What is DIY Learning?

DIY learning, short for "Do It Yourself," is a dynamic and empowering approach to acquiring knowledge and skills. It places the learner in control, allowing people to become the ring-masters of their education, explore their own interests, and set their own pace for learning. DIY learning is characterized by its self-directed nature, which enables learners to decide their own educational journey, choosing what, when, where, and how they want to learn. This approach is gaining significant popularity thanks to its various benefits.

One of the primary advantages of DIY learning is its flexibility. Learners have the freedom to design their own experiences, as well as select topics and subjects that work towards their personal interests and goals. This flexibility enhances motivation and allows for a more personalized and relevant learning experience. Additionally, DIY learning promotes independence, as individuals are responsible for setting their objectives and monitoring their own progress. "Learners become more problem-centered in their learning" and their motivation increases (Van der walt, 2019, p. 5). In addition, learners decide when they have reached a sufficeint level for their purposes, as opposed to being directed by an instructor. This self-determined approach allows a sense of empowerment, as learners gain confidence in their ability to acquire new skills and knowledge on their own. Students then "perceive the goals of a learning experience to be their personal goals as well; they accept a share of the responsibility for planning and operating a learning experience, and therefore have a feeling of commitment toward it" (Van der walt, 2019, p. 5). This increase in positivity in learning can lead to more meaningful learning and better engagement with learning experiences in general.

Another key benefit of DIY learning is the potential for cost-effectiveness. Many DIY learners take advantage of free or low-cost resources available online, such as educational websites, open-source textbooks, and instructional videos. This affordability equalizes education, making it accessible to a broader audience, regardless of financial constraints. However, it is important to note that pay-walls are becoming more common on the internet and access to resources does require a level of privilege in accessibility to technology and internet. Furthermore, DIY learners often develop problem-solving and research skills, which can be helpful in various aspects of life, from career development to personal growth. Overall, DIY learning acts as an opportunity to a more self-reliant, adaptable, and fulfilled lifelong learner. However, the ability to DIY learning is, in itself, "a trait of ability of the learner" and as such is something that must also be learned (Van der walt, 2019, p. 10).

DIY/Self Directed Learning TED talks

Feel free to sample one or more of these talks about self-teaching