Position at Sapienza

A one-year research position (“assegno di ricerca”) is now open at the Department of Mathematics of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 

within the PRIN 2022 "Interacting Quantum Systems: Topological Phenomena and Effective Theories".

Title of the research project (Italian)

Sistemi Quantistici Interagenti: Fenomeni Topologici e Teorie Efficaci

Title of the research project (English)

Interacting Quantum Systems: Topological Phenomena and Effective Theories

Brief description of the research project (in Italian)

Il progetto ha come scopo lo sviluppo di strumenti fisico-matematici per lo studio della materia quantistica interagente, delle sue fasi topologiche, delle sue proprietà di trasporto e della descrizione attraverso teorie efficaci. La sfida matematica per il prossimo futuro risiede nella comprensione dell’influenza reciproca fra effetti topologici e interazioni fra particelle quantistiche, e come questi effetti si riflettano nel trasporto quantistico di carica e spin nei sistemi di materia condensata. L’enorme numero di particelle coinvolte spesso richiede la formulazione di teorie efficaci che descrivano il loro comportamento in termini di un numero inferiore di gradi di libertà. Le linee di ricerca che verranno quindi perseguite all’interno del progetto includono: (1) Topologia e trasporto in sistemi quantistici interagenti e non-interagenti; (2) Proprietà spettrali e dinamiche efficaci per sistemi a molti corpi di bosoni o fermioni.

Brief description of the research project (in English)

The project aims at developing mathematical physics tools to study interacting quantum matter, its topological phases, its transport properties and its description through effective theories. The mathematical challenge for the near future is the comprehension of the interplay between topological effects and interactions among quantum particles, and how these effects influence quantum transport of charge and spin in condensed matter systems. The huge number of particles involved often requires the formulation of effective theories which describe their behavior in terms of fewer degrees of freedom. Research lines to be pursued within the project thus include: (1) Topology and transport in interacting and non-interacting quantum systems; (2) Spectral properties and effective dynamics for interacting many-body systems of bosons and fermions.

Links to the call

Webpage for the call on Sapienza's website: this is the offical call webpage, were all information about the procedure will be posted

Webpage for the call on the website of the Ministry of University and Research: links back to Sapienza's website

Date of publication of the call

December 20, 2023

Deadline to submit the application

January 29, 2024 


30.000€/year gross; comes to approx. 2.200€/month after taxes

Start of the position

Flexible; probably in Spring / Summer 2024

How to apply

If any of these documents are missing from your application, it will not be processed.

Selection procedure

Excerpts from the call and mock application form (in English)

PDF version , Editable version (.docx)

Timetable for the procedure

March 20, 2024: Approval of the Evaluation Committee

March 21, 2024: First meeting of the Evaluation Committee - selection of evaluation criteria

April 16, 2024: Second meeting of the Evaluation Committee - evaluation of the candidates

May 23, 2024 (morning): Interviews with the admitted candidates

May-June 2024: Selection of the winner of the procedure


For questions regarding the application or the position, please contact monaco@mat.uniroma1.it (Domenico Monaco, P.I. of the research project) and/or rosanna.briscese@uniroma1.it (Rosanna Briscese, the Administrative Responsible for the procedure).