Research Interests

The primary objective of my research is to design and synthesize diverse transition metal catalysts that can efficiently perform valuable organic transformation reactions. 

Organometallic catalysis is a rapidly evolving field at the intersection of organometallic chemistry and catalysis. It involves the use of organometallic compounds as catalysts to facilitate and accelerate various chemical reactions. In recent years, there have been significant advancements and emerging trends in organometallic catalysis. One notable trend is the development of new ligands and catalyst designs that provide enhanced reactivity, selectivity, and stability. Additionally, the use of earth-abundant metals as catalysts has gained attention due to their cost-effectiveness and sustainability. Another important trend is the exploration of novel reaction mechanisms and the understanding of structure-activity relationships. These advances have enabled the development of highly efficient catalytic systems for a wide range of applications, including pharmaceutical synthesis, polymerization, and sustainable energy conversion. Overall, organometallic catalysis plays a crucial role in modern chemistry, offering innovative solutions to complex synthetic challenges and contributing to the advancement of various scientific and technological fields.