
Call for Manuscripts

Original contributions and case studies based on application, research, surveys, case studies, and practices related to the themes mentioned are invited. The contributors may also include any other topic under the broad categories of the main theme of the conference.

Registration of authors is mandatory for manuscript presentation and publication. All manuscripts should be uploaded with the Registration Form.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts on the theme and sub-themes listed above or any other issue related to the broad theme of the conference, based on research and practical experience in the field and case studies may be submitted and accepted for publication and presentation. The authors should strictly follow the following structure and guidelines while submitting the manuscript:

  • The manuscript should clearly indicate the Title of the Manuscript (Title Case), Name(s) of the Authors, E-Mail Ids, and Address of the Affiliation of the Authors with the Mobile Number.

  • The length of the manuscript should not exceed 5000 Words, Single Space, Font-11.5 points (Times New Roman) in MS Word.

  • The abstract should not be exceeding 300 words and should include methodology, a sample of the population, and salient findings.

  • The manuscript should have at least 3-4 Keywords. Strictly Follow the APA Style for Reference.

  • Authors are supposed to prepare a PPT for the conference presentation and should send it before attending the conference.

  • The manuscript must be uploaded with the Registration Form or sent to on or before October 25, 2022.

  • The authors may submit a ‘Certificate of Originality’ & ‘Copyright Form’ with the Registration Form.

  • Only Selected and Registered Manuscripts will be published.

Important Dates

Conference Dates : 10, 11 & 12 November 2022

Submission of Full Papers : October 25, 2022 (Extended)

Decision on Acceptance of Papers : October 30, 2022

Camera Ready Copy and Registration : November 5, 2022