Research and Publications

Research interests

My research interests lie in mathematical methods in quantum mechanics, with particular emphasis on geometric and topological effects in condensed matter physics.

A selection of topics on which my research is focused includes:

List of publications

You can browse my preprints and publications also on arXiv and Google Scholar

More information concerning my publications is accessible through MathSciNet, Scopus, Web of Science, and zbMATH.


2. Effective quantum dynamics for magnetic fermions (with Margherita Ferrero). Preprint at arXiv:2406.15041.

1. The Localization Dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems (with Gianluca Panati, Adriano Pisante, and Stefan Teufel). Preprint at arXiv:1612.09557.

Peer-reviewed publications

21. A Z2 invariant for chiral and particle–hole symmetric topological chains (with Gabriele Peluso). J. Math. Phys. 64, Issue 4 (2023), 041904. Preprint at arXiv:2303.08464.

20. Topology vs localization in synthetic dimensions (with Thaddeus Roussigné). J. Math. Phys. 64, Issue 1 (2023), 011902. Preprint at arXiv:2210.04809.

19. Purely linear response of the quantum Hall current to space-adiabatic perturbations (with Giovanna Marcelli). Lett. Math. Phys. 112, Issue 5 (2022), 91. Preprint at arXiv:2112.03071.

18. From charge to spin: analogies and differences in quantum transport coefficients (with Giovanna Marcelli). J. Math. Phys. 63, Issue 7 (2022), 072102. Preprint at arXiv:2203.08044.

17. Symmetric Fermi projections and Kitaev's table: topological phases of matter in low dimensions (with David Gontier and Solal Perrin-Roussel). J. Math. Phys. 63, Issue 4 (2022), 041902. Preprint at arXiv:2201.01576 .

16.  Beyond Diophantine Wannier diagrams: Gap labelling for Bloch-Landau Hamiltonians (with Horia Cornean and Massimo Moscolari). J. Eur. Math. Soc. 23, Issue 11 (2021), 3679–3705 . Preprint at arXiv:1810.05623.

15. Středa formula for charge and spin currents (with Massimo Moscolari). Rev. Math. Phys. 33, Issue 1 (2021), 2060003. Proceedings issue for the conference "QMath14: Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics", August 12-16, 2019, Aarhus (Denmark). Preprint at arXiv:2002.02419.

14. Spin Hall conductivity in insulators with non-conserved spin (with Lara Ulčakar). Phys. Rev. B 102, Issue 12 (2020), 125138. Preprint at arXiv:2006.12071.

13. Parseval frames of exponentially localized magnetic Wannier functions (with Horia Cornean and Massimo Moscolari). Commun. Math. Phys. 371, Issue 3 (2019), 1179–1230. Preprint at arXiv:1704.00932.

12. Localised Wannier functions in metallic systems (with Horia Cornean, David Gontier, and Antoine Levitt). Ann. Henri Poincaré 20, Issue 4 (2019), 1367–1391. Preprint at arXiv:1712.07954.

11. Adiabatic currents for interacting electrons on a lattice (with Stefan Teufel). Rev. Math. Phys. 31, Issue 3 (2019), 1950009. Preprint at arXiv:1707.01852.

10. The Haldane model and its localization dichotomy (with Giovanna Marcelli, Massimo Moscolari, and Gianluca Panati). Rend. Mat. Appl. 39, Issue 2 (2018), 307–327. Extended preprint at arXiv:1909.03298.

9. Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and Quantum Hall insulators (with Gianluca Panati, Adriano Pisante, and Stefan Teufel). Commun. Math. Phys. 359, Issue 1 (2018), 61–100. Preprint at arXiv:1612.09552.

8. On the construction of Wannier functions in topological insulators: the 3D case (with Horia Cornean). Ann. Henri Poincaré 18, Issue 12 (2017), 3863–3902. Preprint at arXiv:1703.06308.

7. Gauge-theoretic invariants for topological insulators: A bridge between Berry, Wess-Zumino, and Fu-Kane-Mele (with Clément Tauber). Lett. Math. Phys. 107, Issue 7 (2017), 1315–1343. Preprint at arXiv:1611.05691.

6. Wannier functions and Z2 invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators (with Horia Cornean and Stefan Teufel). Rev. Math. Phys. 29, Issue 2 (2017), 1730001. Preprint at arXiv:1603.06752.

5. Z2 invariants of topological insulators as geometric obstructions (with Domenico Fiorenza and Gianluca Panati). Commun. Math. Phys. 343, Issue 3 (2016), 1115–1157. Preprint at arXiv:1408.1030.

4. Stability of closed gaps for the alternating Kronig-Penney Hamiltonian (with Alessandro Michelangeli). Anal. Math. Phys. 6, Issue 1 (2016), 67–83. Preprint at SISSA Digital Library 16/2015/MATE.

3. Construction of real-valued localized composite Wannier functions for insulators (with Domenico Fiorenza and Gianluca Panati). Ann. Henri Poincaré 17, Issue 1 (2016), 63–97. Preprint at arXiv:1408.0527.

2. Symmetry and localization in periodic crystals: triviality of Bloch bundles with a fermionic time-reversal symmetry (with Gianluca Panati). Acta App. Math. 137, Issue 1 (2015), 185–203. Proceedings issue for the conference "Symmetry and Perturbation Theory 2014", May 25 - June 1, 2014, Cala Gonone (Italy). Preprint at SISSA Digital Library and at arXiv:1601.02906.

1. Topological invariants of eigenvalue intersections and decrease of Wannier functions in graphene (with Gianluca Panati). J. Stat. Phys. 155, Issue 6 (2014), 1027–1071. Preprint at arXiv:1306.3904.

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings

1. Chern and Fu-Kane-Mele invariants as topological obstructions. Chapter 12 in: G. Dell'Antonio and A. Michelangeli (eds.), Advances in Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary Trends and Open Problems, vol. 18 in Springer INdAM Series (2017). Proceedings volume for the INdAM meeting "Contemporary Trends in the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics", July 4-8, 2016, Rome (Italy). Preprint at arXiv:1705.06534.


5. Tampone positivo, e ora? La matematica dei test diagnostici. Sapere Scienza (2021).

4. Esagoni, cerchi e tangenti: al ristorante con Lagrange. Prisma Magazine 21 (2020), 36-37. 

3. Fase 2: la disposizione ottimale dei clienti usando la matematica. Sapere Scienza (2020).

2. Client packing: in tempo di pandemia, una ristorazione in regola... e ottimale. Blog post for "Math is in the air" (2020).

1. KK-theory, gauge theory and topological phases (with Francesca Arici). Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5/18, Issue 4 (2017), 257–262.


PhD thesis

Geometric phases in graphene and topological insulators. Thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Philosophiæ Doctor in Mathematical Physics (SISSA, Trieste, Italy, 2015). Available at the SISSA Digital Library.

Master thesis

A geometric approach to the decay of Wannier functions in graphene. Thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master degree in Mathematics (SAPIENZA Università degli Studi di Roma, Rome, Italy, 2011).

Bachelor thesis

Euler's equation (a geometric description). Thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor degree in Mathematics (SAPIENZA Università degli Studi di Roma, Rome, Italy, 2009).