English Version

My motivation

I've been cycling against the wind since I was a little boy. I knew what I wanted and that's what I'm going for. Lovingly and non-violently I try to fill my life. A great curiosity does the rest. In the army they were done with me quickly. Sensible enough for an officer, but didn't fit the organization. I am a sovereign thinker and not for sale. I am like a reed: it bends, but does not snap. Very broadly oriented and truthful. In short, quite a wise friendly difficult Grandpa of construction year 1943.

By a "coincidence" I  years ago got Sri Sathya Sai Baba to know as a world teacher and inspirer. Much wisdom and knowledge gained from his discourses. For example, it appears that a good symbiosis is possible between science and spirituality. They complement each other.

From 2017 I started to delve further into what old and also what the new writings had to offer in the field of spirituality. In particular, I have sought answers to life's questions, such as who we really are and how the world works.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba announces the coming of a new age. A time of Love, Peace, abundance and more very nice things for Humanity. (See the sketch I made of it).

Many see this outlined future as a Utopia. A goal that can never be achieved. I am convinced that this Utopia will become reality in the coming years, because I have already learned the way to get there.

We are now in the midst of the transition to the New Age. First say goodbye to the Old and make room for the New. 

I devoured a lot of literature and got a lot of information from YouTube. Information that before the advent of the Internet could only be found in dusty monastic libraries. I have already organized several meetings in 2019 and 2020. This has resulted in a group that I regularly provide with new information and from which I also receive information back. If it becomes possible again, I will give lectures more often (will be announced later via this site).

It has become clear to myself that I want to use my knowledge more widely. With the aim of informing more people about what is really going on and what the way is to deal with it. 

We now live in a time where the "normal" is no longer "normal" and a return to the "normal" seems to be further and further in the future. Fear rules the whole World.

See current predictions of doom, such as:

The world is changing. More and more people are becoming interested in the background of these changes. It's like a kind of awakening. I can and will offer the people who are interested a platform where this information can be obtained.

Who is Ton Modderman:

I was born in 1943 in The Hague. Education: MULO, Life insurance mathematics, AMBI training (Higher Education). Worked in IT for an Insurer and now retired. Been National Secretary and Education Coordinator of the Sathya Sai Organization of The Netherlands. 

Partner Ria, together four children and six grandchildren and a grandgranddaughter.

World Teacher, Avatar, God, Source, Inspirator and my Guide: Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

What's going on right now is part of the Mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba to Restore Dharma to Earth.

I have been looking forward to the realization of HIS Mission for more than twenty years! At first I was focused almost exclusively on Sri Sathya Sai Baba. From April 2017 I also started to orientate myself more broadly, by studying many books and YouTube videos. It appears that many texts are now available on the Internet, which were previously only available in the Monasteries and the Vatican. 

I follow on YouTube Lorie Ladd, who distributes reliable information about the transition process from America. 

I don't judge

I don't condemn

In Love


I commnunicate via WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal

Email: dnaweq@gmail.com

My websites:

