Vassily Kandinsky (Mosc, 1866 - Neuilly-sur-Seine, 1944) fue un pintor ruso, precursor de la abstraccin en pintura y terico del arte, con l se considera que comienza la abstraccin lrica.

De entre sus obras, Paids ha publicado tambin La gramtica de la creacin. El futuro de la pintura, El jinete azul, De lo espiritual en el arte y Punto y lnea sobre el plano.

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In 1896 he left for Munich, at that time considered to be one of the centers of the European art, and entered Anton Azbe's (Yugoslavian artist) prestigious private painting school , where he received the first skills in image composition, in work with line and form. However, rather soon the school ceased to satisfy his needs. Later the artist would write, "Quite often I yielded to a temptation to play truant and to go with a painter's case to Shvabing, to Englishen-Garten, or to the parks on the Isar". In 1900 after a failure of the previous year, Kandinsky entered the Munich Academy of Arts, and studied under Franz Stuck. The master is happy with his student, but considered his palette too bright. Meeting the Master's requirements, for the whole year Kandinsky drew exclusively in black-and-white spectrum , "studying the form as that".

Kandinsky due to his active creativity and organizational skills always attracted anything intellectual, restless, striving, which was in the world of art of that time. Thus, in 1901 he founded Phalanx, an art group, in Munich and started a school, in which he taught himself. For four years Kandinsky had arranged twelve exhibitions of the painters who were Phalanx's members. In 1909 he together with Jawlensky, Kanoldt, Kulbin, Munter and others, co-founded The New Group of Artists [Neue Kunstlervereinigung], Munich (MKUM) and became President. The Creed of the society is Not only does each of participants know how to tell, but as well they know what to tell. In 1900 Kandinsky participated in the exhibitions of the Moscow Partnership of Artists, and in 1910 and 1912 in the exhibitions of Jack of Diamonds art group. Besides, he published his critical Letters from Munich in the magazines The World of Art and Apollon (1902, 1909). In 1911 Kandinsky together with his friend, Frantsem Mark, an artist, established a group called Blue Rider [Blaue Reiter]. According to the artist, "the accent was made on revealing associative properties of color, line and composition, and they used various sources, such as Goethe and Phillip Runge's romantic theory of color, "Jugendstil" and Rudolf Steiner's theosophy".

When the World War began Kandinsky was compelled to leave Germany. On August, 3rd, 1914 he and Gabriela moved to Switzerland where Kandinsky started to work on the book about "point and line". By November of the same year they had parted. Gabriela came back to Munich, and Kandinsky went to Moscow. In the autumn of 1916 Kandinsky got acquainted with Nina Andreevskaya, the daughter of the Russian General, and he married her in February, 1917. During these crisis years of revolution Kandinsky alternated among half-abstract idiom, Impressionist landscapes and romantic fantasies. In his abstract pictures geometrization of separate elements became stronger, the reason for that is, first, the proper process of simplification, and, secondly - the Avant-Garde artistic atmosphere of Moscow of that time.

Kandinsky's painting of the last years in Bauhaus was penetrated with ease and strange humour, which again would be shown in his late Parisian works, For example, his picture Capricious, 1930, can be possibly referred to them, it evokes some cosmically Egyptian associations and is filled with fantastic symbolical images in the spirit of Paul Glue, the artist with whom Kandinsky made friends at that time. About 1931 national socialists started a large scale campaign against Bauhaus, which led to its closing in 1932. Kandinsky with his wife emigrated to France where they took up their residence in a new house in the Parisian suburb Neuilly-sur-Seine. Between 1926 and 1933 Kandinsky painted 159 oils and 300 water colors. Many of them, unfortunately, have been lost after Nazis declared Kandinsky's and many other artists' paintings to be "degenerate" (one of them - Marc Chagall).

Al defender una visin potica y subjetiva del arte, Kandinsky describe la armona de la teora de los colores a partir de seis variaciones (azul, verde, amarillo, naranja, rojo y violeta) que se podan dividir en dos grupos: colores clidos y colores fros.

Aparte, claro est, de la interaccin dinmica del negro y el blanco. Kandinsky delimitara estos colores con formas, y su concepcin de las formas tambin era radicalmente nueva. Defini una lnea como "la impronta de energa, el trazo visible de lo invisible".

Kandinsky contempla la vida espiritual de la humanidad como una pirmide, y el artista debe conducir al profano hasta la cima de esta pirmide a travs del ejercicio conmovedor del arte.

En 1922 se traslad a Weimar (Alemania), donde imparti clases tericas para la Escuela de la Bauhaus. En 1926 se public su libro Punto y lnea sobre el plano. Contribucin al anlisis de los elementos pictricos. Una continuacin orgnica de su trabajo anterior De lo espiritual en el arte.

Publicado en 1912, el libro de Kandinski compara lo espiritual en la vida de la humanidad a una pirmide: el artista tiene la misin de guiar a otros a la cima con su obra. La punta de la pirmide son esos pocos artistas, grandes. Se trata de una pirmide espiritual, avanzando y ascendiendo lentamente, incluso si a veces parece inmvil. Durante los perodos decadentes, el alma se hunde hasta el fondo de la pirmide, la humanidad solo busca el xito externo, haciendo caso omiso de las fuerzas espirituales.

El rojo es un color clido, alegre y agitado, es contundente, un movimiento en s mismo. Mezclado con negro se vuelve marrn, un color fuerte. Mezclado con amarillo, gana en calidez y se vuelve naranja, que imparte un movimiento de irradiacin en sus alrededores. Cuando se mezcla con rojo y azul se aleja para convertirse en prpura, que es un rojo fresco. Rojo y verde forman el gran contraste tercero, y naranja y prpura el cuarto.

Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) fue un pintor ruso, terico del arte y precursor del arte abstracto. Estudi Derecho y Economa, y a partir de los 30 aos se dedic en exclusiva a su pasin: la pintura. Estudi en Academia de Bellas Artes de Mnich. Ense en la escuela de la Bauhaus de arte y arquitectura desde el ao 1922 hasta que el rgimen nazi la clausur. Entonces se traslad a Francia, donde cre algunas de sus mejores obras.

Este libro fue escrito por Wassily Kandisnky, el mximo exponente de la abstraccin. Lo escribe como manifiesto del movimiento que marc la historia y la cambi por completo. A travs de l he podido encontrar respuestas a preguntas que nunca supe cmo hacer, logr ahondar en mi definicin del arte, en qu es lo que mueve a las masas a crearlo, a salir de los museos y aventurarme a un viaje dentro de mi. Estoy segura que al platicar y discutir este libro en comunidad, la abstraccin no se sentir como un mundo desconocido.

En el arte la teora nunca va por delante y arrastra tras de s a la praxis, sino que sucede lo contrario. En el arte todo es cuestin de intuicin, especialmente en los comienzos. Lo artsticamente verdadero slo se alcanza por la intuicin, especialmente al iniciarse el camino. Aun cuando la construccin general se puede lograr mediante la teora pura, el elemento que constituye la verdadera esencia de la creacin nunca se crea ni se encuentra a travs de la teora; es la intuicin quien da vida a la creacin.

El arte acta sobre la sensibilidad y, por lo tanto, slo puede actuar a travs de la sensibilidad. El clculo matemtico y la especulacin deductiva, aunque se basen en medidas seguras y pesos exactos, nunca producirn resultados artsticos. No se pueden formular matemticamente esas medidas, ni se encuentran esos pesos. ff782bc1db

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