Gibraltar 1987: EX MARBLE TOR

On the 9th May 1987, a composite G Squadron from the Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry flew to Gibraltar for the two weeks EXERCISE MARBLE TOR. Unlike the previous trip to Gibraltar in 1980, this time the frontier with Spain was open and there was no need for a military presence at four corners guard Room on the border.

The focus in 1987 was on a combination of military and adventure training, building up to the main exercise of camp - EXERCISE YEOMAN'S SCRAMBLE. The current threat was perceived as coming from Colonel Gaddafi's Libya and whilst Fortress HQ had briefed the Squadron Leader, Major Tustin of this threat fortunately it did not seriously impinge on the plans for the squadron during our two weeks there. In fact, the biggest inconvenience was a fuel embargo which put our final exercise at risk but did not derail it.

In 2021 Lee Featherstone offered his photo archive to the Regimental Museum Trustees via the archive website. The gift was heartily accepted but as the country was in lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it was agreed that Lee would scan and share his negatives allowing John Tustin to upload them into slideshow videos on YouTube. Below is the slideshow for EXERCISE MARBLE TOR 1987. It runs for 13minutes 30 seconds.