Show Etiquette & Theatre Rules


1. Clap during and after numbers

2. Parents stay the entire show and students must stay backstage the ENTIRE SHOW.

3. Parents who bring infants to the performance should quickly exit the auditorium if the infant begins to cry or create a distraction for the audience. Please reserve seats near the end of the row for an easier and less disruptive exit.

4. Please refrain from getting out of your seat during the show. The performances are videotaped, and someone getting up could block a performance shot. 

5. There will be no saving seats prior to arrival of all guest. 


1. NO food or drink.

2. NO video cameras during the show will be allowed. The recital is professionally videotaped with a quality far superior to what you will get on a home camera shooting between heads in the audience, and you will be asked to leave if you are videotaping. 

4. Family and Friends may take pictures, but please turn your flash off. It is not only very distracting for the children on stage but dangerous as well. 

3. Cell phones/I-Pad's/handheld electronic games must be turned off or placed on silent.