Computer Programming Lab

Course Objectives

1. To Gain Knowledge on fundamental concepts of computer hardware.

2. To solve the problem using flowcharts and algorithms.

3. To familiarize the processes of debugging and executing a c-program.

4. To Apply basic concepts of ‘C’ to develop the programming skills.

5. To apply the concepts of derived and user defined data types in ‘C’ to write programs.

Course Outcomes

1. Identify the computer hardware and programming environment,Develop and execute programs by understanding the concepts of C programming language.

2. Analyse and present experimental results for given input.

3. Express the theoretical aspects used in conducting different experiments of computer programming laboratory.

4. Record the architecture of computer and programs Experimental process with results obtained along with flowcharts and algorithms.

5. Conduct allotted experiments in computer programming laboratory and communicate results effectively.



Lab Experiments & Viva Questions

Familiarization with computer hardware and programming environment.pdf

Experiment 1

VIVA questions.pdf

Possible Viva Questions

Lab Programs