site, including cemeteries and Native American mound groups, may be disturbed without authorization from the director of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Read more to find out how to request that authorization.

Examples of a disturbance include, but are not limited to, house or road construction, utility installation, installation of fence posts, gravel or sand mining, and landscaping. It is illegal to remove, move, or damage burial markers, including Native American mounds. Wisconsin's burial sites law (Wis. Stats. 157.70) establishes the proper procedures for requesting approval to disturb a burial site.

A cataloged site has more protection under Wisconsin state law. For example, penalties for disturbing a cataloged burial site without authorization from the director of the Wisconsin Historical Society are more severe. Also, if someone requests to disturb a cataloged burial site, members of the Registry of Interested Persons (RIP) must be given 30 days to review the request.

Note: the same Request to Disturb a Human Burial Site form is used for both cataloged and uncataloged burial sites. The only difference is indicating the Cataloging Status. All other information, such as describing the nature of planned ground disturbing activities and providing supporting documentation is required for either situation.

When your request is received by the Wisconsin Historical Society you will be asked to notify appropriate members of the Registry of Interested Persons. Anyone on the Registry who has registered an interest in the burial site you may be disturbing is entitled to be notified.

When the Registry's 30-day comment period has passed, your request to disturb a cataloged burial site will be reviewed by the Burial Evaluation Committee (BEC) of the Wisconsin Historical Society. The BEC will consider comments from the Registry when making their recommendation to the director.

If you are uncomfortable with having Wisconsin Historical Society staff review your request to disturb a cataloged burial site, you have the right to ask an administrative law judge to consider your request instead.

Asbestos-containing materials may release fibers when they are disturbed, damaged, removed improperly, repaired, cut, torn, sanded, sawed, drilled or scraped. Keep an eye on asbestos-containing materials and visually check them over time for signs of wear or damage.

If you suspect material contains asbestos, don't touch it. Look for signs of wear or damage such as tears, abrasions, or water damage. Damaged material may release asbestos fibers. This is particularly true if you often disturb it by hitting, rubbing or handling, or if it is exposed to extreme vibration or air flow.

For slightly damaged asbestos-containing material, sometimes the best way to deal with it is to limit access to the area and not to touch or disturb it. If asbestos-containing material is more than slightly damaged or if you are going to make changes in your home that might disturb it, repair or removal by a trained and accredited asbestos professional is needed.

If the asbestos-containing material is more than slightly damaged or could be disturbed, there are two types of actions that can be taken by trained and accredited asbestos professionals: repair and removal.

A. A person shall not intentionally disturb human remains or funerary objects on lands, other than lands owned or controlled by this state, any agency or institution of this state or any county or municipal corporations within this state, without obtaining the written permission of the director of the Arizona state museum.

B. A person who unintentionally disturbs human remains or funerary objects on lands, other than lands owned or controlled by this state, any agency or institution of this state or any county or municipal corporations within this state, shall report the disturbance to the director and shall not further disturb the remains or objects without obtaining the written permission of the director.

C. Within one year after the effective date of this section, the director shall adopt rules relating to reporting procedures, procedures to request permission to disturb human remains and funerary objects and the standards to be used for granting permission to disturb human remains and funerary objects. These rules shall:

1. Require the director to respond within ten working days to all requests for permission to disturb. During this ten working day period the director or his designee shall inspect, if appropriate, the site of the proposed disturbance. If the director does not respond to a request to disturb within ten working days, his failure to respond to the request is deemed permission to proceed.

E. If the director or a group with a cultural affinity in consultation with the landowner determines that human remains or funerary objects shall be preserved in place, moved or reburied, any costs required by these actions may be borne either wholly or partially by the landowner. If the landowner is unwilling or unable to bear the costs required, the acquisition and preservation fund shall bear the full cost of removal. A group or institution taking responsibility for these remains or objects shall bear the cost of their preservation or reburial. If there are insufficient monies in the acquisition and preservation fund, or if the director is unable or unwilling to allocate monies for the removal and no other source is available to pay for removal within the ten working day period, the landowner, the lessee or the landowner's or lessee's agent may proceed with work on a construction project or similar project without violating the provisions of subsection A or B. The removal of all remains and objects under this subsection shall take place within ten working days of the request for the permission to disturb unless the owner of the property where the remains or objects are located agrees to an extension of this period.

F. If it is necessary to move the object before completion of the proceedings prescribed by this section in order to permit the continuation of work on a construction project or similar project, the director shall require that the move be accomplished in the manner that will least disturb and best preserve the remains or the objects.

I would like my application to show a notification when the phone has been set to do-not-disturb modes (alarms-only, priority-only or total-silence). This works pretty well by listening to when checking this mode in quick settings and choosing the mode in the already selected tab. But when selecting another tab it isn't fired again. So my application has the wrong mode information and displays a wrong notification.

This is the broadcast receiver definition in AndroidManifest.xml ... to be clear about this: the receiver is called on ring mode changes, flight mode and off hook are detected as well, but it is not called on all ring mode changes, especially switches between do-not-disturb mode changes by tabbing in quick settings or by volume keys:

"Do not disturb", a new setting interface in Android 5.0 (Lollipop), decides whether there are sounds when calls and notifications arrive. No matter which preference you set for interruption, you will have all notifications seen on your screen for incoming calls or other events.

Consider a situation in which a quantum system is secretly prepared in a state chosen from the known set of states. We present a principle that gives a definite distinction between the operations that preserve the states of the system and those that disturb the states. The principle is derived by alternately applying a fundamental property of classical signals and a fundamental property of quantum ones. The principle can be cast into a simple form by using a decomposition of the relevant Hilbert space, which is uniquely determined by the set of possible states. The decomposition implies the classification of the degrees of freedom of the system into three parts depending on how they store the information on the initially chosen state: one storing it classically, one storing it nonclassically, and the other one storing no information. Then the principle states that the nonclassical part is inaccessible and the classical part is read-only if we are to preserve the state of the system. From this principle, many types of no-cloning, no-broadcasting, and no-imprinting conditions can easily be derived in general forms including mixed states. It also gives a unified view on how various schemes of quantum cryptography work. The principle helps one to derive optimum amount of resources (bits, qubits, and ebits) required in data compression or in quantum teleportation of mixed-state ensembles. ff782bc1db

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