Alpha Kappa Chapter 34 ~ Illinois State Organization~Delta Kappa Gamma Society International


We enjoyed a wonderful meeting with the Beta Delta members and our current State President, Linda Adcock, as well as our outgoing President, Joan Rog with sixteen members from our chapter in attendance. Member Wanda Riley was presented with her 60-year membership pin. Wanda has been very active member for many years,  serving two bienniums as president.

March DKG Meeting

Happy Easter and Happy Spring to all! We are so fortunate to have Marie Samuel and Marilyn Sanders who have placed the books they have written in the virtual State Convention Auction.

  Marilyn Sanders is the author of "Ready for Kindergarten," which is based on her 50 years of teaching kindergarten. Her youngest granddaughter Jaidyn Russell who is in the 8th grade created the line drawings for each of the 11 chapters in the book. Steve Richardson, Marlyn's brother, created the book's text, helped with pictures, formatting and design. 

Marie Samuel, noted artist, teacher and also a DKG member, is holding her Chapbook of Poetry. The proceeds from the auction go to WIA scholarships. We were thrilled to honor these ladies at our March meeting. We were also honored to recognize our scholarship winner, Baylee Kelley during our March meeting. Congratulations Baylee! What an honor to be a third generation educator!

December 2023 DKG Meeting

The December Christmas Tea was held at the Aldersgate Church. We were honored to hear from Tom Logan, founder of Marion Medical Mission whose team installs water wells in remote villages mainly in Africa. The most profound and exciting information is that 100% of donations received are used to install the water wells, as all workers and administration is conducted by volunteers who also teach the villagers how to maintain the well so they are then fully sustainable. If you would like to donate to Marion Medical Mission of receive further information on how you can partner with them as Alpha Kappa Chapter 34 has done you can visit their website at

 We also honored and celebrated our members who are actively teaching with a special personalized "Cozy Christmas" basket. Some items included a fleece blanket, fuzzy socks, soup cozy, assorted teas and chocolates, teacher encouraging motto makeup bag and a devotional book written by local author Ruth Teal. A purposeful poem was written to the teachers:      Cozy Christmas 2023

Christmas time is here,And our teacher minds resound with “whew, half the year”!First semester now complete,The race is on now, as there is so much more to meet!
The expectations surge upward,The responsibilities accumulate and seem insurmountable.The deadlines are looming,The pressures and needs multiply, the tasks uncountable.
Take a breath my dear sister,Step back for a minute and cherish the season.Dwell in the present,Focus on the moment given to you for a reason.
Give yourself permission,To disengage, to step away, and not be driven.Still your mind, from pressures, from responsibilities, from decisions.
We see you and honor you,Knowing you give and pour out ‘til empty all day long.We thank you and cherish you,You work tirelessly and we want you to finish strong.
Take a breath my dear sister,Step back for a minute and cherish the season.Dwell in the present,Focus on the moment given to you for a reason.
A Cozy Christmas basketHas been carefully curated just for your pleasure.Cozy Christmas calls you,Curl up, relax, enjoy my friend for you are the treasure.
It’s time to refill,To rest, to restore, and to rejuvenate your soul.Relax and be quiet,Be at peace; in your heart, in your mind, be made whole.
Take a breath my dear sister,Step back for a minute and cherish the season.Dwell in the present,Focus on the moment given to you for a reason.                                                                                                     With much love, adoration, and respect ~ DKG sisters~

Christmas Tea and assorted sandwiches and desserts were enjoyed after the meeting.

Merry Christmas!

November 2023 DKG Meeting

The November meeting was held at the West Frankfort Historical Museum in West Frankfort. 

We were all honored to personally present Allis Hayes with recognition from our state organization for her 75 year membership and service in DKG. Congratulations! We were honored to have her attend in person in her hometown.

We shared a lovely meal and experienced an informative tour of the museum.

October 2023 DKG Meeting

The October meeting was held at Bandana's restaurant in Carbondale. 

Donna Humphrey and Jennifer Bunton prepared an aesthetically eye appealing information booth promoting DKG at the ROE Meeting held at the Carbondale High School, complete with a gift basket raffle drawing.

Our very own DKG longtime member, Artist Marie Samuel, shared some of her art pieces, discussing each creation.

What a privilege to honor long standing DKG members! Thank you Marilyn Sanders and Dr. Andrea Brown for 6o years of service, and to Marie Samuels for 40 years of service.

September 2023 DKG Meeting

The September meeting was held at Alongi's restaurant in DuQuoin. We enjoyed a really fun evening as we had the opportunity to get to know one another better! Members compiled information brochures and letters to be given prospective members, and we will have a booth at the ROE Meeting held at the Carbondale High School.

April 2023 DKG Meeting

A joint April meeting was held in Pinckneyville Illinois with our sister chapter Beta Delta. 

Patricia Nardini from Specialized Equine Services and Therapeutic Riding Program and Stephanie Brown from the Autism Society of Southern Illinois delivered a joint message to us and our guests, Beta Delta Chapter. Patricia described the benefits of equine therapy for children with autism, while Stephanie gave a firsthand account of being a mother of a child with autism. The ladies presented a message that fit beautifully with April being National Autism Acceptance Month!

For their service to Delta Kappa Gamma, we honored the following women in a pinning ceremony at our meeting on April 1, 2023:

• 40 years: Janet Baldwin

• 40 years: Marie Samuel

• 40 years: Frances Pierce

• 40 years: Sylvia Tharp

• 45 years: Barbara Mau

• 50 years: Donna Clendenin

• 60 years: Andrea Brown

• 60 years: Marilyn Sanders

Marilyn Sanders announced that she has written a book about her experience teaching kindergarten for 50 years! It is a family affair as her brother is helping her with publication and her granddaughter is the illustrator. We look forward to supporting her work when it is released for purchase.

Congratulations to Jennifer Bunton as a recipient of a DKG scholarship to be used toward funding her Master's work. We are very proud of you! 

DKG December Meeting 2022

Merry Christmas! We had a beautifully decorated venue and a scrumptious luncheon to share. We are thankful to our guest speaker, Dr. Oates, Superintendent of Marion Unit Schools. He gave us a firsthand perspective of what it was like to be the chief leader of a school system during the pandemic. We appreciate his honest insight and his willingness to spend a bit of his time with us on a busy Saturday in December. Those of us who taught or led through the past few years have truly experienced a situation like no other in our lifetimes. It forced us to learn how to reach our students in a new technological forum. Since coming back, we have witnessed true deficits in both academic and social/emotional learning from the time those students spent in remote learning. We will spend the next several years trying to close those gaps, and we are thankful that we are back in person to continue building those precious relationships with one another.

Thanks goes out to Ann Schwengel who delivered over 232 contributed and newly purchased books to the Empowerment Survivors Center in Carbondale, IL."

Thank you to Laurie Chapman and volunteers who put together Christmas "We Celebrate you, We See You" baskets for our chapter members who are currently employed and still active in the school systems.

Members enjoyed a bit of Christmas fun with a gift exchange, followed by a singing of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” in lieu of the Delta Kappa Gamma song.

Merry Christmas to all!

DKG November Meeting 2022

We are thankful, grateful and blessed! Beautiful decorations, beautiful companions, and beautiful fall weather; who could ask for more? We were surprised with personalized DKG mugs for each of us, and shared delicious scones from a local women owned bakery.

Co-President Kim Matthews introduced our guest speaker, Betsy McKinney, a Junior High teacher from Carterville and a certified Yoga instructor. Betsy instructed us in the benefits of self-care using Yoga stretches and exercises and led us in several exercises. 

DKG September Meeting 2022

What a wonderful start to a new season! Meeting in person is so refreshing and we are thankful we have members attending via Zoom as well. 

We kicked off the new year with the installation of new officers: Kim Matthews and Gail Shanks as Co-Presidents, Adrienne Barkley Giffiin as Vice President and Ann Warner as Secretary. Thank you ladies ~ We look forward to your leadership as we serve together.


DKG State Convention held on May 1, 2022 

Francesca Burkett was awarded the $2000 Lambda State Grant in Aid at the state convention on May 1, 2022 at the Crown Plaza in Springfield, Illinois. Grant in Aid applications are accepted from throughout the state of Illinois from female students of sophomore or above status who have been awarded a chapter level grant in aid.

Francesca Burkett majored in both History and Geology, with three minors in Math, Ancient Practices, and Environmental Studies.

Happy Easter! We had the pleasure to share in a joint chapter meeting on April 2, 2022 with Beta Delta Chapter hosting at the Scuttle Inn in Percy, IL. We were so thankful to be together in person, and both chapters were well represented with 27 members in total attending. 

Our December 2021 meeting was an exciting event as we prepared Christmas baskets of school supplies to be distributed to elementary school teachers in Alexander, Pulaski and Union county schools.                 We held a special portion of our meeting learning of our DKG founders, then we honored our own members who are currently in the classroom and acknowledged that "We See You, We Appreciate You, We Celebrate You" recognizing the difficulties they are facing during this covid pandemic. A festive atmosphere complete with Christmas music, food and conversation were enjoyed by all. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

November 2021  Auction Fundraiser 

On November 4, 2021 we finally met together in person at the Jackson County Extension Office to share a meal and participate in both a silent auction and a white elephant auction. Not only is this event an amazing good time, but we raise funds for Elementary School Christmas Baskets, The Women's Center in Carbondale, and the Marion Medical Mission. Over $800 was raised during this evening.  

Co-President Lynn Love presents Allis Hays with her DKG 70 year membership pin! Congratulations!

Co-President Lynn Love presents Regina Sanders with her DKG 45 year membership pin! Congratulations!

Co-President Lynn Love presents Barbara Corcoran with her DKG 55 year membership pin! Congratulations!

Co-President Lynn Love, 70 yr membership recipient Allis Hays, 45 yr membership recipient Regina Sanders, and Treasurer Frances Pierce

Membership Awards 

On April 17, 2021 our Co-President Lynn Love and Treasurer Frances Pierce made special presentations at three of our members' homes as we are not yet meeting in person. Allis Hays, 70 year recipient, and Barbara Corcoran, 55 year recipient, were both kindergarten teachers. Regina Sanders is a 45 year recipient. Congratulations ladies, and thank you for your example and many years of service.

Our February 2021 monthly meeting inducted a new member ~ Welcome Melissa Lappin! Thank you Ann Schwengel for a beautiful virtual ceremony. We never stop learning and making application as educators, all be it a virtual meeting and a virtual induction ceremony was not on the radar a few years back.

Our March 2020 meeting was an informative and eye opening evening as our special guest speaker, Debbie Gooden, discussed teaching students with visual challenges in her presentation "Eye on Education". CPDUs were obtainable during this workshop to those in attendance.

Our February 2020 Tea meeting was an informative and tasty event! Dr. Andrea Brown shared with us on Health and Wellness and we had a beautiful and delicious assortment of delectables brought from our Marion members.

The December 2019 meeting focused on two major purposes: Creating Christmas Baskets for our Williamson County Schools Project and celebrating Christmas. Both were a great success! Here are some highlights from the afternoon

The November 2019 meeting focused on two major purposes: Enjoy each others' company and having fun with auction items while raising funds for the Florence Cook Scholarship! Both were a great success! Here are some highlights from the evening

Jackson County Schools Baskets

Our December 2018 meeting was held on the 8th at Marion Junior High School. We filled over 20 totes with school supplies for various classrooms in Jackson County. We owe a big thank you to Jennifer Bunton for purchasing and decorating the totes and to both Jennifer and Lori Creamer for managing the collection of the supplies for the totes.